Hello everyone. I am attempting to perform simulations of polydisperse systems. The most straightforward way to implement this, that I could think of, was to assign each particle a different diameter drawn from a continuous probability distribution, and as such each particle has assigned a unique type. Since I am using hard-like interactions (particles interact via the WCA potential), I see that sometimes particles are touching each other, something that should not be the case. I was wondering if there is a better way of doing this, since most likely I am incorrectly assigning the interactions between particles. I provide here the code that I am using to do the simulations. import itertools
from pathlib import Path
import gsd.hoomd
import hoomd
import numpy as np
PROJECT_DIR = Path().resolve()
def from_snapshot_to_frame(snapshot):
"""A function that takes a Snapshot from the current state of the simulation,
and converts it to a Frame, in order to preserve data like diameters of particles."""
frame = gsd.hoomd.Frame()
frame.particles.N = snapshot.particles.N
frame.particles.position = snapshot.particles.position
frame.particles.orientation = snapshot.particles.orientation
frame.particles.typeid = snapshot.particles.typeid
frame.particles.types = snapshot.particles.types
frame.particles.diameter = snapshot.particles.diameter
frame.configuration.box = snapshot.configuration.box
return frame
def main():
m = 32
total_particles = 2 * m**2
n_particles = 1024
rng = np.random.default_rng()
print(f"Number of particles: {n_particles}")
# Particles' positioning
spacing = 1.5
K = np.ceil(np.sqrt(total_particles)).astype(np.int64)
L = K * spacing
x = np.linspace(-L / 2, L / 2, K, endpoint=False)
# Repeat twice for a 2D system
position = np.array(list(itertools.product(x, repeat=2)))
position = position[:n_particles]
position = np.column_stack((position, np.zeros((n_particles,))))
# "4" is the size of the quaternion for setting the orientation
orientation = [(1, 0, 0, 0)] * n_particles
frame = gsd.hoomd.Frame()
frame.particles.N = n_particles
frame.particles.position = position
frame.particles.orientation = orientation
# Diameters and types are now going to be continuous using polydispersity
polydispersity = 0.09
diameters = rng.normal(loc=1.0, scale=polydispersity, size=n_particles)
frame.particles.diameter = diameters
frame.particles.mass = diameters**2
frame.particles.typeid = np.zeros((n_particles,))
frame.particles.types = [f"A{i}" for i in range(1, n_particles + 1)]
# Set the box dimensions to be 2D
frame.configuration.box = [L, L, 0, 0, 0, 0]
file_path = PROJECT_DIR.joinpath("lattice.gsd")
with gsd.hoomd.open(name=file_path, mode="w") as f:
# Create the simulation object and set a random number
device = hoomd.device.CPU()
simulation = hoomd.Simulation(device=device, seed=rng.integers(2**16))
# Integration and pair interactions
integrator = hoomd.md.Integrator(dt=0.00001)
cell = hoomd.md.nlist.Cell(buffer=0.5)
lj = hoomd.md.pair.LJ(nlist=cell)
# Interactions are now split into identical and cross-term
types = frame.particles.types
# First, we do identical terms
for t, d in zip(types, diameters):
lj.params[(t, t)] = dict(epsilon=1, sigma=d)
lj.r_cut[(t, t)] = 2 ** (1.0 / 6.0) * d
# Now we do cross terms, we double loop
for i in range(n_particles - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, n_particles):
cross_sigma = (diameters[i] + diameters[j]) / 2.0
lj.params[(types[i], types[j])] = dict(epsilon=1, sigma=cross_sigma)
lj.r_cut[(types[i], types[j])] = 2 ** (1.0 / 6.0) * cross_sigma
current_packing = np.pi * np.sum(diameters) / (4.0 * L**2)
# Set the temperature and the integration method
temperature = 1.5
brownian = hoomd.md.methods.Brownian(filter=hoomd.filter.All(), kT=temperature)
simulation.operations.integrator = integrator
filter=hoomd.filter.All(), kT=temperature
snapshot = simulation.state.get_snapshot()
frame = from_snapshot_to_frame(snapshot)
with gsd.hoomd.open(name=PROJECT_DIR.joinpath("random.gsd"), mode="w") as f:
# Compression step
initial_volume_fraction = simulation.state.N_particles / simulation.state.box.volume
device.notice(f"Initial density: {initial_volume_fraction}")
final_packing_fraction = 0.74
final_rho = final_packing_fraction * 4.0 / np.pi
final_volume = simulation.state.N_particles / final_rho
inverse_volume_ramp = hoomd.variant.box.InverseVolumeRamp(
box_resize = hoomd.update.BoxResize(
f"Final density: {simulation.state.N_particles / simulation.state.box.volume}"
snapshot = simulation.state.get_snapshot()
frame = from_snapshot_to_frame(snapshot)
with gsd.hoomd.open(name=PROJECT_DIR.joinpath("compressed.gsd"), mode="w") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() I also provide here a snapshot of my system, which shows ordering, something that should also not happen at this state point (temperature and density). |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
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You assign the same type id to all particles: You should assign different type ids to the particles that you want to have a different size. |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
You assign the same type id to all particles:
frame.particles.typeid = np.zeros((n_particles,))
. Therefore, they will all interact with the LJ sigma you assigned for the pair(types[0], types[0])
.You should assign different type ids to the particles that you want to have a different size.