Utilities for working with Java 8 streams. MoreStreams provides a few convenient static methods; KeyedStream makes working with streams of Map entries readable.
import com.palantir.common.streams.KeyedStream;
A KeyedStream<K, V>
is syntactic sugar around a Stream<Map.Entry<K, V>>
, with methods for filtering/updating keys,
values and whole entries. You can create a KeyedStream from a Map, or from a Stream or Iterable, giving initially
identical keys and values.
KeyedStream.of(Stream.of(1, 2, 3)) // keys and values are initially identical
.map(v -> v * 2) // keys remain unchanged, values are doubled
.mapKeys(Integer::toString) // values remain unchanged
.collectToMap(); // returns a Map<String, Integer>
Each map function also accepts a BiFunction, making it easy to modify keys based on values, and vice versa:
.map((k, v) -> new FooType(k, v)) // keys remain unchanged
import static com.palantir.common.streams.MoreStreams.*;
creates streams from: