Library to assist in payment processing on Bitcoin cash. It first allows for generation of address according to the BIP44 standard.
The bip44 Path for Bitcoin Cash is: m/44'/145'/...
Bitcoincashjs is used for deterministic public and private keys. Please see the BIP32 standard for more information (BIP32).
npm install --save bitcoin-cash-payments
Create a new wallet (DON'T DO THIS ON PRODUCTION):
let bitcoincashPayments = require('bitcoin-cash-payments')()
let keys = bitcoincashPayments.generateNewKeys('really random entropy here')
Generate an bitcoincash deposit address from a public seed (xpub). This is useful if you are a hot wallet and don't store the private key. You will need to keep track of which path node you are on (increasing INT):
let depositAddress = bitcoincashPayments.bip44(keys.xpub, 1234) // for path m/44'/0'/0'/0/1234
Get the private key for an address on a specific path:
let privateKey = bitcoincashPayments.getPrivateKey(keys.xprv, 1234) // for path m/44'/0'/0'/0/1234
Get the public key from a private key:
let address = bitcoincashPayments.privateToPublic(privateKey) // for path m/44'/0'/0'/0/1234
if(address === depositAddress){
console.log('this library works')
} else {
console.log('better not use this library')
Get the derived xpub key from a hardened private key:
let xpub = bitcoincashPayments.getXpubFromXprv(xprv) // for path m/44'/0'/0'/0/1234
Note: It is suggested to generate your Private key offline with FAR more entropy than the default function, then use getXpubFromXprv. You have been warned!