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Simple command line tool for interacting with web3 enabled blockchains - GoChain, Ethereum, etc.
This repository also exports the backing golang package web3
web3 --help
web3 - web3 cli tool
web3 [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
block, bl Block details for a block number (decimal integer) or hash (hexadecimal with 0x prefix). Omit for latest.
transaction, tx Transaction details for a tx hash
receipt, rc Transaction receipt for a tx hash
address, addr Account details for a specific address, or the one corresponding to the private key.
balance Get balance for your private key or an address passed in(you could also use "block" as an optional parameter). eg: `balance 0xABC123`
increasegas Increase gas for a transaction. Useful if a tx is taking too long and you want it to go faster.
replace Replace transaction. If a transaction is still pending, you can attempt to replace it.
contract, c Contract operations
snapshot, sn Clique snapshot
id, id Network/Chain information
start Start a local GoChain development node
myaddress Returns the address associated with WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY
account, a Account operations
transfer, send Transfer GO/ETH to an account. eg: `web3 transfer 10.1 to 0xADDRESS`
env List environment variables
generate, g Generate code
did Distributed identity operations
claim Verifiable claims operations
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--network value, -n value The name of the network. Options: gochain/testnet/ethereum/ropsten/localhost. (default: "gochain") [$WEB3_NETWORK]
--testnet Shorthand for '-network testnet'.
--rpc-url value The network RPC URL [$WEB3_RPC_URL]
--verbose Enable verbose logging
--format value, -f value Output format. Options: json. Default: human readable output.
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Quick one line install:
curl -LSs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gochain/web3/master/install.sh | sh
Install Docker (optional) - not required for all commands, but if you plan on building and deploying smart contracts, you'll need Docker installed.
If you just plan to read from the blockchain, you do not need any GO tokens and you do not need to set your WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY
. If you plan to deploy contracts or write anything to the blockchain, you'll need tokens and you'll need to set your WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY
for the account that has those tokens.
Run this command to start a local node. It will print 10 addresses with keys upon starting that you can use to deploy and interact.
web3 start
export WEB3_NETWORK=localhost
export WEB3_NETWORK=testnet
To do any write operations, get yourself some GO testnet tokens so you can deploy and interact with your contract.
export WEB3_NETWORK=gochain
You'll need mainnet GO for this which you can buy on various exchanges.
You can also point this to other web3 based networks such as Ethereum. Ethereum is supported by default and you
can use one of the following: ethereum
or ropsten
Required if you plan to deploy or write transactions.
export WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY=0x...
Copy contracts/hello.sol into your current directory.
web3 contract build hello.sol
web3 contract deploy Hello.bin
you could also verify it in the block explorer after deployment
web3 contract deploy --verify hello_flatten.sol Hello.bin
This will return a contract address, copy it and use below.
Let's call a read function (which is free):
web3 contract call --address 0xCONTRACT_ADDRESS --abi Hello.abi --function hello
That should return: [Hello World]
Now let's change the name:
web3 contract call --address 0xCONTRACT_ADDRESS --abi Hello.abi --function setName "Johnny"
And call the hello function again to see if the name changed:
web3 contract call --address 0xCONTRACT_ADDRESS --abi Hello.abi --function hello
Now it should return [Hello Johnny]
If it doesn't return Hello Johnny, you can check the logs and receipt with:
web3 rc TX_HASH
To automate testing using web3 CLI, enable the JSON format flag with --format json
. This will
return easily parseable results for your tests. Eg:
web3 --format json contract call --address 0xCONTRACT_ADDRESS --abi Hello.abi --function hello
And you'll get a JSON response like this:
"response": [
web3 includes some of the most common contracts so you can generate and deploy things like a token contract (ERC20) or a collectible contract (ERC721) in seconds. The generated contract uses OpenZeppelin contracts so you can be sure these are secure and industry standard.
Generate an ERC20 contract:
web3 generate contract erc20 --name "Test Tokens" --symbol TEST
That's it! Now you can literally just deploy it and be done. Or open the generated code to see what was generated and modify it to your liking. To see all the available options for generating an ERC20 contract, use web3 generate contract erc20 --help
Generate an ERC721 contract:
web3 generate contract erc721 --name "Kitties" --symbol CAT
To see all the available options for generating an ERC721 contract, use web3 generate contract erc721 --help
The web3
tool comes with built-in support for deploying contracts that can be
upgraded later. To deploy an upgradeable contract, simply specify the
flag while deploying. From our Hello
example above:
web3 contract deploy --upgradeable Hello.bin
This will return the contract address. Let's set the contract address environment variable so you can use it throughout the rest of this
tutorial (alternatively you can pass in the --address CONTRACT_ADDRESS
flag on all the commands).
Internally, deploying an upgradeable contract will actually deploy two separate contracts:
- Your original
contract. - A proxy contract for redirecting calls and storage.
The returned contract address is the address of your proxy. To see the contract
address that your proxy is pointing to, you can use the target
command in
the CLI:
web3 contract target
One caveat to using upgradeable contracts is that their constructors will not
execute. To get around this, we will have to initialize our contract with an
initial call to setName
web3 contract call --abi Hello.abi --function setName "World"
Now we can interact with our upgradeable contract just like a normal contract:
web3 contract call --abi Hello.abi --function hello
# returns: [Hello World]
Alright, so we have a working contract. Let's upgrade it!
We can now deploy a different contract (without the upgradeable
flag) and
redirect our upgradeable contract to point to that new contract.
Copy contracts/goodbye.sol into your current directory and build and deploy it:
web3 contract build goodbye.sol
web3 contract deploy Goodbye.bin
Using the new Goodbye
contract address, we can upgrade our previous contract
using the contract upgrade
web3 contract upgrade --to 0xGOODBYE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
We can see that our proxy contract now points to this new contract by
calling the hello
function again:
web3 contract call --abi Hello.abi --function hello
# returns: [Goodbye World]
Note that contracts can only be upgraded by the account that created them.
Upgradeable contracts also include the ability to pause & resume execution. This can be useful if you discover a bug in your contract and you wish to cease operation until you can upgrade to a fixed version.
Pausing a contract is simple:
web3 contract pause
Wait a minute for the transaction to go through, then try to use the contract again and it will fail:
web3 contract call --abi Hello.abi --function hello
# returns: ERROR: Cannot call the contract: abi: unmarshalling empty output
Contracts can be upgraded while they are paused. To execute any other contract functions, you will need to first resume operation:
web3 contract resume
To choose a network, you can either set WEB3_NETWORK
environment variables or pass it in explicitly
on each command with the --network
or --rpc-url
Available name networks are:
- gochain (default)
- testnet
- ethereum
- ropsten
- localhost
The RPC URL is a full URL to a host, for eg: https://rpc.gochain.io
or http://localhost:8545
Set your private key in the environment so it can be used in all the commands below:
web3 balance
web3 transfer 0.1 to 0x67683dd2a499E765BCBE0035439345f48996892f
web3 tx TX_HASH
web3 contract build FILENAME.sol --solc-version SOLC_VERSION
- FILENAME - the name of the .sol file, eg:
- SOLC_VERSION - the version of the solc compiler
Sometimes to verify a contract you have to flatten it before.
web3 contract flatten FILENAME.sol -o OUTPUT_FILE
FILENAME - the name of the .sol file, eg:
OUTPUT_FILE (optional) - the output file
web3 contract deploy FILENAME.bin
- FILENAME - the name of the .bin
environment variable to skip the --address
flag in the commands below.
or using bundled abi files
web3 contract call --amount AMOUNT --address CONTRACT_ADDRESS --abi erc20|erc721 --function FUNCTION_NAME FUNCTION_PARAMETERS
- CONTRACT_ADDRESS - the address of the deployed contract
- CONTRACT_ABI_FILE - the abi file of the deployed contract (take into account that there are some bundled abi files like erc20 and erc721 so you could use them without downloading or compiling them)
- FUNCTION_NAME - the name of the function you want to call
- FUNCTION_PARAMETERS - the list of the function parameters
- AMOUNT - amount of wei to be send with transaction (require only for paid transact functions)
web3 contract list --abi CONTRACT_ABI_FILE
- CONTRACT_ABI_FILE - the abi file of the compiled contract
web3 generate contract [erc20/erc721] --name "TEST Tokens" --symbol "TEST"
See web3 generate contract --help
for more information.
web3 generate code --abi CONTRACT_ABI_FILE --out OUT_FILENAME --lang [go|objc|java] --pkg PGK_NAME
See web3 generate code --help
for more information.
- CONTRACT_ABI_FILE - the abi file of the compiled contract
- OUT_FILENAME - the output file
- PGK_NAME - package name
web3 block BLOCK_ID
- BLOCK_ID - id of a block (omit for
web3 transaction ADDRESS_HASH
- ADDRESS_HASH - hash of the address
web3 contract verify --explorer-api EXPLORER_API_URL --address CONTRACT_ADDRESS --contract-name CONTRACT_NAME FILENAME.sol
- EXPLORER_API_URL - URL for block explorer API (eg https://testnet-explorer.gochain.io/api) - Optional for GoChain networks, which use
by default. - CONTRACT_ADDRESS - address of a deployed contract
- CONTRACT_NAME - name of a deployed contract
- FILENAME - the name of the .sol file with a contract source
You can use the script to install a specific version:
curl -LSs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gochain/web3/master/install.sh | sh -s v0.0.9
go install github.com/gochain/web3/cmd/web3
Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/gochain/web3
cd web3
make install
# or just `make build` to build it into current directory
web3 help