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Fix and refactor syntactic loop unrolling #1369

merged 14 commits into from
Feb 26, 2024
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion src/common/util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,8 +66,34 @@ let parse fileName =
E.s (E.error "There were parsing errors in %s" fileName_str);

(** Version of {!defaultCilPrinterClass} which excludes line directives and builtin signatures (in comments).
Used for [dbg.justcil-printer]. *)
class cleanCilPrinterClass =
inherit defaultCilPrinterClass as super

method! pLineDirective ?(forcefile=false) l =

method! pGlobal () (g: global) =
match g with
| GVarDecl (vi, l) when Hashtbl.mem builtinFunctions vi.vname -> Pretty.nil
| _ -> super#pGlobal () g

let cleanCilPrinter = new cleanCilPrinterClass

let cleanDumpFile (pp: cilPrinter) (out : out_channel) (outfile: string) file =
Pretty.printDepth := 99999;
Pretty.fastMode := true;
iterGlobals file (fun g -> dumpGlobal pp out g);
flush out

let print (fileAST: file) =
dumpFile defaultCilPrinter stdout "stdout" fileAST
match GobConfig.get_string "dbg.justcil-printer" with
| "default" -> dumpFile defaultCilPrinter stdout "stdout" fileAST
| "clean" -> cleanDumpFile cleanCilPrinter stdout "stdout" fileAST
| _ -> assert false

let rmTemps fileAST =
RmUnused.removeUnused fileAST
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/config/options.schema.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1860,6 +1860,13 @@
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"justcil-printer": {
"title": "dbg.justcil-printer",
"description": "Printer to use for justcil: default, or clean (excludes line directives and builtin declarations).",
"type": "string",
"enum": ["default", "clean"],
"default": "default"
"timeout": {
"title": "dbg.timeout",
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71 changes: 30 additions & 41 deletions src/util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class arrayVisitor = object
inherit nopCilVisitor

method! vvrbl info =
if not @@ (hasAttribute "goblint_array_domain" info.vattr || AutoTune0.is_large_array info.vtype) then
if Cil.isArrayType info.vtype && not @@ (hasAttribute "goblint_array_domain" info.vattr || AutoTune0.is_large_array info.vtype) then
info.vattr <- addAttribute (Attr ("goblint_array_domain", [AStr "unroll"]) ) info.vattr;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,27 +390,13 @@ end
Also assigns fresh names to all labels and patches gotos for labels appearing in the current
fragment to their new name
class copyandPatchLabelsVisitor(loopEnd,currentIterationEnd) = object
class copyandPatchLabelsVisitor(loopEnd, currentIterationEnd, gotos) = object
inherit nopCilVisitor

val mutable depth = 0
val mutable loopNestingDepth = 0

val gotos = StatementHashTable.create 20

method! vstmt s =
let after x =
depth <- depth-1;
if depth = 0 then
(* the labels can only be patched once the entire part of the AST we want has been transformed, and *)
(* we know all lables appear in the hash table *)
let patchLabelsVisitor = new patchLabelsGotosVisitor(StatementHashTable.find_opt gotos) in
let x = visitCilStmt patchLabelsVisitor x in
StatementHashTable.clear gotos;
let after x = x in
let rename_labels sn =
let new_labels = (function Label(str,loc,b) -> Label (Cil.freshLabel str,loc,b) | x -> x) sn.labels in
(* this makes new physical copy*)
Expand All @@ -421,56 +407,59 @@ class copyandPatchLabelsVisitor(loopEnd,currentIterationEnd) = object
StatementHashTable.add gotos s new_s;
depth <- depth+1;
match s.skind with
| Continue loc ->
if loopNestingDepth = 0 then
(* turn top-level continues into gotos to end of current unrolling *)
ChangeDoChildrenPost(rename_labels {s with skind = Goto (!currentIterationEnd, loc)}, after)
ChangeDoChildrenPost(rename_labels {s with skind = Goto (ref currentIterationEnd, loc)}, after)
ChangeDoChildrenPost(rename_labels s, after)
| Break loc ->
if loopNestingDepth = 0 then
(* turn top-level breaks into gotos to end of current unrolling *)
ChangeDoChildrenPost(rename_labels {s with skind = Goto (loopEnd,loc)}, after)
ChangeDoChildrenPost(rename_labels {s with skind = Goto (ref loopEnd,loc)}, after)
ChangeDoChildrenPost(rename_labels s, after)
| Loop _ -> loopNestingDepth <- loopNestingDepth+1;
ChangeDoChildrenPost(rename_labels s, fun x -> loopNestingDepth <- loopNestingDepth-1; after x)
| _ -> ChangeDoChildrenPost(rename_labels s, after)

let copy_and_patch_labels break_target current_continue_target stmts =
let gotos = StatementHashTable.create 20 in
let patcher = new copyandPatchLabelsVisitor (break_target, current_continue_target, gotos) in
let stmts' = (visitCilStmt patcher) stmts in
(* the labels can only be patched once the entire part of the AST we want has been transformed, and *)
(* we know all lables appear in the hash table *)
let patchLabelsVisitor = new patchLabelsGotosVisitor(StatementHashTable.find_opt gotos) in (visitCilStmt patchLabelsVisitor) stmts'

class loopUnrollingVisitor(func, totalLoops) = object
(* Labels are simply handled by giving them a fresh name. Jumps coming from outside will still always go to the original label! *)
inherit nopCilVisitor

method! vstmt s =
match s.skind with
| Loop (b,loc, loc2, break , continue) ->
let duplicate_and_rem_labels s =
let duplicate_and_rem_labels s =
match s.skind with
| Loop (b,loc, loc2, break , continue) ->
let factor = loop_unrolling_factor s func totalLoops in
if(factor > 0) then ( "unrolling loop at %a with factor %d" CilType.Location.pretty loc factor;
annotateArrays b;
match s.skind with
| Loop (b,loc, loc2, break , continue) ->
(* top-level breaks should immediately go to the end of the loop, and not just break out of the current iteration *)
let break_target = { (Cil.mkEmptyStmt ()) with labels = [Label (Cil.freshLabel "loop_end",loc, true)]} in
(* continues should go to the next unrolling *)
let continue_target i = { (Cil.mkEmptyStmt ()) with labels = [Label (Cil.freshLabel ("loop_continue_" ^ (string_of_int i)),loc, true)]} in
(* passed as a reference so we can reuse the patcher for all unrollings of the current loop *)
let current_continue_target = ref dummyStmt in
let patcher = new copyandPatchLabelsVisitor (ref break_target, ref current_continue_target) in
let one_copy () = visitCilStmt patcher (mkStmt (Block (mkBlock b.bstmts))) in
let copies = List.init (factor) (fun i ->
current_continue_target := continue_target i;
mkStmt (Block (mkBlock [one_copy (); !current_continue_target])))
mkStmt (Block (mkBlock (copies@[s]@[break_target])))
| _ -> failwith "invariant broken"
(* top-level breaks should immediately go to the end of the loop, and not just break out of the current iteration *)
let break_target = { (Cil.mkEmptyStmt ()) with labels = [Label (Cil.freshLabel "loop_end",loc, false)]} in
let copies = List.init factor (fun i ->
(* continues should go to the next unrolling *)
let current_continue_target = { (Cil.mkEmptyStmt ()) with labels = [Label (Cil.freshLabel ("loop_continue_" ^ (string_of_int i)),loc, false)]} in
let one_copy_stmts = copy_and_patch_labels break_target current_continue_target b.bstmts in
one_copy_stmts @ [current_continue_target]
mkStmt (Block (mkBlock (List.flatten copies @ [s; break_target])))
) else s (*no change*)
in ChangeDoChildrenPost(s, duplicate_and_rem_labels);
| _ -> DoChildren
| _ -> s
ChangeDoChildrenPost(s, duplicate_and_rem_labels)

let unroll_loops fd totalLoops =
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