The Web Clip implementation in Go
- Gzip compression embedded
- IconString
The app icon base64 string
- IconFile
The app icon from file
- IconUri
The app icon from uri resource
- IconReader
The app icon from reader
- DefaultGenerator
Generator without signed
- SignedGenerator
Generator with ivi signed
- WrappedGenerateHandlerFunc
Get the wrapped generate handler func
- Serve
Serve embedded http server
- ServeRoute
Serve embedded http server with custom routers
- GET: /webclip/generate
The Generate function called
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Form Value: appName
The Web Clip app name
Form Value: appUrl
The Web Clip app url
Form File: appIcon
The Web Clip app icon stream
Form Value: removable
The Web Clip app removable
Form Value: fullScreen
The Web Clip app fullScreen
stream with fileName=${appName}.mobileconfig
- GET: /webclip/generate?xml
The Generate function called, rendering xml