simple backup script for desktop linux using standard stuff: tar, openssl for file encrypt, ssh for copy to remote.
supports tar listed-incremental mode, but with only level 0 and 1
supports tar --exclude-tag= with tag MYCACHE.TAG -- put an empty file called MYCACHE.TAG in any directory you don't want backed up.
to restore, just decrypt the file(s) by hand if required: openssl des -d -in archive.n.tgz.des -out archive.n.tgz
enter the encryption key when prompted. then untar normally, starting with level 0 then level 1. no
special tar options are needed on restore.
the backup system i use on my servers is based on "dump" and doesn't do incrementals at the file/directory level (only at the filesystem level). for my desktop pc, i don't need a backup of the whole filesystem, really only my home dir and maybe a couple dirs with config stuff.
also, the scp to remote and encryption options are different than what i normally need on my private server network.
and the ubuntu backup program sucks (well, maybe it doesn't, but it's non-standard at best, apparently only does full restores, only supports gpg, and i wouldn't know how to restore on a non-ubuntu machine without some effort)