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Merge pull request #1228 from goblint/sv-comp-multiproperty
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Support multi-property SV-COMP specifications
  • Loading branch information
sim642 authored Nov 2, 2023
2 parents 8aaa9d0 + f147d9b commit 417d5d3
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Showing 5 changed files with 134 additions and 51 deletions.
31 changes: 14 additions & 17 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ let activateLongjmpAnalysesWhenRequired () =
enableAnalyses longjmpAnalyses;

let focusOnMemSafetySpecification () =
match Svcomp.Specification.of_option () with
let focusOnMemSafetySpecification (spec: Svcomp.Specification.t) =
match spec with
| ValidFree -> (* Enable the useAfterFree analysis *)
let uafAna = ["useAfterFree"] in
print_endline @@ "Specification: ValidFree -> enabling useAfterFree analysis \"" ^ (String.concat ", " uafAna) ^ "\"";
Expand All @@ -232,20 +232,13 @@ let focusOnMemSafetySpecification () =
print_endline @@ "Specification: ValidMemtrack and ValidMemcleanup -> enabling memLeak analysis \"" ^ (String.concat ", " memLeakAna) ^ "\"";
enableAnalyses memLeakAna
| MemorySafety -> (* TODO: This is a temporary solution for the memory safety category *)
set_bool "ana.arrayoob" true;
(print_endline "Setting \"cil.addNestedScopeAttr\" to true";
set_bool "cil.addNestedScopeAttr" true;
if (get_int "ana.malloc.unique_address_count") < 1 then (
print_endline "Setting \"ana.malloc.unique_address_count\" to 1";
set_int "ana.malloc.unique_address_count" 1;
let memSafetyAnas = ["memOutOfBounds"; "memLeak"; "useAfterFree";] in
enableAnalyses memSafetyAnas)
| _ -> ()

let focusOnSpecification () =
match Svcomp.Specification.of_option () with
let focusOnMemSafetySpecification () =
List.iter focusOnMemSafetySpecification (Svcomp.Specification.of_option ())

let focusOnSpecification (spec: Svcomp.Specification.t) =
match spec with
| UnreachCall s -> ()
| NoDataRace -> (*enable all thread analyses*)
print_endline @@ "Specification: NoDataRace -> enabling thread analyses \"" ^ (String.concat ", " notNeccessaryThreadAnalyses) ^ "\"";
Expand All @@ -255,6 +248,9 @@ let focusOnSpecification () =
set_bool "" true
| _ -> ()

let focusOnSpecification () =
List.iter focusOnSpecification (Svcomp.Specification.of_option ())

(*Detect enumerations and enable the "" option*)
exception EnumFound
class enumVisitor = object
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -411,9 +407,10 @@ let congruenceOption factors file =
let apronOctagonOption factors file =
let locals =
if List.mem "specification" (get_string_list "ana.autotune.activated" ) && get_string "ana.specification" <> "" then
match Svcomp.Specification.of_option () with
| NoOverflow -> 12
| _ -> 8
if List.mem Svcomp.Specification.NoOverflow (Svcomp.Specification.of_option ()) then
else 8
in let globals = 2 in
let selectedLocals =
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -324,9 +324,8 @@ class loopUnrollingCallVisitor = object
raise Found;
| _ ->
if List.mem "specification" @@ get_string_list "ana.autotune.activated" && get_string "ana.specification" <> "" then (
match SvcompSpec.of_option () with
| UnreachCall s -> if info.vname = s then raise Found
| _ -> ()
if Svcomp.is_error_function' info (SvcompSpec.of_option ()) then
raise Found
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20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions src/witness/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,31 +8,32 @@ module Specification = SvcompSpec
module type Task =
val file: Cil.file
val specification: Specification.t
val specification: Specification.multi

module Cfg: MyCFG.CfgBidir

let task: (module Task) option ref = ref None

let is_error_function' f spec =
let module Task = (val (Option.get !task)) in
List.exists (function
| Specification.UnreachCall f_spec -> f.vname = f_spec
| _ -> false
) spec

let is_error_function f =
let module Task = (val (Option.get !task)) in
match Task.specification with
| UnreachCall f_spec -> f.vname = f_spec
| _ -> false
is_error_function' f Task.specification

(* TODO: unused, but should be used? *)
let is_special_function f =
let loc = f.vdecl in
let is_svcomp = String.ends_with loc.file "sv-comp.c" in (* only includes/sv-comp.c functions, not __VERIFIER_assert in benchmark *)
let is_verifier = match f.vname with
| fname when String.starts_with fname "__VERIFIER" -> true
| fname ->
let module Task = (val (Option.get !task)) in
match Task.specification with
| UnreachCall f_spec -> fname = f_spec
| _ -> false
| fname -> is_error_function f
is_svcomp && is_verifier

Expand All @@ -55,7 +56,6 @@ struct
| ValidFree -> "valid-free"
| ValidDeref -> "valid-deref"
| ValidMemtrack -> "valid-memtrack"
| MemorySafety -> "memory-safety" (* TODO: Currently here only to complete the pattern match *)
| ValidMemcleanup -> "valid-memcleanup"
"false(" ^ result_spec ^ ")"
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34 changes: 21 additions & 13 deletions src/witness/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ type t =
| ValidFree
| ValidDeref
| ValidMemtrack
| MemorySafety (* Internal property for use in Goblint; serves as a summary for ValidFree, ValidDeref and ValidMemtrack *)
| ValidMemcleanup

type multi = t list

let of_string s =
let s = String.strip s in
let regexp_multiple = Str.regexp "CHECK( init(main()), LTL(G \\(.*\\)) )\nCHECK( init(main()), LTL(G \\(.*\\)) )\nCHECK( init(main()), LTL(G \\(.*\\)) )" in
let regexp_single = Str.regexp "CHECK( init(main()), LTL(G \\(.*\\)) )" in
let regexp_negated = Str.regexp "CHECK( init(main()), LTL(G ! \\(.*\\)) )" in
if Str.string_match regexp_negated s 0 then
Expand All @@ -30,24 +30,30 @@ let of_string s =
UnreachCall f
failwith "Svcomp.Specification.of_string: unknown global not expression"
else if Str.string_match regexp_multiple s 0 then
let global1 = Str.matched_group 1 s in
let global2 = Str.matched_group 2 s in
let global3 = Str.matched_group 3 s in
let mem_safety_props = ["valid-free"; "valid-deref"; "valid-memtrack";] in
if (global1 <> global2 && global1 <> global3 && global2 <> global3) && List.for_all (fun x -> List.mem x mem_safety_props) [global1; global2; global3] then
failwith "Svcomp.Specification.of_string: unknown global expression"
else if Str.string_match regexp_single s 0 then
let global = Str.matched_group 1 s in
if global = "valid-memcleanup" then
if global = "valid-free" then
else if global = "valid-deref" then
else if global = "valid-memtrack" then
else if global = "valid-memcleanup" then
failwith "Svcomp.Specification.of_string: unknown global expression"
failwith "Svcomp.Specification.of_string: unknown expression"

let of_string s: multi =
List.filter_map (fun line ->
let line = String.strip line in
if line = "" then
Some (of_string line)
) (String.split_on_char '\n' s)

let of_file path =
let s = BatFile.with_file_in path BatIO.read_all in
of_string s
Expand All @@ -73,7 +79,9 @@ let to_string spec =
| ValidFree -> "valid-free", false
| ValidDeref -> "valid-deref", false
| ValidMemtrack -> "valid-memtrack", false
| MemorySafety -> "memory-safety", false (* TODO: That's false, it's currently here just to complete the pattern match *)
| ValidMemcleanup -> "valid-memcleanup", false
print_output spec_str is_neg

let to_string spec =
String.concat "\n" ( to_string spec)
95 changes: 87 additions & 8 deletions src/witness/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ struct
val find_invariant: Node.t -> Invariant.t

let determine_result entrystates (module Task:Task): (module WitnessTaskResult) =
let determine_result entrystates (module Task:Task) (spec: Svcomp.Specification.t): (module WitnessTaskResult) =
let module Arg: BiArgInvariant =
(val if GobConfig.get_bool "witness.graphml.enabled" then (
let module Arg = (val ArgTool.create entrystates) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ struct

match Task.specification with
match spec with
| UnreachCall _ ->
(* error function name is globally known through Svcomp.task *)
let is_unreach_call =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ struct
let module TaskResult =
module Arg = PathArg
let result = Result.False (Some Task.specification)
let result = Result.False (Some spec)
let invariant _ = Invariant.none
let is_violation = is_violation
let is_sink _ = false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -505,17 +505,74 @@ struct
(module TaskResult:WitnessTaskResult)
| ValidFree
| ValidDeref
| ValidMemtrack
| MemorySafety ->
| ValidFree ->
let module TrivialArg =
include Arg
let next _ = []
if not !AnalysisState.svcomp_may_invalid_free then (
let module TaskResult =
module Arg = Arg
let result = Result.True
let invariant _ = Invariant.none
let is_violation _ = false
let is_sink _ = false
(module TaskResult:WitnessTaskResult)
) else (
let module TaskResult =
module Arg = TrivialArg
let result = Result.Unknown
let invariant _ = Invariant.none
let is_violation _ = false
let is_sink _ = false
(module TaskResult:WitnessTaskResult)
| ValidDeref ->
let module TrivialArg =
include Arg
let next _ = []
if not !AnalysisState.svcomp_may_invalid_free && not !AnalysisState.svcomp_may_invalid_deref && not !AnalysisState.svcomp_may_invalid_memtrack then (
if not !AnalysisState.svcomp_may_invalid_deref then (
let module TaskResult =
module Arg = Arg
let result = Result.True
let invariant _ = Invariant.none
let is_violation _ = false
let is_sink _ = false
(module TaskResult:WitnessTaskResult)
) else (
let module TaskResult =
module Arg = TrivialArg
let result = Result.Unknown
let invariant _ = Invariant.none
let is_violation _ = false
let is_sink _ = false
(module TaskResult:WitnessTaskResult)
| ValidMemtrack ->
let module TrivialArg =
include Arg
let next _ = []
if not !AnalysisState.svcomp_may_invalid_memtrack then (
let module TaskResult =
module Arg = Arg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -569,6 +626,28 @@ struct
(module TaskResult:WitnessTaskResult)

let determine_result entrystates (module Task:Task): (module WitnessTaskResult) =
|> List.fold_left (fun acc spec ->
let module TaskResult = (val determine_result entrystates (module Task) spec) in
match acc with
| None -> Some (module TaskResult: WitnessTaskResult)
| Some (module Acc: WitnessTaskResult) ->
match Acc.result, TaskResult.result with
(* keep old violation/unknown *)
| False _, True
| False _, Unknown
| Unknown, True -> Some (module Acc: WitnessTaskResult)
(* use new violation/unknown *)
| True, False _
| Unknown, False _
| True, Unknown -> Some (module TaskResult: WitnessTaskResult)
(* both same, arbitrarily keep old *)
| True, True -> Some (module Acc: WitnessTaskResult)
| Unknown, Unknown -> Some (module Acc: WitnessTaskResult)
| False _, False _ -> failwith "multiple violations"
) None
|> Option.get

let write entrystates =
let module Task = (val (BatOption.get !task)) in
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