is a package from the many
packages universe. It provides contributors the necessary tools to put
their data in the hands of users. The package includes functions to make
this easier to set up a ‘many’ package, import their existing data, and
export them in structures consistent with other packages in the many
packages universe.
For more details, please see the vignette.
The development version of {manypkgs}
can be downloaded from GitHub.
# install.packages("remotes")
The many packages universe aims at making it easier to collect, correct,
and and connect network data across issue-domains of global governance.
manydata is the core package
ofnthe many packages universe. The package makes it easy to find,
download, and analyze all the data included in the various ‘many
packages’. For example, the manydata::get_packages()
function can be
used to discover the packages currently available in the many packages
## # A tibble: 7 × 6
## name full_name
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 manydata globalgov/manydata
## 2 manyenviron globalgov/manyenviron
## 3 manyhealth globalgov/manyhealth
## 4 manypkgs globalgov/manypkgs
## 5 manystates globalgov/manystates
## 6 manytrade globalgov/manytrade
## 7 messydates globalgov/messydates
## description
## <chr>
## 1 An R portal for ensembled global governance data
## 2 R Package for ensembled data on environmental agreements
## 3 An R package for ensembled data on international health organisations
## 4 Support for creating new manyverse packages
## 5 An R package for ensembled data on sovereign states
## 6 An R package for ensembled data on trade agreements
## 7 An R package for ISO's Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF)
## installed latest updated
## <chr> <chr> <date>
## 1 0.7.5 0.7.5 2022-06-07
## 2 0.1.2 0.1.2 2022-03-16
## 3 <NA> 0.1.1-272ea19 2022-02-15
## 4 0.2.2 0.2.1 2022-02-18
## 5 0.1.0 0.0.6 2021-12-06
## 6 0.1.2 0.1.2 2022-07-14
## 7 0.3.1 0.3.0 2022-07-04
Please see the website for more
information about how to use {manypkgs}
as a developer or as a data
contributor. For more information on {manydata}
, please see the