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Django CKEditor 5

CKEditor 5 for Django >= 2.0

Quick start

pip install django-ckeditor-5
  1. Add "django_ckeditor_5" to your INSTALLED_APPS in your project/ like this:
  1. Also, in your project/ add:
  STATIC_URL = '/static/'
  MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
  MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')

  customColorPalette = [
            'color': 'hsl(4, 90%, 58%)',
            'label': 'Red'
            'color': 'hsl(340, 82%, 52%)',
            'label': 'Pink'
            'color': 'hsl(291, 64%, 42%)',
            'label': 'Purple'
            'color': 'hsl(262, 52%, 47%)',
            'label': 'Deep Purple'
            'color': 'hsl(231, 48%, 48%)',
            'label': 'Indigo'
            'color': 'hsl(207, 90%, 54%)',
            'label': 'Blue'

  CKEDITOR_5_CUSTOM_CSS = 'path_to.css' # optional
  CKEDITOR_5_FILE_STORAGE = "path_to_storage.CustomStorage" # optional
    'default': {
        'toolbar': ['heading', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'link',
                    'bulletedList', 'numberedList', 'blockQuote', 'imageUpload', ],

    'extends': {
        'blockToolbar': [
            'paragraph', 'heading1', 'heading2', 'heading3',
            'bulletedList', 'numberedList',
        'toolbar': ['heading', '|', 'outdent', 'indent', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'underline', 'strikethrough',
        'code','subscript', 'superscript', 'highlight', '|', 'codeBlock', 'sourceEditing', 'insertImage',
                    'bulletedList', 'numberedList', 'todoList', '|',  'blockQuote', 'imageUpload', '|',
                    'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontColor', 'fontBackgroundColor', 'mediaEmbed', 'removeFormat',
        'image': {
            'toolbar': ['imageTextAlternative', '|', 'imageStyle:alignLeft',
                        'imageStyle:alignRight', 'imageStyle:alignCenter', 'imageStyle:side',  '|'],
            'styles': [

        'table': {
            'contentToolbar': [ 'tableColumn', 'tableRow', 'mergeTableCells',
            'tableProperties', 'tableCellProperties' ],
            'tableProperties': {
                'borderColors': customColorPalette,
                'backgroundColors': customColorPalette
            'tableCellProperties': {
                'borderColors': customColorPalette,
                'backgroundColors': customColorPalette
        'heading' : {
            'options': [
                { 'model': 'paragraph', 'title': 'Paragraph', 'class': 'ck-heading_paragraph' },
                { 'model': 'heading1', 'view': 'h1', 'title': 'Heading 1', 'class': 'ck-heading_heading1' },
                { 'model': 'heading2', 'view': 'h2', 'title': 'Heading 2', 'class': 'ck-heading_heading2' },
                { 'model': 'heading3', 'view': 'h3', 'title': 'Heading 3', 'class': 'ck-heading_heading3' }
    'list': {
        'properties': {
            'styles': 'true',
            'startIndex': 'true',
            'reversed': 'true',
  1. Include the app URLconf in your project/ like this:
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static

# [ ... ]

urlpatterns += [
    path("ckeditor5/", include('django_ckeditor_5.urls'), name="ck_editor_5_upload_file"),
] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
  1. Add to your project/
from django.db import models
from django_ckeditor_5.fields import CKEditor5Field

class Article(models.Model):
    title=models.CharField('Title', max_length=200)
    text=CKEditor5Field('Text', config_name='extends')

Includes the following ckeditor5 plugins:

Essentials, UploadAdapter, CodeBlock, Autoformat, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Code, Subscript, Superscript, BlockQuote, Heading, Image, ImageCaption, ImageStyle, ImageToolbar, ImageResize, Link, List, Paragraph, Alignment, Font, PasteFromOffice, SimpleUploadAdapter, MediaEmbed, RemoveFormat, Table, TableToolbar, TableCaption, TableProperties, TableCellProperties, Indent, IndentBlock, Highlight, TodoList, ListProperties, SourceEditing, GeneralHtmlSupport, ImageInsert, WordCount, Mention, Style, HorizontalLine, LinkImage


Example of using a widget in a form:

from django import forms

from django_ckeditor_5.widgets import CKEditor5Widget
from .models import Comment

class CommentForm(forms.ModelForm):
      """Form for comments to the article."""

      def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
          super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
          self.fields["text"].required = False

      class Meta:
          model = Comment
          fields = ("author", "text")
          widgets = {
              "text": CKEditor5Widget(
                  attrs={"class": "django_ckeditor_5"}, config_name="comment"

Custom storage example:

import os
from urllib.parse import urljoin

from django.conf import settings
from import FileSystemStorage

class CustomStorage(FileSystemStorage):
    """Custom storage for django_ckeditor_5 images."""

    location = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "django_ckeditor_5")
    base_url = urljoin(settings.MEDIA_URL, "django_ckeditor_5/")

Installing from GitHub:

cd your_root_project
git clone
cd django-ckeditor-5
yarn install
yarn run prod
cd your_root_project
python collectstatic

Example Sharing content styles between front-end and back-end:

To apply ckeditor5 styling outside of the editor, download content.styles.css from the official ckeditor5 docs and include it as a styleshet within your HTML template. You will need to add the ck-content class to the container of your content for the styles to be applied.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/assets/content-styles.css" type="text/css">
<div class="ck-content">
<p>ckeditor content</p>


Django CKEditor 5 integration.







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  • Python 67.4%
  • CSS 15.0%
  • JavaScript 12.6%
  • HTML 5.0%