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Add country code validation (#615)
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krhubert authored Sep 27, 2020
1 parent 704a814 commit f32fea8
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Showing 4 changed files with 308 additions and 2 deletions.
34 changes: 33 additions & 1 deletion baked_in.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ var (
// defines a common or complex set of validation(s) to simplify
// adding validation to structs.
bakedInAliases = map[string]string{
"iscolor": "hexcolor|rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla",
"iscolor": "hexcolor|rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla",
"country_code": "iso3166_1_alpha2|iso3166_1_alpha3|iso3166_1_alpha_numeric",

// BakedInValidators is the default map of ValidationFunc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,6 +185,9 @@ var (
"uppercase": isUppercase,
"datetime": isDatetime,
"timezone": isTimeZone,
"iso3166_1_alpha2": isIso3166Alpha2,
"iso3166_1_alpha3": isIso3166Alpha3,
"iso3166_1_alpha_numeric": isIso3166AlphaNumeric,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2255,3 +2259,31 @@ func isTimeZone(fl FieldLevel) bool {

panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad field type %T", field.Interface()))

// isIso3166Alpha2 is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid iso3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
func isIso3166Alpha2(fl FieldLevel) bool {
val := fl.Field().String()
return iso3166_1_alpha2[val]

// isIso3166Alpha2 is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid iso3166-1 alpha-3 country code.
func isIso3166Alpha3(fl FieldLevel) bool {
val := fl.Field().String()
return iso3166_1_alpha3[val]

// isIso3166Alpha2 is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid iso3166-1 alpha-numeric country code.
func isIso3166AlphaNumeric(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()

var code int
switch field.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
code = int(field.Int() % 1000)
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
code = int(field.Uint() % 1000)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad field type %T", field.Interface()))
return iso3166_1_alpha_numeric[code]
162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions country_codes.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
package validator

var iso3166_1_alpha2 = map[string]bool{
// see:
"AF": true, "AX": true, "AL": true, "DZ": true, "AS": true,
"AD": true, "AO": true, "AI": true, "AQ": true, "AG": true,
"AR": true, "AM": true, "AW": true, "AU": true, "AT": true,
"AZ": true, "BS": true, "BH": true, "BD": true, "BB": true,
"BY": true, "BE": true, "BZ": true, "BJ": true, "BM": true,
"BT": true, "BO": true, "BQ": true, "BA": true, "BW": true,
"BV": true, "BR": true, "IO": true, "BN": true, "BG": true,
"BF": true, "BI": true, "KH": true, "CM": true, "CA": true,
"CV": true, "KY": true, "CF": true, "TD": true, "CL": true,
"CN": true, "CX": true, "CC": true, "CO": true, "KM": true,
"CG": true, "CD": true, "CK": true, "CR": true, "CI": true,
"HR": true, "CU": true, "CW": true, "CY": true, "CZ": true,
"DK": true, "DJ": true, "DM": true, "DO": true, "EC": true,
"EG": true, "SV": true, "GQ": true, "ER": true, "EE": true,
"ET": true, "FK": true, "FO": true, "FJ": true, "FI": true,
"FR": true, "GF": true, "PF": true, "TF": true, "GA": true,
"GM": true, "GE": true, "DE": true, "GH": true, "GI": true,
"GR": true, "GL": true, "GD": true, "GP": true, "GU": true,
"GT": true, "GG": true, "GN": true, "GW": true, "GY": true,
"HT": true, "HM": true, "VA": true, "HN": true, "HK": true,
"HU": true, "IS": true, "IN": true, "ID": true, "IR": true,
"IQ": true, "IE": true, "IM": true, "IL": true, "IT": true,
"JM": true, "JP": true, "JE": true, "JO": true, "KZ": true,
"KE": true, "KI": true, "KP": true, "KR": true, "KW": true,
"KG": true, "LA": true, "LV": true, "LB": true, "LS": true,
"LR": true, "LY": true, "LI": true, "LT": true, "LU": true,
"MO": true, "MK": true, "MG": true, "MW": true, "MY": true,
"MV": true, "ML": true, "MT": true, "MH": true, "MQ": true,
"MR": true, "MU": true, "YT": true, "MX": true, "FM": true,
"MD": true, "MC": true, "MN": true, "ME": true, "MS": true,
"MA": true, "MZ": true, "MM": true, "NA": true, "NR": true,
"NP": true, "NL": true, "NC": true, "NZ": true, "NI": true,
"NE": true, "NG": true, "NU": true, "NF": true, "MP": true,
"NO": true, "OM": true, "PK": true, "PW": true, "PS": true,
"PA": true, "PG": true, "PY": true, "PE": true, "PH": true,
"PN": true, "PL": true, "PT": true, "PR": true, "QA": true,
"RE": true, "RO": true, "RU": true, "RW": true, "BL": true,
"SH": true, "KN": true, "LC": true, "MF": true, "PM": true,
"VC": true, "WS": true, "SM": true, "ST": true, "SA": true,
"SN": true, "RS": true, "SC": true, "SL": true, "SG": true,
"SX": true, "SK": true, "SI": true, "SB": true, "SO": true,
"ZA": true, "GS": true, "SS": true, "ES": true, "LK": true,
"SD": true, "SR": true, "SJ": true, "SZ": true, "SE": true,
"CH": true, "SY": true, "TW": true, "TJ": true, "TZ": true,
"TH": true, "TL": true, "TG": true, "TK": true, "TO": true,
"TT": true, "TN": true, "TR": true, "TM": true, "TC": true,
"TV": true, "UG": true, "UA": true, "AE": true, "GB": true,
"US": true, "UM": true, "UY": true, "UZ": true, "VU": true,
"VE": true, "VN": true, "VG": true, "VI": true, "WF": true,
"EH": true, "YE": true, "ZM": true, "ZW": true,

var iso3166_1_alpha3 = map[string]bool{
// see:
"AFG": true, "ALB": true, "DZA": true, "ASM": true, "AND": true,
"AGO": true, "AIA": true, "ATA": true, "ATG": true, "ARG": true,
"ARM": true, "ABW": true, "AUS": true, "AUT": true, "AZE": true,
"BHS": true, "BHR": true, "BGD": true, "BRB": true, "BLR": true,
"BEL": true, "BLZ": true, "BEN": true, "BMU": true, "BTN": true,
"BOL": true, "BES": true, "BIH": true, "BWA": true, "BVT": true,
"BRA": true, "IOT": true, "BRN": true, "BGR": true, "BFA": true,
"BDI": true, "CPV": true, "KHM": true, "CMR": true, "CAN": true,
"CYM": true, "CAF": true, "TCD": true, "CHL": true, "CHN": true,
"CXR": true, "CCK": true, "COL": true, "COM": true, "COD": true,
"COG": true, "COK": true, "CRI": true, "HRV": true, "CUB": true,
"CUW": true, "CYP": true, "CZE": true, "CIV": true, "DNK": true,
"DJI": true, "DMA": true, "DOM": true, "ECU": true, "EGY": true,
"SLV": true, "GNQ": true, "ERI": true, "EST": true, "SWZ": true,
"ETH": true, "FLK": true, "FRO": true, "FJI": true, "FIN": true,
"FRA": true, "GUF": true, "PYF": true, "ATF": true, "GAB": true,
"GMB": true, "GEO": true, "DEU": true, "GHA": true, "GIB": true,
"GRC": true, "GRL": true, "GRD": true, "GLP": true, "GUM": true,
"GTM": true, "GGY": true, "GIN": true, "GNB": true, "GUY": true,
"HTI": true, "HMD": true, "VAT": true, "HND": true, "HKG": true,
"HUN": true, "ISL": true, "IND": true, "IDN": true, "IRN": true,
"IRQ": true, "IRL": true, "IMN": true, "ISR": true, "ITA": true,
"JAM": true, "JPN": true, "JEY": true, "JOR": true, "KAZ": true,
"KEN": true, "KIR": true, "PRK": true, "KOR": true, "KWT": true,
"KGZ": true, "LAO": true, "LVA": true, "LBN": true, "LSO": true,
"LBR": true, "LBY": true, "LIE": true, "LTU": true, "LUX": true,
"MAC": true, "MDG": true, "MWI": true, "MYS": true, "MDV": true,
"MLI": true, "MLT": true, "MHL": true, "MTQ": true, "MRT": true,
"MUS": true, "MYT": true, "MEX": true, "FSM": true, "MDA": true,
"MCO": true, "MNG": true, "MNE": true, "MSR": true, "MAR": true,
"MOZ": true, "MMR": true, "NAM": true, "NRU": true, "NPL": true,
"NLD": true, "NCL": true, "NZL": true, "NIC": true, "NER": true,
"NGA": true, "NIU": true, "NFK": true, "MKD": true, "MNP": true,
"NOR": true, "OMN": true, "PAK": true, "PLW": true, "PSE": true,
"PAN": true, "PNG": true, "PRY": true, "PER": true, "PHL": true,
"PCN": true, "POL": true, "PRT": true, "PRI": true, "QAT": true,
"ROU": true, "RUS": true, "RWA": true, "REU": true, "BLM": true,
"SHN": true, "KNA": true, "LCA": true, "MAF": true, "SPM": true,
"VCT": true, "WSM": true, "SMR": true, "STP": true, "SAU": true,
"SEN": true, "SRB": true, "SYC": true, "SLE": true, "SGP": true,
"SXM": true, "SVK": true, "SVN": true, "SLB": true, "SOM": true,
"ZAF": true, "SGS": true, "SSD": true, "ESP": true, "LKA": true,
"SDN": true, "SUR": true, "SJM": true, "SWE": true, "CHE": true,
"SYR": true, "TWN": true, "TJK": true, "TZA": true, "THA": true,
"TLS": true, "TGO": true, "TKL": true, "TON": true, "TTO": true,
"TUN": true, "TUR": true, "TKM": true, "TCA": true, "TUV": true,
"UGA": true, "UKR": true, "ARE": true, "GBR": true, "UMI": true,
"USA": true, "URY": true, "UZB": true, "VUT": true, "VEN": true,
"VNM": true, "VGB": true, "VIR": true, "WLF": true, "ESH": true,
"YEM": true, "ZMB": true, "ZWE": true, "ALA": true,
var iso3166_1_alpha_numeric = map[int]bool{
// see:
4: true, 8: true, 12: true, 16: true, 20: true,
24: true, 660: true, 10: true, 28: true, 32: true,
51: true, 533: true, 36: true, 40: true, 31: true,
44: true, 48: true, 50: true, 52: true, 112: true,
56: true, 84: true, 204: true, 60: true, 64: true,
68: true, 535: true, 70: true, 72: true, 74: true,
76: true, 86: true, 96: true, 100: true, 854: true,
108: true, 132: true, 116: true, 120: true, 124: true,
136: true, 140: true, 148: true, 152: true, 156: true,
162: true, 166: true, 170: true, 174: true, 180: true,
178: true, 184: true, 188: true, 191: true, 192: true,
531: true, 196: true, 203: true, 384: true, 208: true,
262: true, 212: true, 214: true, 218: true, 818: true,
222: true, 226: true, 232: true, 233: true, 748: true,
231: true, 238: true, 234: true, 242: true, 246: true,
250: true, 254: true, 258: true, 260: true, 266: true,
270: true, 268: true, 276: true, 288: true, 292: true,
300: true, 304: true, 308: true, 312: true, 316: true,
320: true, 831: true, 324: true, 624: true, 328: true,
332: true, 334: true, 336: true, 340: true, 344: true,
348: true, 352: true, 356: true, 360: true, 364: true,
368: true, 372: true, 833: true, 376: true, 380: true,
388: true, 392: true, 832: true, 400: true, 398: true,
404: true, 296: true, 408: true, 410: true, 414: true,
417: true, 418: true, 428: true, 422: true, 426: true,
430: true, 434: true, 438: true, 440: true, 442: true,
446: true, 450: true, 454: true, 458: true, 462: true,
466: true, 470: true, 584: true, 474: true, 478: true,
480: true, 175: true, 484: true, 583: true, 498: true,
492: true, 496: true, 499: true, 500: true, 504: true,
508: true, 104: true, 516: true, 520: true, 524: true,
528: true, 540: true, 554: true, 558: true, 562: true,
566: true, 570: true, 574: true, 807: true, 580: true,
578: true, 512: true, 586: true, 585: true, 275: true,
591: true, 598: true, 600: true, 604: true, 608: true,
612: true, 616: true, 620: true, 630: true, 634: true,
642: true, 643: true, 646: true, 638: true, 652: true,
654: true, 659: true, 662: true, 663: true, 666: true,
670: true, 882: true, 674: true, 678: true, 682: true,
686: true, 688: true, 690: true, 694: true, 702: true,
534: true, 703: true, 705: true, 90: true, 706: true,
710: true, 239: true, 728: true, 724: true, 144: true,
729: true, 740: true, 744: true, 752: true, 756: true,
760: true, 158: true, 762: true, 834: true, 764: true,
626: true, 768: true, 772: true, 776: true, 780: true,
788: true, 792: true, 795: true, 796: true, 798: true,
800: true, 804: true, 784: true, 826: true, 581: true,
840: true, 858: true, 860: true, 548: true, 862: true,
704: true, 92: true, 850: true, 876: true, 732: true,
887: true, 894: true, 716: true, 248: true,
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions doc.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1200,13 +1200,35 @@ Supplied format must match the official Go time format layout as documented in h
Usage: datetime=2006-01-02
Iso3166-1 alpha-2
This validates that a string value is a valid country code based on iso3166-1 alpha-2 standard.
Usage: iso3166_1_alpha2
Iso3166-1 alpha-3
This validates that a string value is a valid country code based on iso3166-1 alpha-3 standard.
Usage: iso3166_1_alpha3
Iso3166-1 alpha-numeric
This validates that a string value is a valid country code based on iso3166-1 alpha-numeric standard.
Usage: iso3166_1_alpha3
This validates that a string value is a valid time zone based on the time zone database present on the system.
Although empty value and Local value are allowed by time.LoadLocation golang function, they are not allowed by this validator.
More information on
Usage: timezone
Alias Validators and Tags
Expand All @@ -1219,6 +1241,8 @@ Here is a list of the current built in alias tags:
alias is "hexcolor|rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla" (Usage: iscolor)
alias is "iso3166_1_alpha2|iso3166_1_alpha3|iso3166_1_alpha_numeric" (Usage: country_code)
Validator notes:
Expand Down
90 changes: 89 additions & 1 deletion validator_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10862,6 +10862,94 @@ func TestDatetimeValidation(t *testing.T) {
}, "Bad field type int")

func TestIsIso3166Alpha2Validation(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
value string `validate:"iso3166_1_alpha2"`
expected bool
{"PL", true},
{"POL", false},
{"AA", false},

validate := New()

for i, test := range tests {

errs := validate.Var(test.value, "iso3166_1_alpha2")

if test.expected {
if !IsEqual(errs, nil) {
t.Fatalf("Index: %d iso3166_1_alpha2 failed Error: %s", i, errs)
} else {
if IsEqual(errs, nil) {
t.Fatalf("Index: %d iso3166_1_alpha2 failed Error: %s", i, errs)

func TestIsIso3166Alpha3Validation(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
value string `validate:"iso3166_1_alpha3"`
expected bool
{"POL", true},
{"PL", false},
{"AAA", false},

validate := New()

for i, test := range tests {

errs := validate.Var(test.value, "iso3166_1_alpha3")

if test.expected {
if !IsEqual(errs, nil) {
t.Fatalf("Index: %d iso3166_1_alpha3 failed Error: %s", i, errs)
} else {
if IsEqual(errs, nil) {
t.Fatalf("Index: %d iso3166_1_alpha3 failed Error: %s", i, errs)

func TestIsIso3166AlphaNumericValidation(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
value int
expected bool
{248, true},
{0, false},
{1, false},

validate := New()

for i, test := range tests {

errs := validate.Var(test.value, "iso3166_1_alpha_numeric")

if test.expected {
if !IsEqual(errs, nil) {
t.Fatalf("Index: %d iso3166_1_alpha_numeric failed Error: %s", i, errs)
} else {
if IsEqual(errs, nil) {
t.Fatalf("Index: %d iso3166_1_alpha_numeric failed Error: %s", i, errs)

PanicMatches(t, func() {
_ = validate.Var("1", "iso3166_1_alpha_numeric")
}, "Bad field type string")

func TestTimeZoneValidation(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
value string `validate:"timezone"`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -10901,4 +10989,4 @@ func TestTimeZoneValidation(t *testing.T) {
PanicMatches(t, func() {
_ = validate.Var(2, "timezone")
}, "Bad field type int")

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