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sim642 committed Oct 2, 2024
1 parent f4cc750 commit 798a3d8
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Showing 5 changed files with 47 additions and 97 deletions.
18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions src/cdomain/value/cdomains/
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(** Domains for thread sets and their uniqueness. *)

module ThreadSet =
module ThreadSet =
include SetDomain.Make (ThreadIdDomain.Thread)

let is_top = mem UnknownThread
Expand All @@ -27,23 +27,25 @@ module CreatedThreadSet = ThreadSet
module ThreadCreation =
module UNames = struct
let truename = "repeated"
let falsename = "unique"
let name = "unique"
let true_name = "repeated"
let false_name = "unique"
module Uniqueness = IntDomain.MakeBooleans (UNames)
module Uniqueness = BoolDomain.MakeMayBool (UNames)
module ParentThreadSet =
include ThreadSet
let name () = "parents"
module DirtyExitNames =
let truename = "dirty exit"
let falsename = "clean exit"
let name = "exit"
let true_name = "dirty exit"
let false_name = "clean exit"

(* A thread exits cleanly iff it joined all threads it started, and they also all exit cleanly *)
module DirtyExit = IntDomain.MakeBooleans (DirtyExitNames)
module DirtyExit = BoolDomain.MakeMayBool (DirtyExitNames)
include Lattice.Prod3 (Uniqueness) (ParentThreadSet) (DirtyExit)

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60 changes: 0 additions & 60 deletions src/cdomain/value/cdomains/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2376,66 +2376,6 @@ struct
let project ik p t = t


module type BooleansNames =
val truename: string
val falsename: string

module MakeBooleans (N: BooleansNames) =
type int_t = IntOps.Int64Ops.t
type t = bool [@@deriving eq, ord, hash, to_yojson]
let name () = "booleans"
let top () = true
let bot () = false
let top_of ik = top ()
let bot_of ik = bot ()
let show x = if x then N.truename else N.falsename
include Std (struct type nonrec t = t let name = name let top_of = top_of let bot_of = bot_of let show = show let equal = equal end)
let is_top x = x (* override Std *)

let equal_to i x = if x then `Top else failwith "unsupported: equal_to with bottom"
let cast_to ?(suppress_ovwarn=false) ?torg _ x = x (* ok since there's no smaller ikind to cast to *)

let leq x y = not x || y
let join = (||)
let widen = join
let meet = (&&)
let narrow = meet

let of_bool x = x
let to_bool x = Some x
let of_int x = x =
let to_int x = if x then None else Some

let neg x = x
let add x y = x || y
let sub x y = x || y
let mul x y = x && y
let div x y = true
let rem x y = true
let lt n1 n2 = true
let gt n1 n2 = true
let le n1 n2 = true
let ge n1 n2 = true
let eq n1 n2 = true
let ne n1 n2 = true
let lognot x = true
let logand x y = x && y
let logor x y = x || y
let logxor x y = x && not y || not x && y
let shift_left n1 n2 = n1
let shift_right n1 n2 = n1
let c_lognot = (not)
let c_logand = (&&)
let c_logor = (||)
let arbitrary () = QCheck.bool
let invariant _ _ = Invariant.none (* TODO *)

(* Inclusion/Exclusion sets. Go to top on arithmetic operations (except for some easy cases, e.g. multiplication with 0). Joins on widen, i.e. precise integers as long as not derived from arithmetic expressions. *)
module Enums : S with type int_t = Z.t = struct
module R = Interval32 (* range for exclusion *)
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20 changes: 0 additions & 20 deletions src/cdomain/value/cdomains/intDomain.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -436,23 +436,3 @@ module Reverse (Base: IkindUnawareS): IkindUnawareS with type t = Base.t and typ
(* module IncExcInterval : S with type t = [ | `Excluded of Interval.t| `Included of Interval.t ] *)
(** Inclusive and exclusive intervals. Warning: NOT A LATTICE *)
module Enums : S with type int_t = Z.t

(** {b Boolean domains} *)

module type BooleansNames =
val truename: string
(** The name of the [true] abstract value *)

val falsename: string
(** The name of the [false] abstract value *)
(** Parameter signature for the [MakeBooleans] functor. *)

module MakeBooleans (Names: BooleansNames): IkindUnawareS with type t = bool
(** Creates an abstract domain for integers represented by boolean values. *)

module None: S with type t = unit
(** Domain with nothing in it. *)
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/cdomains/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,10 +15,11 @@ module Trivial: S =
module TrivialNames =
let truename = "Multithreaded"
let falsename = "Singlethreaded"
let name = "MT mode"
let true_name = "Multithreaded"
let false_name = "Singlethreaded"
include IntDomain.MakeBooleans (TrivialNames)
include BoolDomain.MakeMayBool (TrivialNames)

let is_multi x = x
let is_not_main x = x
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39 changes: 33 additions & 6 deletions src/domain/
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@@ -1,27 +1,46 @@
(** Boolean domains. *)

module Bool =
module type Names =
val name: string
val true_name: string
val false_name: string

module MakeBool (Names: Names) =
include Printable.StdLeaf
type t = bool [@@deriving eq, ord, hash]
let name () = "bool"
let name () =

let show x = if x then "true" else "false"
let show x = if x then Names.true_name else Names.false_name
include Printable.SimpleShow (struct
type nonrec t = t
let show = show
let to_yojson = [%to_yojson: bool] (* override to_yojson from SimpleShow *)

let arbitrary () = QCheck.bool

(* For Lattice.S *)
let pretty_diff () (x,y) = GoblintCil.Pretty.dprintf "%s: %a not leq %a" (name ()) pretty x pretty y

module MayBool: Lattice.S with type t = bool =
module StdNames: Names =
include Bool
let name = "bool"
let true_name = "true"
let false_name = "false"

module Bool =
include MakeBool (StdNames)
let to_yojson = [%to_yojson: bool] (* override to_yojson from SimpleShow *)

module MakeMayBool (Names: Names): Lattice.S with type t = bool =
include MakeBool (Names)
let bot () = false
let is_bot x = x = false
let top () = true
Expand All @@ -33,6 +52,14 @@ struct
let narrow = (&&)

module MayBool: Lattice.S with type t = bool =
include MakeMayBool (StdNames)
let to_yojson = [%to_yojson: bool] (* override to_yojson from SimpleShow *)

(* TODO: MakeMustBool? *)

module MustBool: Lattice.S with type t = bool =
include Bool
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