Construction of numerical wormhole solutions of type II SUGRA for both massive type IIA on
Gregory J. Loges, Gary Shiu and Thomas Van Riet, A 10d construction of Euclidean axion wormholes in flat and AdS space, arXiv:2302.03688.
Consistent truncations are identified for each model in the reduction to 4D/5D. To find wormhole solutions these necessarily include massive scalars. The actions for the relevant modes are
- Massive type IIA on
$S^3\times S^3$ :
- Type IIB on
$T^{1,1}$ :
In both cases the metric ansatz is taken to be
so that the coordinate
typeIIA_S3xS3.nb and typeIIB_T11.nb: Mathematica notebooks with derivations of the 4D/5D equations of motion directly from 10D, including cross-checks with the 4D/5D actions above, as well as the construction of perturbative solutions used to set the initial conditions at
$r=0$ in the shooting method. - Implementation of the equations of motion and shooting method, as well as some functionality for extracting the dual one-point functions.
wh_examples.ipynb: Demonstrates functionality of with examples of numerically constructed wormholes, both with and without the shooting method.
wh_plots.ipynb: High-res images of wormhole profiles and two-dimensional parameter space, for use in paper.
wh_animation.ipynb: Plots of
$T^{1,1}$ wormholes along a rectangular path in parameter space, for use in an animation.
The functions solve_S3S3() and solve_T11() solve the equations of motion for given wormhole size and initial conditions. Without fine-tuning the initial conditions the geometry quickly becomes singular or the scalars diverge. The functions wormhole_S3S3() and wormhole_T11() return wormhole solutions of size