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Group globals for comparison and updating of ids #836

merged 10 commits into from
Nov 25, 2022
18 changes: 1 addition & 17 deletions src/incremental/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
open GoblintCil
open CilMaps

(* global_type and global_t are implicitly used by GlobalMap to keep GVarDecl apart from GVar and GFun, so do not remove! *)
type global_type = Fun | Decl | Var

and global_identifier = {name: string ; global_t: global_type} [@@deriving ord]

module StringMap = Map.Make(String)

type method_rename_assumption = {original_method_name: string; new_method_name: string; parameter_renames: string StringMap.t}
@@ -39,18 +34,6 @@ let rename_mapping_to_string (rename_mapping: rename_mapping) =
String.concat ", " in
"(local=" ^ local_string ^ "; methods=[" ^ methods_string ^ "])"

let identifier_of_global glob =
match glob with
| GFun (fundec, l) -> {name = fundec.svar.vname; global_t = Fun}
| GVar (var, init, l) -> {name = var.vname; global_t = Var}
| GVarDecl (var, l) -> {name = var.vname; global_t = Decl}
| _ -> raise Not_found

module GlobalMap = Map.Make(struct
type t = global_identifier [@@deriving ord]

(* hack: CIL generates new type names for anonymous types - we want to ignore these *)
let compare_name (a: string) (b: string) =
let anon_struct = "__anonstruct_" in
@@ -174,6 +157,7 @@ and eq_attribute (rename_mapping: rename_mapping) (a: attribute) (b: attribute)

and eq_varinfo2 (rename_mapping: rename_mapping) (a: varinfo) (b: varinfo) = eq_varinfo a b rename_mapping

(* TODO introduce default parameter for rename_mapping *)
and eq_varinfo (a: varinfo) (b: varinfo) (rename_mapping: rename_mapping) =
(*Printf.printf "Comp %s with %s\n" a.vname b.vname;*)

130 changes: 71 additions & 59 deletions src/incremental/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,20 +4,32 @@ open CilMaps
include CompareAST
include CompareCFG

(* global_type and global_t are implicitly used by GlobalMap to keep GVarDecl apart from GVar and GFun, so do not remove! *)
stilscher marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
module GlobalMap = Map.Make(String)

type global_def = Var of varinfo | Fun of fundec
and global_col = {decls: varinfo option; def: global_def option}
stilscher marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved

let name_of_global g = match g with
| GVar (v,_,_) -> v.vname
| GFun (f,_) -> f.svar.vname
| GVarDecl (v,_) -> v.vname
| _ -> failwith "global constructor not supported"

type nodes_diff = {
unchangedNodes: (node * node) list;
primObsoleteNodes: node list; (** primary obsolete nodes -> all obsolete nodes are reachable from these *)

type unchanged_global = {
old: global;
current: global
old: global_col;
current: global_col
(** For semantically unchanged globals, still keep old and current version of global for resetting current to old. *)

type changed_global = {
old: global;
current: global;
old: global_col;
current: global_col;
unchangedHeader: bool;
diff: nodes_diff option
@@ -27,8 +39,8 @@ module VarinfoSet = Set.Make(CilType.Varinfo)
type change_info = {
mutable changed: changed_global list;
mutable unchanged: unchanged_global list;
mutable removed: global list;
mutable added: global list;
mutable removed: global_col list;
mutable added: global_col list;
mutable exclude_from_rel_destab: VarinfoSet.t;
(** Set of functions that are to be force-reanalyzed.
These functions are additionally included in the [changed] field, among the other changed globals. *)
@@ -104,98 +116,98 @@ let eqF (old: Cil.fundec) (current: Cil.fundec) (cfgs : (cfg * (cfg * cfg)) opti
if diffNodes1 = [] then (Changed, None)
else (Changed, Some {unchangedNodes = matches; primObsoleteNodes = diffNodes1})

let eq_glob (old: global) (current: global) (cfgs : (cfg * (cfg * cfg)) option) (global_rename_mapping: method_rename_assumptions) = match old, current with
| GFun (f,_), GFun (g,_) -> eqF f g cfgs global_rename_mapping
| GVar (x, init_x, _), GVar (y, init_y, _) -> unchanged_to_change_status (eq_varinfo x y (StringMap.empty, VarinfoMap.empty)), None (* ignore the init_info - a changed init of a global will lead to a different start state *)
| GVarDecl (x, _), GVarDecl (y, _) -> unchanged_to_change_status (eq_varinfo x y (StringMap.empty, VarinfoMap.empty)), None
| _ -> ignore @@ Pretty.printf "Not comparable: %a and %a\n" Cil.d_global old Cil.d_global current; Changed, None
let eq_glob (old: global_col) (current: global_col) (cfgs : (cfg * (cfg * cfg)) option) (global_rename_mapping: method_rename_assumptions) =
match old.def, current.def with
| Some (Var v1), Some (Var v2) -> unchanged_to_change_status (eq_varinfo v1 v2 (StringMap.empty, VarinfoMap.empty)), None
| Some (Fun f1), Some (Fun f2) -> eqF f1 f2 cfgs global_rename_mapping
| None, None -> (match old.decls, current.decls with
| Some v1, Some v2 -> unchanged_to_change_status (eq_varinfo v1 v2 (StringMap.empty, VarinfoMap.empty)), None
| _, _ -> failwith "should never collect any empty entries in GlobalMap")
| _, _ -> Changed, None (* it is considered to be changed (not added or removed) because a global collection only exists in the map
if there is at least one declaration or definition for this global *)

let compareCilFiles ?(eq=eq_glob) (oldAST: file) (newAST: file) =
let cfgs = if GobConfig.get_string "" = "cfg"
then Some (CfgTools.getCFG oldAST |> fst, CfgTools.getCFG newAST)
else None in

let generate_global_rename_mapping map global =
let addGlobal map global =
let ident = identifier_of_global global in
let old_global = GlobalMap.find ident map in
let name, col = match global with
| GVar (v,_,_) -> v.vname, {decls = None; def = Some (Var v)}
| GFun (f,_) -> f.svar.vname, {decls = None; def = Some (Fun f)}
| GVarDecl (v,_) -> v.vname, {decls = Some v; def = None}
| _ -> raise Not_found in
let merge_d def1 def2 = match def1, def2 with
| Some d, None -> Some d
| None, Some d -> Some d
| None, None -> None
| _ -> failwith "there can only be one definition and one declaration per global" in
let merge_global_col entry = match entry with
| None -> Some col
| Some col' -> Some {decls = merge_d col.decls col'.decls; def = merge_d col.def col'.def} in
GlobalMap.update name merge_global_col map;
Not_found -> map

match old_global, global with
| GFun(f, _), GFun (g, _) ->
let renamed_params: string StringMap.t = if (List.length f.sformals) = (List.length g.sformals) then
let mappings = List.combine f.sformals g.sformals |>
(* Store a map from functionNames in the old file to the function definition*)
let oldMap = Cil.foldGlobals oldAST addGlobal GlobalMap.empty in
let newMap = Cil.foldGlobals newAST addGlobal GlobalMap.empty in

let generate_global_rename_mapping name current_global =
let old_global = GlobalMap.find name oldMap in
match old_global.def, current_global.def with
| Some (Fun f1), Some (Fun f2) ->
let renamed_params: string StringMap.t = if (List.length f1.sformals) = (List.length f2.sformals) then
let mappings = List.combine f1.sformals f2.sformals |>
List.filter (fun (original, now) -> not (original.vname = now.vname)) |> (fun (original, now) -> (original.vname, now.vname)) |>

StringMap.add_seq mappings StringMap.empty
else StringMap.empty in

if not (f.svar.vname = g.svar.vname) || (StringMap.cardinal renamed_params) > 0 then
Some (f.svar, {original_method_name=f.svar.vname; new_method_name=g.svar.vname; parameter_renames=renamed_params})
if not (f1.svar.vname = f2.svar.vname) || (StringMap.cardinal renamed_params) > 0 then
Some (f1.svar, {original_method_name = f1.svar.vname; new_method_name = f2.svar.vname; parameter_renames = renamed_params})
else None
| _, _ -> None
with Not_found -> None

let addGlobal map global =
let gid = identifier_of_global global in
let gid_to_string gid = match gid.global_t with
| Var -> "Var " ^
| Decl -> "Decl " ^
| Fun -> "Fun " ^ in
if GlobalMap.mem gid map then failwith ("Duplicate global identifier: " ^ gid_to_string gid) else GlobalMap.add gid global map
Not_found -> map
let global_rename_mapping: method_rename_assumptions = GlobalMap.fold (fun name global_col current_global_rename_mapping ->
match generate_global_rename_mapping name global_col with
| Some (funVar, rename_mapping) -> VarinfoMap.add funVar rename_mapping current_global_rename_mapping
| None -> current_global_rename_mapping
) newMap VarinfoMap.empty in

let changes = empty_change_info () in
global_typ_acc := [];
let findChanges map global global_rename_mapping =
let findChanges map name current_global global_rename_mapping =
let ident = identifier_of_global global in
let old_global = GlobalMap.find ident map in
let old_global = GlobalMap.find name map in
(* Do a (recursive) equal comparison ignoring location information *)
let change_status, diff = eq old_global global cfgs global_rename_mapping in
let change_status, diff = eq old_global current_global cfgs global_rename_mapping in
let append_to_changed ~unchangedHeader =
changes.changed <- {current = global; old = old_global; unchangedHeader; diff} :: changes.changed
changes.changed <- {current = current_global; old = old_global; unchangedHeader; diff} :: changes.changed
match change_status with
| Changed ->
append_to_changed ~unchangedHeader:true
| Unchanged -> changes.unchanged <- {current = global; old = old_global} :: changes.unchanged
| Unchanged -> changes.unchanged <- {current = current_global; old = old_global} :: changes.unchanged
| ChangedFunHeader f
| ForceReanalyze f ->
changes.exclude_from_rel_destab <- VarinfoSet.add f.svar changes.exclude_from_rel_destab;
append_to_changed ~unchangedHeader:false;
with Not_found -> () (* Global was no variable or function, it does not belong into the map *)
let checkExists map global =
match identifier_of_global global with
| name -> GlobalMap.mem name map
| exception Not_found -> true (* return true, so isn't considered a change *)
(* Store a map from functionNames in the old file to the function definition*)
let oldMap = Cil.foldGlobals oldAST addGlobal GlobalMap.empty in
let newMap = Cil.foldGlobals newAST addGlobal GlobalMap.empty in

let global_rename_mapping: method_rename_assumptions = Cil.foldGlobals newAST (fun (current_global_rename_mapping: method_rename_assumption VarinfoMap.t) global ->
match generate_global_rename_mapping oldMap global with
| Some (funVar, rename_mapping) -> VarinfoMap.add funVar rename_mapping current_global_rename_mapping
| None -> current_global_rename_mapping
) VarinfoMap.empty
with Not_found -> changes.removed <- current_global::changes.removed (* Global could not be found in old map -> added *)

(* For each function in the new file, check whether a function with the same name
already existed in the old version, and whether it is the same function. *)
Cil.iterGlobals newAST
(fun glob -> findChanges oldMap glob global_rename_mapping);
GlobalMap.iter (fun name glob_col -> findChanges oldMap name glob_col global_rename_mapping) newMap;

(* We check whether functions have been added or removed *)
Cil.iterGlobals newAST (fun glob -> if not (checkExists oldMap glob) then changes.added <- (glob::changes.added));
Cil.iterGlobals oldAST (fun glob -> if not (checkExists newMap glob) then changes.removed <- (glob::changes.removed));
GlobalMap.iter (fun name glob -> if not (GlobalMap.mem name newMap) then changes.removed <- (glob::changes.removed)) oldMap;

(** Given an (optional) equality function between []s, an old and a new [Cil.file], this function computes a [change_info],
29 changes: 16 additions & 13 deletions src/incremental/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -52,11 +52,12 @@ let update_ids (old_file: file) (ids: max_ids) (new_file: file) (changes: change
let reset_globals (glob: unchanged_global) =
match glob.current, glob.old with
| GFun (nw, _), GFun (old, _) -> reset_fun nw old
| GVar (nw, _, _), GVar (old, _, _) -> reset_var nw old
| GVarDecl (nw, _), GVarDecl (old, _) -> reset_var nw old
| _ -> ()
match glob.current.def, glob.old.def with
| Some (Fun nw), Some (Fun old) -> reset_fun nw old
| Some (Var nw), Some (Var old) -> reset_var nw old
| _, _ -> match glob.current.decls, glob.old.decls with
| Some nw, Some old -> reset_var nw old
| _, _ -> ()
with Failure m -> ()
let assign_same_id fallstmts (old_n, n) = match old_n, n with
@@ -89,8 +90,9 @@ let update_ids (old_file: file) (ids: max_ids) (new_file: file) (changes: change
List.iter (assign_same_id f.sallstmts) d.unchangedNodes
let reset_changed_globals (changed: changed_global) =
match (changed.current, changed.old) with
| GFun (nw, _), GFun (old, _) -> reset_changed_fun nw old changed.unchangedHeader changed.diff
match (changed.current.def, changed.old.def) with
| Some (Fun nw), Some (Fun old) -> reset_changed_fun nw old changed.unchangedHeader changed.diff
(* why ids of global variables not adapted? *)
jerhard marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
| _ -> ()
let update_fun (f: fundec) =
@@ -102,13 +104,14 @@ let update_ids (old_file: file) (ids: max_ids) (new_file: file) (changes: change
let update_var (v: varinfo) =
v.vid <- make_vid ()
let update_globals (glob: global) =
let update_globals (glob: global_col) =
match glob with
| GFun (nw, _) -> update_fun nw
| GVar (nw, _, _) -> update_var nw
| GVarDecl (nw, _) -> update_var nw
| _ -> ()
match glob.def with
| Some (Fun nw) -> update_fun nw
| Some (Var nw) -> update_var nw
| _ -> match glob.decls with
| Some v1 -> update_var v1
| _ -> ()
with Failure m -> ()
List.iter reset_globals changes.unchanged;
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/solvers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -460,21 +460,21 @@ module WP =

let changed_funs = List.filter_map (function
| {old = GFun (f, _); diff = None; _} ->
| {old = {def = Some (Fun f)}; diff = None; _} ->
print_endline ("Completely changed function: " ^ f.svar.vname);
Some f
| _ -> None
) S.increment.changes.changed
let part_changed_funs = List.filter_map (function
| {old = GFun (f, _); diff = Some nd; _} ->
| {old = {def = Some (Fun f)}; diff = Some nd; _} ->
print_endline ("Partially changed function: " ^ f.svar.vname);
Some (f, nd.primObsoleteNodes, nd.unchangedNodes)
| _ -> None
) S.increment.changes.changed
let removed_funs = List.filter_map (function
| GFun (f, _) ->
| {def = Some (Fun f)} ->
print_endline ("Removed function: " ^ f.svar.vname);
Some f
| _ -> None
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ let reparse (s: t) =

(* Only called when the file has not been reparsed, so we can skip the expensive CFG comparison. *)
let virtual_changes file =
let eq (glob: _ _ _ = match glob with
| GFun (fdec, _) when CompareCIL.should_reanalyze fdec -> CompareCIL.ForceReanalyze fdec, None
let eq (glob: CompareCIL.global_col) _ _ _ = match glob.def with
| Some (Fun fdec) when CompareCIL.should_reanalyze fdec -> CompareCIL.ForceReanalyze fdec, None
| _ -> Unchanged, None
CompareCIL.compareCilFiles ~eq file file