🔭 I’m currently working at Levers Inc. (YC S22) , ex-Tokopedia/GoTo.
🌱 University of Indonesia Student, Studied Computer Engineering
💡 Currently Writing a tech blog on Personal Blog at least once a month
- A Novel Methodology for Hunting Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Software Supply Chains Using Fine-Tuned LLMs
- How I Hacked 2024: Principles to Grow
- Opinotes #1 - Modern Personal Branding is weirder than I thought it would be
- Global CyberSecurity Indexes
- When a Way of Problem-Solving Becomes a Joke
- Linkedin Profile: LinkedIn
- Professional Email: me@alfianfirmansyah.com
This profile picture is created by Sophy, my favourite streamer during year end drawing event! The progress was:
Thanks sophy! much appreciated.