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feat: add tests for path package
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Signed-off-by: gfanton <>
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gfanton committed Aug 23, 2023
1 parent 2e964cf commit 1b18bea
Showing 1 changed file with 239 additions and 0 deletions.
239 changes: 239 additions & 0 deletions gnovm/stdlibs/path/path_test.gno
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package path

import (
// "runtime"

type PathTest struct {
path, result string

var cleantests = []PathTest{
// Already clean
{"", "."},
{"abc", "abc"},
{"abc/def", "abc/def"},
{"a/b/c", "a/b/c"},
{".", "."},
{"..", ".."},
{"../..", "../.."},
{"../../abc", "../../abc"},
{"/abc", "/abc"},
{"/", "/"},

// Remove trailing slash
{"abc/", "abc"},
{"abc/def/", "abc/def"},
{"a/b/c/", "a/b/c"},
{"./", "."},
{"../", ".."},
{"../../", "../.."},
{"/abc/", "/abc"},

// Remove doubled slash
{"abc//def//ghi", "abc/def/ghi"},
{"//abc", "/abc"},
{"///abc", "/abc"},
{"//abc//", "/abc"},
{"abc//", "abc"},

// Remove . elements
{"abc/./def", "abc/def"},
{"/./abc/def", "/abc/def"},
{"abc/.", "abc"},

// Remove .. elements
{"abc/def/ghi/../jkl", "abc/def/jkl"},
{"abc/def/../ghi/../jkl", "abc/jkl"},
{"abc/def/..", "abc"},
{"abc/def/../..", "."},
{"/abc/def/../..", "/"},
{"abc/def/../../..", ".."},
{"/abc/def/../../..", "/"},
{"abc/def/../../../ghi/jkl/../../../mno", "../../mno"},

// Combinations
{"abc/./../def", "def"},
{"abc//./../def", "def"},
{"abc/../../././../def", "../../def"},

func TestClean(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range cleantests {
if s := path.Clean(test.path); s != test.result {
t.Errorf("path.Clean(%q) = %q, want %q", test.path, s, test.result)
if s := path.Clean(test.result); s != test.result {
t.Errorf("path.Clean(%q) = %q, want %q", test.result, s, test.result)

// XXX: runtime is not an available package, 'AllocsPerRun' is not defined
// func TestCleanMallocs(t *testing.T) {
// if testing.Short() {
// t.Skip("skipping malloc count in short mode")
// }

// if runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) > 1 {
// t.Log("skipping AllocsPerRun checks; GOMAXPROCS>1")
// return
// }

// for _, test := range cleantests {
// // AllocsPerRun not available
// allocs := testing.AllocsPerRun(100, func() { path.Clean(test.result) })
// if allocs > 0 {
// t.Errorf("path.Clean(%q): %v allocs, want zero", test.result, allocs)
// }
// }
// }

type SplitTest struct {
path, dir, file string

var splittests = []SplitTest{
{"a/b", "a/", "b"},
{"a/b/", "a/b/", ""},
{"a/", "a/", ""},
{"a", "", "a"},
{"/", "/", ""},

func TestSplit(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range splittests {
if d, f := path.Split(test.path); d != test.dir || f != test.file {
t.Errorf("Split(%q) = %q, %q, want %q, %q", test.path, d, f, test.dir, test.file)

type JoinTest struct {
elem []string
path string

var jointests = []JoinTest{
// zero parameters
{[]string{}, ""},

// one parameter
{[]string{""}, ""},
{[]string{"a"}, "a"},

// two parameters
{[]string{"a", "b"}, "a/b"},
{[]string{"a", ""}, "a"},
{[]string{"", "b"}, "b"},
{[]string{"/", "a"}, "/a"},
{[]string{"/", ""}, "/"},
{[]string{"a/", "b"}, "a/b"},
{[]string{"a/", ""}, "a"},
{[]string{"", ""}, ""},

func TestJoin(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range jointests {
if p := path.Join(test.elem...); p != test.path {
t.Errorf("Join(%q) = %q, want %q", test.elem, p, test.path)

type ExtTest struct {
path, ext string

var exttests = []ExtTest{
{"path.go", ".go"},
{"path.pb.go", ".go"},
{"a.dir/b", ""},
{"a.dir/b.go", ".go"},
{"a.dir/", ""},

func TestExt(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range exttests {
if x := path.Ext(test.path); x != test.ext {
t.Errorf("Ext(%q) = %q, want %q", test.path, x, test.ext)

var basetests = []PathTest{
// Already clean
{"", "."},
{".", "."},
{"/.", "."},
{"/", "/"},
{"////", "/"},
{"x/", "x"},
{"abc", "abc"},
{"abc/def", "def"},
{"a/b/.x", ".x"},
{"a/b/c.", "c."},
{"a/b/c.x", "c.x"},

func TestBase(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range basetests {
if s := path.Base(test.path); s != test.result {
t.Errorf("Base(%q) = %q, want %q", test.path, s, test.result)

var dirtests = []PathTest{
{"", "."},
{".", "."},
{"/.", "/"},
{"/", "/"},
{"////", "/"},
{"/foo", "/"},
{"x/", "x"},
{"abc", "."},
{"abc/def", "abc"},
{"abc////def", "abc"},
{"a/b/.x", "a/b"},
{"a/b/c.", "a/b"},
{"a/b/c.x", "a/b"},

func TestDir(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range dirtests {
if s := path.Dir(test.path); s != test.result {
t.Errorf("Dir(%q) = %q, want %q", test.path, s, test.result)

type IsAbsTest struct {
path string
isAbs bool

var isAbsTests = []IsAbsTest{
{"", false},
{"/", true},
{"/usr/bin/gcc", true},
{"..", false},
{"/a/../bb", true},
{".", false},
{"./", false},
{"lala", false},

func TestIsAbs(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range isAbsTests {
if r := path.IsAbs(test.path); r != test.isAbs {
t.Errorf("IsAbs(%q) = %v, want %v", test.path, r, test.isAbs)

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