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Merge pull request #1001 from goblint/arg-lookup
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Add `arg/lookup` request to server mode
  • Loading branch information
sim642 authored Mar 2, 2023
2 parents cc90b36 + 4e3cbf9 commit 3ef473c
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Showing 10 changed files with 456 additions and 119 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ _opam/

Expand Down
26 changes: 22 additions & 4 deletions src/framework/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,17 +12,18 @@ module type S2S = functor (X : Spec) -> Spec
(* spec is lazy, so HConsed table in Hashcons lifters is preserved between analyses in server mode *)
let spec_module: (module Spec) Lazy.t = lazy (
GobConfig.building_spec := true;
let arg_enabled = get_bool "" || get_bool "exp.arg" in
let open Batteries in
(* apply functor F on module X if opt is true *)
let lift opt (module F : S2S) (module X : Spec) = (module (val if opt then (module F (X)) else (module X) : Spec) : Spec) in
let module S1 = (val
(module MCP.MCP2 : Spec)
|> lift true (module WidenContextLifterSide) (* option checked in functor *)
(* hashcons before witness to reduce duplicates, because witness re-uses contexts in domain and requires tag for PathSensitive3 *)
|> lift (get_bool "ana.opt.hashcons" || get_bool "") (module HashconsContextLifter)
|> lift (get_bool "") (module HashconsLifter)
|> lift (get_bool "") (module WitnessConstraints.PathSensitive3)
|> lift (not (get_bool "")) (module PathSensitive2)
|> lift (get_bool "ana.opt.hashcons" || arg_enabled) (module HashconsContextLifter)
|> lift arg_enabled (module HashconsLifter)
|> lift arg_enabled (module WitnessConstraints.PathSensitive3)
|> lift (not arg_enabled) (module PathSensitive2)
|> lift (get_bool "ana.dead-code.branches") (module DeadBranchLifter)
|> lift true (module DeadCodeLifter)
|> lift (get_bool "dbg.slice.on") (module LevelSliceLifter)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -663,6 +664,23 @@ struct
Timing.wrap "warn_global" (GHT.iter warn_global) gh;

if get_bool "exp.arg" then (
let module ArgTool = ArgTools.Make (R) in
let module Arg = (val ArgTool.create entrystates) in
if get_bool "exp.argdot" then (
let module ArgDot = ArgTools.Dot (Arg) in
let oc = Stdlib.open_out "" in
Fun.protect (fun () ->
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in ppf;
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ()
) ~finally:(fun () ->
Stdlib.close_out oc
ArgTools.current_arg := Some (module Arg);

(* Before SV-COMP, so result can depend on YAML witness validation. *)
if get_string "witness.yaml.validate" <> "" then (
let module YWitness = YamlWitness.Validator (R) in
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55 changes: 54 additions & 1 deletion src/framework/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ type t =
* appeared *)
| Skip
(** This is here for historical reasons. I never use Skip edges! *)
[@@deriving eq, ord, hash, to_yojson]
[@@deriving eq, ord, hash]

let pretty () = function
Expand All @@ -55,3 +55,56 @@ let pretty_plain () = function
| ASM _ -> text "ASM ..."
| Skip -> text "Skip"
| VDecl v -> dprintf "VDecl '%a %s;'" d_type v.vtype v.vname

let to_yojson e =
let fields = match e with
| Assign (lval, exp) ->
("type", `String "assign");
("lval", CilType.Lval.to_yojson lval);
("exp", CilType.Exp.to_yojson exp);
| Test (exp, branch) ->
("type", `String "branch");
("exp", CilType.Exp.to_yojson exp);
("branch", `Bool branch);
| Proc (lval, function_, args) ->
("type", `String "call");
("lval", [%to_yojson: CilType.Lval.t option] lval);
("function", CilType.Exp.to_yojson function_);
("args", [%to_yojson: CilType.Exp.t list] args);
| Entry function_ ->
("type", `String "entry");
("function", CilType.Fundec.to_yojson function_);
| Ret (exp, function_) ->
("type", `String "return");
("function", CilType.Fundec.to_yojson function_);
("exp", [%to_yojson: CilType.Exp.t option] exp);
| ASM (instructions, output, input) ->
("type", `String "asm");
("instructions", [%to_yojson: string list] instructions);
("output", asm_out_to_yojson output);
("input", asm_in_to_yojson input);
| VDecl variable ->
("type", `String "declare");
("variable", CilType.Varinfo.to_yojson variable);
| Skip ->
("type", `String "nop");
`Assoc ([
("string", `String (Pretty.sprint ~width:max_int (pretty () e)))
] @ fields)
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/util/options.schema.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1634,6 +1634,18 @@
"description": "Hide standard extern globals (e.g. `stdout`) from cluttering local states.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": true
"arg": {
"title": "exp.arg",
"description": "Construct abstract reachability graph (ARG).",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"argdot": {
"title": "exp.argdot",
"description": "Output ARG as dot file.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"additionalProperties": false
Expand Down
140 changes: 138 additions & 2 deletions src/util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,19 @@ open Batteries
open Jsonrpc
open GoblintCil

module type ArgWrapper =
module Arg: ArgTools.BiArg
module Locator: module type of WitnessUtil.Locator (Arg.Node)
val locator: Locator.t
val find_node: string -> Arg.Node.t
val find_cfg_node: string -> Arg.Node.t list

type t = {
mutable file: Cil.file option;
mutable max_ids: MaxIdUtil.max_ids;
arg_wrapper: (module ArgWrapper) ResettableLazy.t;
input: IO.input;
output: unit IO.output;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,6 +116,36 @@ let serve serv =
|> Packet.t_of_yojson
|> Seq.iter (handle_packet serv)

let arg_wrapper: (module ArgWrapper) ResettableLazy.t =
ResettableLazy.from_fun (fun () ->
let module Arg = (val (Option.get_exn !ArgTools.current_arg Response.Error.(E (make ~code:RequestFailed ~message:"not analyzed or arg disabled" ())))) in
let module Locator = WitnessUtil.Locator (Arg.Node) in
let module StringH = Hashtbl.Make (Printable.Strings) in

let locator = Locator.create () in
let ids = StringH.create 113 in
let cfg_nodes = StringH.create 113 in
Arg.iter_nodes (fun n ->
let cfgnode = Arg.Node.cfgnode n in
let loc = UpdateCil.getLoc cfgnode in
if not loc.synthetic then
Locator.add locator loc n;
StringH.replace ids (Arg.Node.to_string n) n;
StringH.add cfg_nodes (Node.show_id cfgnode) n (* add for find_all *)

let module ArgWrapper =
module Arg = Arg
module Locator = Locator
let locator = locator
let find_node = StringH.find ids
let find_cfg_node = StringH.find_all cfg_nodes
(module ArgWrapper: ArgWrapper)

let make ?(input=stdin) ?(output=stdout) file : t =
let max_ids =
match file with
Expand All @@ -115,6 +155,7 @@ let make ?(input=stdin) ?(output=stdout) file : t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,7 +230,7 @@ let node_locator: Locator.t ResettableLazy.t =
let rec iter_node node =
if not (NH.mem reachable node) then begin
NH.replace reachable node ();
let loc = Node.location node in
let loc = UpdateCil.getLoc node in
if not loc.synthetic then
Locator.add locator loc node;
List.iter (fun (_, prev_node) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,6 +260,7 @@ let analyze ?(reset=false) (s: t) =
Serialize.Cache.reset_data AnalysisData);
let increment_data, fresh = increment_data s file reparsed in
ResettableLazy.reset node_locator;
ResettableLazy.reset s.arg_wrapper;
Cilfacade.reset_lazy ();
InvariantCil.reset_lazy ();
WideningThresholds.reset_lazy ();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,7 +431,7 @@ let () =
Response.Error.(raise (make ~code:RequestFailed ~message:"requires node xor location" ()))
let node_id = Node.show_id node in
let location = Node.location node in
let location = UpdateCil.getLoc node in
let module Cfg = (val !MyCFG.current_cfg) in
let next = node
Expand All @@ -406,6 +448,100 @@ let () =
{node = node_id; location; next; prev}

register (module struct
let name = "arg/lookup"
type params = {
node: string option [@default None];
location: CilType.Location.t option [@default None];
cfg_node: string option [@default None];
} [@@deriving of_yojson]

type edge_node = {
edge: MyARG.inline_edge;
node: string;
cfg_node: string;
context: string;
path: string;
location: CilType.Location.t;
} [@@deriving to_yojson]
type one_response = {
node: string;
cfg_node: string;
context: string;
path: string;
location: CilType.Location.t;
next: edge_node list;
prev: edge_node list;
} [@@deriving to_yojson]
type response = one_response list [@@deriving to_yojson]

let process (params: params) serv =
let module ArgWrapper = (val (ResettableLazy.force serv.arg_wrapper)) in
let open ArgWrapper in
let open GobList.Syntax in
let+ n: Arg.Node.t = match params.node, params.location, params.cfg_node with
| None, None, None ->
| Some node_id, None, None ->
begin try
[ArgWrapper.find_node node_id]
with Not_found ->
[] (* non-existent node *)
| None, Some location, None ->
let nodes_opt =
let open GobOption.Syntax in
let+ nodes = Locator.find_opt locator location in
Locator.ES.elements nodes
Option.default [] nodes_opt (* cannot find node for location *)
| None, None, Some cfg_node ->
ArgWrapper.find_cfg_node cfg_node
| _, _, _ ->
Response.Error.(raise (make ~code:RequestFailed ~message:"requires at most one of node, location and cfg_node" ()))
let cfg_node = Arg.Node.cfgnode n in
let cfg_node_id = Node.show_id cfg_node in
let location = UpdateCil.getLoc cfg_node in
let next = n
|> (fun (edge, to_node) ->
let cfg_to_node = Arg.Node.cfgnode to_node in
node = Arg.Node.to_string to_node;
cfg_node = Node.show_id cfg_to_node;
context = string_of_int (Arg.Node.context_id to_node);
path = string_of_int (Arg.Node.path_id to_node);
location = UpdateCil.getLoc cfg_to_node;
let prev =
Arg.prev n
|> (fun (edge, to_node) ->
let cfg_to_node = Arg.Node.cfgnode to_node in
node = Arg.Node.to_string to_node;
cfg_node = Node.show_id cfg_to_node;
context = string_of_int (Arg.Node.context_id to_node);
path = string_of_int (Arg.Node.path_id to_node);
location = UpdateCil.getLoc cfg_to_node;
node = Arg.Node.to_string n;
cfg_node = cfg_node_id;
context = string_of_int (Arg.Node.context_id n);
path = string_of_int (Arg.Node.path_id n);

register (module struct
let name = "node_state"
type params = { nid: string } [@@deriving of_yojson]
Expand Down

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