The intention of this guide is to walk you through the experience of promoting your first application using the Tanzu Application Platform!
The intended user of this guide is anyone curious about Tanzu Application Platform and its parts. There are two high level workflows described within this document:
The application development experience with the Developer Toolkit components
The administration, set up and management of Supply Chains, Security Tools, Services and Application Accelerators
In order to take full advantage of this document, ensure you have followed Installing Tanzu Application Platform.
In this section you’ll deploy a simple web-application to the platform, enable debugging and see your code updates added to the running application as you save them.
Before getting started, ensure the following prerequisites are in place:
Tanzu Application Platform is installed on the target Kubernetes cluster (install instructions here and here)
Default kube config context is set to the target Kubernetes cluster
A developer namespace has been setup to accomodate the developer's Workload. See Set Up Developer Namespaces to Use Installed Packages.
The Application Accelerator component helps app developers and app operators through the creation and generation of application accelerators (accelerators for short). Accelerators are templates that codify best practices and/or ensure important configuration and structures are in place from the start.
Developers can bootstrap their applications and get started with feature development right away. Application Operators can create custom accelerators that reflect their desired architectures and configurations and enable fleets of developers to utilize them, decreasing operator concerns about whether developers are implementing their desired best practices.
Application Accelerator templates are available as a quickstart from Tanzu Network. To create your own Application Accelerator, see Creating an Accelerator.
Follow these steps to get started with an accelerator called Tanzu-Java-Web-App
Visit your Application Accelerator by following the steps in Using Application Accelerator for VMware Tanzu.
Select the Tanzu Java Web App accelerator, which is a sample Spring Boot web app.
Replace the default value
in the "prefix for container image registry" field with the URL to your registry. The URL you enter must match theREGISTRY_SERVER
value you provided when you installed the default Supply Chain. For more information, see Install default Supply Chain.Note: This entry should not include the project ID or image name.
Click the Generate Project button to download the accelerator zip file. You use this accelerator code in the Iterate on your Application section later.
Deploy the Tanzu Java Web App accelerator by running the
tanzu apps workload create
command:tanzu apps workload create tanzu-java-web-app \ --git-repo \ --git-branch main \ --type web \ --label \ --yes
For more information, see Tanzu Apps Workload Create.
Note: This first deploy uses accelerator source from Git, but you use the VScode extension to debug and live-update this app in later steps.
View the build and runtime logs for your app by running the
command:tanzu apps workload tail tanzu-java-web-app --since 10m --timestamp
After the workload is built and running, get the web-app URL by running
tanzu apps workload get tanzu-java-web-app
and then pressing ctrl-click on the Workload Knative Services URL at the bottom of the command output.
To see this application in your organization catalog, you must point to the catalog definition file included in the accelerator zip file.
Ensure you have already installed the Blank Software Catalog. For installation information, see Configure the Tanzu Application Platform GUI.
Add the path to the application in the
file for your catalog, as seen in this example:apiVersion: kind: Location metadata: name: backstage-catalog-info description: A sample catalog for Backstage annotations: '': dir:. spec: targets: - ./components/backstage.yaml - ./groups/default-org.yaml - ./systems/backstage-system.yaml - ./domains/backstage-domain.yaml - https://<GIT-LOCATION-OF-ACCELERATOR>/catalog-info.yaml
is the location of the accelerator's catalog definition file.
The default catalog refresh is 200 seconds. After your catalog refreshes you can see the entry in the catalog and interact with it.
Now that you have a skeleton workload working, you are ready to iterate on your application and test code changes on the cluster. Tanzu Developer Tools for VSCode, VMware Tanzu’s official IDE extension for VSCode, helps you develop & receive fast feedback on the Tanzu Application Platform.
The VSCode extension enables live updates of your application while it runs on the cluster and lets you debug your application directly on the cluster.
For information about installing the pre-requisites and the Tanzu Developer Tools extension, see How to Install the VSCode Tanzu Extension.
Open the ‘Tanzu Java Web App’ as a project within your VSCode IDE.
In order to ensure your extension helps you iterate on the correct project, you’ll need to configure its settings:
Within VSCode, go to Preferences -> Settings -> Extensions -> Tanzu
In the “Local Path” field, enter the path to the directory containing the ‘Tanzu Java Web App’
In the “Source Image” field, enter the destination image repository where you’d like to publish an image containing your workload’s source code. For example “”
You’re now ready to iterate on your application!
Let’s deploy the application and see it live update on the cluster. Doing so allows you to understand how your code changes will behave on a production-like cluster much earlier in the development process.
Follow these steps:
From the Command Palette (⇧⌘P), type in & select “Tanzu: Live Update Start”.
Tanzu Logs opens up in the Output tab and you will see output from the Tanzu Application Platform and from Tilt indicating that the container is being built and deployed.
Since this is your first time starting live update for this application, it may take 1-3 minutes for the workload to be deployed and the knative service to become available.
Once you see output indicating that the workload is ready, navigate to http://localhost:8080 in your browser and view your application running.
Return to the IDE and make a change to the source code. For example, in, modify the string returned to say
and save. -
If you look in the Tanzu Logs section of the Output tab, you will see the container has updated. Navigate back to your browser and refresh the page.
You will see your changes on the cluster.
You can now continue to make more changes. If you are finished, you can stop or disable live update. Open the command palette (⇧⌘P), type in Tanzu, and select either option.
You can debug your cluster on your application or in your local environment.
Follow the steps below to debug your cluster:
- Set a breakpoint in your code.
- Right click on the file
within theconfig
folder, and selectTanzu: Java Debug Start
. In a few moments, the workload will be redeployed with debugging enabled. - Return to your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080. This will hit the breakpoint within VSCode. You can now step through or play to the end of the debug session using VSCode debugging controls.
Now that your application is developed you may be interested in inspecting the run time characteristics of the running application. You can use Application Live View UI to look into the running application to monitor resource consumption, JVM status, incoming traffic as well as change log level, environment variables to troubleshoot and fine-tune the running application. Currently, Spring Boot based applications can be diagnosed using Application Live View.
Make sure that you have installed Application Live View components successfully.
Access Application Live View Tanzu Application Platform GUI following the instruction here. Select your application to look inside the running application and explore the various diagnostic capabilities.
You can use any git repository to create an Accelerator. You need the URL for the repository to create an Accelerator.
Use the following procedure to create an accelerator:
Select the New Accelerator tile from the accelerators in the Application Accelerator web UI.
Fill in the new project form with the following information:
- Name: Your Accelerator name. This is the name of the generated ZIP file.
- (Optional) Description: A description of your accelerator.
- K8s Resource Name: A Kubernetes resource name to use for the Accelerator.
- Git Repository URL: The URL for the git repository that contains the accelerator source code.
- Git Branch: The branch for the git repository.
- (Optional) Tags: Any associated tags that can be used for searches in the UI.
Download and expand the zip file.
- The output contains a YAML file for an Accelerator resource, pointing to the git repository.
- The output contains a file named
which defines the metadata for your new accelerator.
To apply the k8s-resource.yml, run the following command in your terminal in the folder where you expanded the zip file:
kubectl apply -f k8s-resource.yaml
Refresh the Accelerator web UI to reveal the newly published accelerator.
The Accelerator zip file contains a file called new-accelerator.yaml
This file is a starting point for the metadata for your new accelerator and the associated options and file processing instructions.
This new-accelerator.yaml
file should be copied to the root directory of your git repo and named accelerator.yaml
Copy this file into your git repo as accelerator.yaml
to have additional attributes rendered in the web UI.
After you push that change to your git repository, the Accelerator is refreshed based on the git.interval
setting for the Accelerator resource. The default is 10 minutes. You can run the following command to force an immediate reconciliation:
tanzu accelerator update <accelerator-name> --reconcile
Supply Chains provide a way of codifying all of the steps of your path to production, or what is more commonly known as CI/CD. A supply chain differs from CI/CD in that you can add any and every step that is necessary for an application to reach production, or a lower environment.
A path to production allows users to create a unified access point for all of the tools required for their applications to reach a customer-facing environment. Instead of having four tools that are loosely coupled to each other, a path to production defines all four tools in a single, unified layer of abstraction.
Where tools typically are not able to integrate with one another and additional scripting or webhooks are necessary, there would be a unified automation tool to codify all the interactions between each of the tools. Supply chains used to codify the organization's path to production are configurable, allowing their authors to add all of the steps of their application's path to production.
Tanzu Application Platform provides three out of the box supply chains designed to work with Tanzu Application Platform components.
The Tanzu Application Platform installation steps cover installing the default Supply Chain, but others are available. If you follow the installation documentation, the Out of the Box Basic Supply Chain and its dependencies are installed on your cluster. The table and diagrams below describe the two supply chains included in Tanzu Application Platform Beta 3, as well as their dependencies.
The Out of the Box with Testing runs a Tekton pipeline within the supply chain. It is dependent on Tekton being installed on your cluster.
The Out of the Box with Testing and Scanning supply chain includes integrations for secure scanning tools.
The following section installs the second supply chain, includes steps to install Tekton and provides a sample Tekton pipeline that tests your sample application. The pipeline is configurable, therefore you can customize the steps to perform additional testing, or any other tasks that can be performed with a Tekton pipeline.
Out of the Box Basic - default Supply Chain
Name | Package Name | Description | Dependencies |
Out of the Box Basic (Default - Installed during Installing Part 2) |
This supply chain monitors a repository that is identified in the developer’s `workload.yaml` file. When any new commits are made to the application, the supply chain will:
Out of the Box Testing
Name | Package Name | Description | Dependencies |
Out of the Box Testing |
The Out of the Box Testing contains all of the same elements as the Source to URL. It allows developers to specify a Tekton pipeline that runs as part of the CI step of the supply chain.
All of the Source to URL dependencies, as well as:
Out of the Box Testing and Scanning
Name | Package Name | Description | Dependencies |
Out of the Box Testing and Scanning |
The Out of the Box Testing and Scanning contains all of the same elements as the Out of the Box Testing supply chiains but it also includes integrations out of the box with the secure scanning components of Tanzu Application Platform.
All of the Source to URL dependencies, as well as:
The first step is to install Tekton, which was only installed if you added install_tekton: true
to your tap-values.yaml
. If you did not, this next section walks you through installing Tekton on your cluster.
The supply chain uses Tekton to run tests defined by developers before you produce a container image for the source code, preventing code that fails tests from being promoted to deployment.
This version uses the open source version of Tekton. To install Tekton with kapp
, run:
kapp deploy --yes -a tekton \
We are using Tekton to run a unit test on the sample that we have been using in this document. For more details on Tekton, see the Tekton documentation and the github repository. You can also view the Tekton tutorial and getting started guide.
Now that Tekton is installed, you can install the Out of the Box with Testing supply chain on your cluster. Run:
tanzu package install ootb-supply-chain-testing \
--package-name \
--version 0.3.0-build.3 \
--namespace tap-install \
--values-file ootb-supply-chain-basic-values.yaml
In this section, we’ll add a Tekton pipeline to our cluster and in the following section, we’ll update the workload to point to the pipeline and resolve any of the current errors.
The next step is to add a Tekton pipeline to our cluster. Because a developer knows how their application needs to be tested this step could be performed by the developer. The Operator could also add these to a cluster prior to the developer getting access to it.
In order to add the Tekton supply chain to the cluster, we’ll apply the following YAML to the cluster:
kind: Pipeline
name: developer-defined-tekton-pipeline
- name: source-url
- name: source-revision
- name: test
- name: source-url
value: $(params.source-url)
- name: source-revision
value: $(params.source-revision)
- name: source-url
- name: source-revision
- name: test
image: gradle
script: |-
cd `mktemp -d`
wget -qO- $(params.source-url) | tar xvz
./mvnw test
The YAML above defines a Tekton Pipeline with a single step.
The step itself contained in the steps
will pull the code from the repository indicated
in the developers workload
and run the tests within the repository.
The steps of the Tekton pipeline are configurable and allow the developer to add any additional items
that they may need to test their code.
Because this step is just one in the supply chain (and the next step is an image build in this case),
the developer is free to focus on just testing their code.
Any additional steps that the developer adds to the Tekton pipeline will be independent
for the image being built and any subsequent steps of the supply chain being executed.
The params
are templated by the Supply Chain Choreographer.
Additionally, Tekton pipelines require a Tekton pipelineRun
in order to execute on the cluster.
The Supply Chain Choreographer handles creating the pipelineRun
dynamically each time
that step of the supply requires execution.
To connect the new supply chain to the workload, the workload must be updated to point at the your Tekton pipeline.
- Update the workload by running the following with the Tanzu CLI:
tanzu apps workload create tanzu-java-web-app \
--git-repo \
--git-branch main \
--type web-test \
--param tekton-pipeline-name=developer-defined-tekton-pipeline \
Create workload:
1 + |apiVersion:
2 + |kind: Workload
3 + |metadata:
4 + | labels:
5 + | web
6 + | name: tanzu-java-web-app
7 + | namespace: default
8 + |spec:
9 + | params:
10 + | - name: tekton-pipeline-name
11 + | value: developer-defined-tekton-pipeline
12 + | source:
13 + | git:
14 + | ref:
15 + | branch: main
16 + | url:
? Do you want to create this workload? Yes
Created workload "tanzu-java-web-app"
- After accepting the workload creation, monitor the creation of new resources by the workload by running:
kubectl get workload,gitrepository,pipelinerun,images.kpack,podintent,app,services.serving
You will see output similar to the following example that shows the objects that were created by the Supply Chain Choreographer:
NAME URL READY STATUS AGE True Fetched revision: main/872ff44c8866b7805fb2425130edb69a9853bfdf 109s
NAME URL LATESTCREATED LATESTREADY READY REASON tanzu-java-web-app-00001 tanzu-java-web-app-00001 Unknown IngressNotConfigured
Follow the steps below to perform an out-of-the-box installation.
Supply Chain Security Tools - Scan is installed as part of the Full profile. Verify that it installed by running:
tanzu package installed get scanning -n tap-install
If it is not installed, follow the steps in Supply Chain Security Tools - Scan to install the required scanning components, including the additional scanning templates that define how the source and image are scanned.
Install the Out of the Box Testing and Scanning supply chain by running:
tanzu package install ootb-supply-chain-testing-scanning \ --package-name \ --version 0.3.0-build.3 \ --namespace tap-install \ --values-file ootb-supply-chain-basic-values.yaml
Finally, in order to have the new supply chain connected to the workload, the workload needs to be updated to point at the newly created Tekton pipeline. The workload can be updated using the Tanzu CLI as follows:
tanzu apps workload create tanzu-java-web-app \
--git-repo \
--git-branch main \
--type web-scan \
--param tekton-pipeline-name=developer-defined-tekton-pipeline \
Create workload:
1 + |apiVersion:
2 + |kind: Workload
3 + |metadata:
4 + | labels:
5 + | web
6 + | name: tanzu-java-web-app
7 + | namespace: default
8 + |spec:
9 + | params:
10 + | - name: tekton-pipeline-name
11 + | value: developer-defined-tekton-pipeline
12 + | source:
13 + | git:
14 + | ref:
15 + | branch: main
16 + | url:
? Do you want to create this workload? Yes
Created workload "tanzu-java-web-app"
After accepting the creation of the new workload, we can monitor the creation of new resources by the workload using:
kubectl get workload,gitrepository,pipelinerun,images.kpack,podintent,app,services.serving
That should result in an output which will show all of the objects that have been created by the Supply Chain Choreographer:
NAME URL READY STATUS AGE True Fetched revision: main/872ff44c8866b7805fb2425130edb69a9853bfdf 109s
NAME URL LATESTCREATED LATESTREADY READY REASON tanzu-java-web-app-00001 tanzu-java-web-app-00001 Unknown IngressNotConfigured
There are two new supply chain security use cases that we support in Beta 2:
Sign: Introducing image signing and verification to your supply chain
Scan & Store: Introducing vulnerability scanning and metadata storage to your supply chain
In this section, we will provide an overview of these two new use cases and how to integrate them into your supply chain.
This feature-set allows an application operator to define a policy that will restrict unsigned images from running on clusters. This is done using a dynamic admission control component on Kubernetes clusters. This component contains logic to communicate with external registries and verify signatures on container images, making a decision based on the results of this verification. Currently, this component supports cosign signatures and its key formats. It will work with open source cosign, kpack and Tanzu Build Service (which is what we will overview in this document).
Signing an artifact creates metadata about it that allows consumers to verify its origin and integrity. By verifying signatures on artifacts prior to their deployment, this allows operators to increase their confidence that trusted software is running on their clusters.
Use Cases
- Validate signatures from a given registry.
Signing Container Images
Tanzu Application Platform supports verifying container image signatures that follow the cosign
Application operators may apply image signatures and store them in the registry in one of several ways:
Configure the Image Policy Webhook
After the webhook is running, create a service account named image-policy-registry-credentials
in the image-policy-system
namespace. This is required, even if the images and signatures are in public registries.
After the image policy webhook is installed in the cluster, configure the image policy you want to enforce and the credentials to access private registries.
Configure a service account to hold private registry secrets
When the platform operator is expecting to verify signatures stored in a private registry, it is required that you configure a service account with all the secrets for those private registries. The service account:
Must be created in the
namespace -
Must be called
All secrets for accessing private registries must be added to the
section of the service account
The manifest for the service account is similar to the following example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: image-policy-registry-credentials
namespace: image-policy-system
- name: secret1
- name: secret2
Create a Cluster Image Policy
The cluster image policy is a custom resource definition containing the following information:
A list of namespaces to which the policy should not be enforced.
A list of public keys complementary to the private keys that were used to sign the images.
A list of image name patterns to which we want to enforce the policy, mapping to the public keys to use for each pattern.
An example policy would look like this:
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
name: image-policy
- kube-system
- name: first-key
publicKey: |
<content ...>
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
- namePattern:*
- name: first-key
As of this writing, the custom resource for the policy must have a name of image-policy.
The platform operator should add to the verification.exclude.resources.namespaces
section any namespaces that are known to run container images that are not currently signed, such as kube-system
Examples and Expected Results
Assuming a platform operator creates the following policy:
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
name: image-policy
- kube-system
- test-namespace
- name: first-key
publicKey: |
<content ...>
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
- namePattern:*
- name: first-key
When a developer deploys an application with a matched image name and the image is signed:
- Expected result: resource is created successfully.
When a developer deploys an application with a matched image name and the image is unsigned:
- Expected result: resource is not created and an error message is shown in the CLI output.
When a developer deploys an application with an image from an unmatched pattern and the warnOnUnmatched feature flag is turned on:
- Expected result: resource is created successfully and a warning message is shown in the CLI output.
When a developer deploys an application with an image from an unmatched pattern and the warnOnUnmatched feature flag is turned off:
- Expected result: resource is not created and an error message is shown in the CLI output.
The Sign add on will output logs for the above scenarios. To have a look at the logs, the platform operator may issue the following command:
$ kubectl logs -n image-policy-system -l "" -f
This feature-set allows an application operator to introduce source code and image vulnerability scanning, as well as scan-time rules, to their Tanzu Application Platform Supply Chain. The scan-time rules prevent critical vulnerabilities from flowing through the supply chain unresolved.
All vulnerability scan results are stored over time in a metadata store that allows a team to easily reference historical scan results, and provides querying functionality to support the following use cases:
- What images and packages are affected by a specific vulnerability?
- What source code repos are affected by a specific vulnerability?
- What packages and vulnerabilities does a particular image have?
- What images are using a given package?
The Store accepts any CycloneDX input and outputs in both human-readable and machine-readable (JSON, text, CycloneDX) formats. Querying can be performed via a CLI, or directly from the API.
Use Cases
- Scan source code repositories and images for known CVEs prior to deploying to a cluster
- Identify CVEs by scanning continuously on each new code commit and/or each new image built
- Analyze scan results against user-defined policies using Open Policy Agent
- Produce vulnerability scan results and post them to the Metadata Store from where they can be queried
Follow the instructions here to try the following two types of public scans:
- Source code scan on a public repository
- Image scan on a image found in a public registry
Both examples include a policy to consider CVEs with Critical severity ratings as violations.
Follow the instructions here to perform a source code scan against a private registry or here to do an image scan on a private image.
After completing the scans from the previous step,
query the Supply Chain Security Tools - Store to view your vulnerability results.
The Supply Chain Security Tools - Store is a Tanzu component that stores image, package, and vulnerability metadata about your dependencies.
Use the Supply Chain Security Tools - Store CLI, called insight
to query metadata that have been submitted to the store after the scan step.
For a complete guide on how to query the store, see Querying Supply Chain Security Tools - Store.
Note: You must have the Supply Chain Security Tools - Store prerequisites in place to be able to query the store successfully.
One of the out-of-the-box supply chains we are working on for a future release will include image and source code vulnerability scanning and metadata storage into a preset Tanzu Application Platform supply chain. Until then, you can use this example to see how to try this out: Example Supply Chain including Source and Image Scans.
Next Steps and Further Information
Configure Code Repositories and Image Artifacts to be Scanned
Code and Image Compliance Policy Enforcement Using Open Policy Agent (OPA)
Tanzu Application Platform makes it easy to discover, curate, consume, and manage services in a single- or multi-cluster environment to enable app developers to focus on consuming services without having to worry about provisioning, configuration, and operations of the services themselves.
This experience is made possible by the Services Toolkit component of Tanzu Application Platform. Services Toolkit comprises a number of Kubernetes-native components that support the management, lifecycle, discoverability, and connectivity of Service Resources on Kubernetes, such as databases, message queues, DNS records, and so on. These components are:
- Service API Projection
- Service Resource Replication
- Service Offering
- Service Resource Claims
Each component has value on its own, however you can unlock the most powerful and valuable use cases by combining them.
For example, the APIs can enable the separation of application workloads and service resources into separate Kubernetes clusters. This allows, for example, a developer to create services from the same cluster that their app is running in, while underlying resources that comprise the services -- Pods, volumes, and so on -- are created and run in separate "Service" clusters.
This allows Service Operators, who are responsible for the lifecycle and management of the
services, greater control and flexibility in the services they provide.
- Service API Projection
Enables Service Operators to project Custom Kubernetes APIs from one cluster into another cluster. For example, from a Services Cluster into a Workload cluster. API Projection makes use of Kubernetes API Aggregation to proxy requests from one cluster to another. Setup and configuration of the proxy and API Aggregation machinery is automated, leading to a less manual and error-prone user experience.
When might you want to make use of API Projection?
Imagine that a Service Operator has installed the
RabbitMQ Cluster Operator for Kubernetes on to a cluster that is highly tuned and configured to the running of
RabbitMQ clusters.
They want to make the
Custom Kubernetes API that ships with the operator available to
developers so that they can provision RabbitMQ Clusters themselves.
However, they do not want developers to have direct access to the Service cluster.
They also do not want application workloads running in the same cluster as the RabbitMQ cluster
In this case they can make use of API Projection to project the
API from the Service
cluster into an Application Workload cluster, where developers can interact with it like they
interact with any other Kubernetes API.
- Service Resource Replication
Service Resource Replication automates the replication of core Kubernetes resources -- namely
Secrets -- across clusters securely. This is mainly used to help support API Projection of Service
Resource Lifecycle APIs, such as the
API mentioned above.
Typically, when creating service resources, such as RabbitmqCluster
, on such APIs, credentials to
access the service resource are stored in Secrets.
If using API Projection then the Secrets containing such credentials are created on the Service
clusters, and are therefore not available for apps to consume in application workload clusters.
Resource Replication is used to replicate such Secrets from Service Clusters into
Application Workload clusters so that they can be consumed.
- Service Offering
Service Offering APIs help to make services discoverable and understandable by enabling Service Operators to provide contextual metadata about the services they are providing.
- Resources Claims (coming soon!)
Enables developers to declare and consume services on demand without worrying about provisioning, binding or maintenance of the services themselves.
Most applications require backing services such as Databases, Queues, Caches, etc. in order to run successfully. This first use case demonstrates how it is possible to bind such a service to an Application Workload in Tanzu Application Platform. We will be using the RabbitMQ Cluster Operator for Kubernetes for this demonstration along with a very basic sample application that depends on RabbitMQ.
To begin, the RabbitMQ Cluster Operator will be installed and running on the same Kubernetes cluster as Tanzu Application Platform. We will then see how it is possible to use one of the capabilities of the Services Toolkit to move the Operator onto a separate, dedicated “Service” cluster, while still allowing the service to be consumed from the application “Workload” cluster.
Let’s start by playing the role of a Service Operator, who is responsible for installing the RabbitMQ Cluster Operator onto the cluster:
Install the RabbitMQ Operator by running:
kapp -y deploy --app rmq-operator --file
Create a ClusterRole that grants read permissions to the ResourceClaim controller to the Service resources, in this case RabbitMQ. Run:
#resource-claims-rmq.yaml --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: resource-claims-rmq labels: "true" rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["rabbitmqclusters"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
kubectl apply -f resource-claims-rmq.yaml
Ensure that the namespace is enabled to install packages so that Cartographer Workloads can be created. See Set Up Developer Namespaces to Use Installed Packages.
Let’s now switch hats to the Application Operator role and create a RabbitmqCluster instance we can use to bind to our application workload.
#rmq-1.yaml --- apiVersion: kind: RabbitmqCluster metadata: name: rmq-1
kubectl apply -f rmq-1.yaml
Next, create an application Workload to our previously created RabbitmqCluster instance. We will use an example Spring application that sends and receives messages to itself. Both the Workload and RabbitmqCluster instance must be in the same namespace.
tanzu apps workload create rmq-sample-app-usecase-1 --git-repo --git-branch v0.1.0 --type web --service-ref ""
Once the workload has been built and is running you can confirm it is up and running by grabbing the knative web-app URL.
tanzu apps workload get rmq-sample-app-usecase-1
Visit the URL and confirm the app is working by refreshing the page and noting the new message IDs.
This use case is similar to the above in that we will be binding a sample application workload to a RabbitMQ cluster resource, however this time round the RabbitMQ Cluster Operator and instances will be running on a completely separate kubernetes cluster - a dedicated services cluster. The Workloads need not know where the service instances are running. This enables decoupling of Workloads and Services thus protecting Workloads from Day2 operations in the services cluster.
Note: If you followed previous instructions for Services Journey - Use Case 1 then you MUST first remove RabbitMQ Cluster Operator from that cluster.
Follow the documentation to install Tanzu Application Platform onto a second, separate Kubernetes cluster
This cluster MUST have the ability to create LoadBalanced services.
This time you once you have added the Tanzu Application Platform Package Repository, rather than installing a profile, you only need to install the Services Toolkit package.
All other packages can be skipped over
This cluster will henceforth be referred to as the Service Cluster
Download and install the kubectl-scp plugin from Tanzu Application Platform Tanzu Network Page. To install the plugin you must place it in your PATH and ensure it is executable. For example:
sudo cp path/to/kubectl-scp /usr/local/bin/kubectl-scp sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl-scp
Now we have 2 Kubernetes clusters
- Workload Cluster where Tanzu Application Platform is installed (including Services toolkit).
- And confirmation that the RabbitMQ Cluster Operator is not installed on this cluster.
- Services Cluster where only the Services toolkit is installed.
Now let us see the different use cases where Services toolkit makes the Services Journey easy.
Note: The following steps have placeholder values WORKLOAD_CONTEXT
that you will need to update accordingly.
Playing the Service Operator role, firstly we will enable API Projection and Resource Replication between the Workload and Service cluster by linking the two clusters together using the kubectl scp plugin.
kubectl scp link --workload-kubeconfig-context=WORKLOAD_CONTEXT --service-kubeconfig-context=SERVICE_CONTEXT
Next, we will install the RabbitMQ Operator in the Services Cluster using kapp. This Operator will not be installed in Workload Cluster, but developers will have the ability to create RabbitMQ service instances from Workload Cluster.
Note: that this RabbitMQ Operator deployment has specific changes in it to enable cross cluster Service Binding. Use the exact
specified here.kapp -y deploy --app rmq-operator \ --file \ --kubeconfig-context SERVICE_CONTEXT
You can verify that the Operator has been installed with the following:
kubectl --context SERVICE_CONTEXT get crds
In the Workload Cluster, create a ClusterRole that grants read permissions to the ResourceClaim controller to the Service resources, in this case RabbitMQ.
#resource-claims-rmq.yaml --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: resource-claims-rmq labels: "true" rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["rabbitmqclusters"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
kubectl apply -f resource-claims-rmq.yaml
Federate the
API Group into the Workload Cluster. API federation is split into two parts - projection and replication. Projection applies to custom API Groups. Replication applies to core Kubernetes resources, such as Secrets. Before federating, create a pair of target namespaces where you will create RabbitmqCluster instances. The namespace name needs to be identical in the Application Workload and Service Cluster.kubectl --context WORKLOAD_CONTEXT create namespace my-project-1 kubectl --context SERVICE_CONTEXT create namespace my-project-1
Ensure that the namespace is enabled to install packages so that Cartographer Workloads can be created. See Set Up Developer Namespaces to Use Installed Packages.
Federate using the
plugin. Run:kubectl scp federate \ --workload-kubeconfig-context=WORKLOAD_CONTEXT \ --service-kubeconfig-context=SERVICE_CONTEXT \ --namespace=my-project-1 \ \ --api-version=v1beta1 \ --api-resource=rabbitmqclusters
Make RabbitMQ discoverable in the Workload Cluster so that developers can create RabbitMQ clusters. Run:
kubectl scp make-discoverable \ --workload-kubeconfig-context=WORKLOAD_CONTEXT \ \ --api-resource-kind=RabbitmqCluster
An Application Developer uses services available in the Workload Cluster. There is one service resource available in the example below.
kubectl --context=WORKLOAD_CONTEXT get clusterserviceresources NAME API KIND API GROUP DESCRIPTION RabbitmqCluster
Create a service instance of RabbitmqCluster in the Workload Cluster. Run:
# rabbitmq-cluster.yaml --- apiVersion: kind: RabbitmqCluster metadata: name: projected-rmq spec: service: type: LoadBalancer
kubectl --context WORKLOAD_CONTEXT -n my-project-1 apply -f rabbitmq-cluster.yaml
Confirm that the RabbitmqCluster resource reconciles successfully from the Workload cluster by running:
kubectl --context WORKLOAD_CONTEXT -n my-project-1 get -f rabbitmq-cluster.yaml
Confirm that RabbitMQ pods are not running in the Workload cluster, but are running in the service cluster.
kubectl --context WORKLOAD_CONTEXT -n my-project-1 get pods kubectl --context SERVICE_CONTEXT -n my-project-1 get pods
Create an application workload in Workload cluster that references your API Projected RabbitMQ instance. Run:
tanzu apps workload create -n my-project-1 rmq-sample-app-usecase2 --git-repo --git-branch v0.1.0 --type web --service-ref ""
Confirm that the workload is running by getting web-app URL. Run:
tanzu apps workload get -n my-project-1 rmq-sample-app-usecase2
Visit the URL and refresh the page to confirm the app is running by noting the new message IDs.
Here are some additional CLI commands to explore using the same app that you deployed and debugged earlier in this guide.
Add some envars
tanzu apps workload update tanzu-java-web-app --env foo=bar
Export the current running workload definition (to check into git, or promote to another environment)
tanzu apps workload get tanzu-java-web-app --export \ \
Explore the flags available for the workload commands:
tanzu apps workload -h
tanzu apps workload get -h
tanzu apps workload create -h
Create a simple java app from source code on your local file system
git clone
tanzu apps workload create pet-clinic --source-image <YOUR-REGISTRY.COM>/pet-clinic --local-path ./spring-petclinic