Live Demo 👽
Movement: Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the character (represented by a red square) up, down, left, or right within the game area.
Shooting Enemies: Click anywhere within the game area to shoot enemies. Aim at the blue squares to eliminate them. Each time you successfully shoot an enemy, your score will increase.
Winning: The game ends when you successfully eliminate 20 enemies. You will then see a "You Win!" message along with your final score. You can restart the game by clicking the "Restart" button in the modal.
Pausing: Press the space bar on your keyboard to pause the game at any time. When the game is paused, a modal will appear indicating that the game is paused. To resume the game, click the "Resume" button in the modal.
Game Over: If your character collides with an enemy, the game will end. You will see a "Game Over!" message along with your final score. You can restart the game by clicking the "Restart" button in the modal.
Enjoy playing the game!
Sound Effect by floraphonic from Pixabay
Sound Effect from Pixabay
Sound Effect from Pixabay
Sound Effect from Pixabay