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Closed Aug 8, 2023 100% complete


  • Register all blocks in PHP #2521

Bug fix

  • Fix captions RichText controls across all galleries #2545
  • Fix form block test automation with WP 6.3 #2546
  • Fix form block saving with WP 6.3 #2543
  • Fix blocks for WP 6.3 compatibility #2538
  • Fix PHP Unit tests & update to WP-ENV 8.1.1 #2544


  • Register all blocks in PHP #2521

Bug fix

  • Fix captions RichText controls across all galleries #2545
  • Fix form block test automation with WP 6.3 #2546
  • Fix form block saving with WP 6.3 #2543
  • Fix blocks for WP 6.3 compatibility #2538
  • Fix PHP Unit tests & update to WP-ENV 8.1.1 #2544

This milestone is closed.

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