Releases: glhrmfrts/q1compile
Releases · glhrmfrts/q1compile
- Open multiple config tabs.
- Customize compilation steps order and add custom commands with variables.
- Option to auto-save when closing configs or exiting the app.
- Save selected compiler options as a new preset.
- Utility links to mapping tutorials, downloading tools and editor.
- Reorganized UI more logically.
- Bugfix: regarding recent configs history.
- Bugfix: watch map file sometimes failed to detect changes.
- Remember whether sections of the UI were open or not.
- Add option to compile the map on launch, instead of using the 'watch map file' option.
- Add option to save current tools options as new preset.
- Better logging for better error diagnostics.
- Bugfix: Check worldspawn and brush entities' light related fields when doing map diff.
- Bugfix: Don't compile if the 'Work Dir' is the same as the map source directory.
- Add "auto apply -onlyents" option, to perform a map diff and re-compile only the necessary steps (experimental feature).
- Add "use map mod" option to launch the game using the mod indicated in the map file (TB only).
- Detect presence of .pts file and indicate in the GUI if map is leaking.
- Copy the .pts file back to the source dir.
- Add help markers and tooltips for the various options in the GUI.
- Set the user's temp dir as default for Work Dir.
- Add button to open paths in explorer.
- Change the GUI font.
- Add editor exe path and editor launch options.
- If watching a map, compile on launch.
- Fix the weird and ugly output from the compiler tools caused by "\r" character.
- UI change.
- Added compiler tools presets.
- Menu commands for clearing work and output files.
- Display recent configs in the menu bar.
- Better logging during compiling.
- Requests confirmation if trying to create a new config while the current one is modified.
- If 'Run' command is issued while compilation is in progress, Quake will be run after that.
- Bugfix: If the map source file changes while compiling, stop the compilation and start again.
- Bugfix: Check if .lit file was produced by light.exe instead of assuming it always does.
- Bugfix: Reset file browser flags when selecting Engine and Map Source paths.
- Bugfix: Remove .bsp extension in +map argument for engines.
- Bugfix: Add .cfg extension when saving configs if no extension was provived.