An Elixir archive that teaches Mix
how to work with Gleam code and
Install the Gleam compiler onto your machine. Installation instructions can be found here.
Install or update the MixGleam
archive from Hex:
$ mix archive.install hex mix_gleam
To install or update from source:
$ mix archive.uninstall mix_gleam # if this archive was previously installed
$ git clone
$ cd mix_gleam
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix do, archive.install
Configure your Mix
project to use the MixGleam
archive to work with Gleam's
compiler and Gleam dependencies:
# in mix.exs
# ...
@app :my_gleam_app
def project do
app: @app,
# ...
archives: [mix_gleam: "~> 0.6"],
compilers: [:gleam | Mix.compilers()],
aliases: [
# Or add this to your aliases function
"deps.get": ["deps.get", "gleam.deps.get"]
erlc_paths: [
# For Gleam < v0.25.0
erlc_include_path: "build/dev/erlang/#{@app}/include",
# For Elixir >= v1.15.0
prune_code_paths: false,
# ...
# ...
To see an entire example mix.exs
file you can adapt to your existing Mix
$ mix --retro
If you want to write Gleam code in your project, it's a good idea to add
and gleeunit
to your project's dependencies:
# in mix.exs
# ...
defp deps do
# ...
{:gleam_stdlib, "~> 0.34 or ~> 1.0"},
{:gleeunit, "~> 1.0", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false},
# ...
# ...
Make a src
directory for your Gleam code to live in:
$ mkdir src
And add the build
directory to your .gitignore
file so Gleam's build
artefacts are not included in your project.
To run Gleam tests from the test/
directory with :gleeunit
, you can run:
$ mix gleam.test
Check the test project for an example that contains both Elixir and Gleam code. See the Elixir and Gleam test files to find examples on calling Gleam code from Elixir, and vice-versa.