- I am a researcher with a PhD in Physics, working in the field of x-ray & neutron radiation diffraction.
- I worked at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon for a while, did my PhD and a short postdoc.
- Now we're building our own synchrotron in Novosibirsk, Russia. It is called «SKIF» (transliterated from a Russian abbreviation for Siberian Ring Photon Source), and the best source of news for it is our telegram channel (Russian language only, sorry).
My baby from the times at Hereon: P61AToolkit
This is a piece of user software that enables energy-dispersive diffraction data analysis at P61A beamlne at PETRA III. We have a website with its main features and some tutorials with screenshots.
My old, old set of lab excercises for neutron scattering students at SPbSU: NeutronLab
A set of UIs emulating the basic functions of several beamlines at IR-8 research reactor at NRC KI. Allows the students to do introductory level labwork without the hassle of actually going to a nuclear reactor.
My fresh, fresh course on data analysis in Python for 1st year bachelors at NSTU: pycourse01
If you are reading this during spring semester of 2024, it is so fresh, that it's not even finished yet 🙄. Updates every week or so!
Student notes & problem sets are here. The rest is a semi-developed attempt at automated grading, which I started and then immediately found too cruel towards the students. This will probably evolve a lot.
And finally, my synchrotron beamline modeling repo: skif-xrt
I aim to have a model for every SKIF beamline there at some point. However, right now I am only involved with 1-5 and 2-1 (NSTU_SCW in the repo), so they are the only ones to be trusted.
Also (if you are into that sort of thing 🤓) I have a tmux & neovim config that I use every day on my laptop and several linux VMs.