I love code and writing technical papers.
I am working on several projects around IaC:
- goffinet/virt-scripts is a Bash collection in front of Libvirt to manage KVM guests in Linux labs.
- goffinet/packer-kvm is a KVM builder for images used by goffinet/virt-scripts.
- goffinet/terraform-libvirt is a Terraform lab plan that uses goffinet/packer-kvm images.
- goffinet/kvm-ansible-lab is an Ansible playbook that installs a lab with Ansible as provisionner and Libvirt/KVM as provider.
- goffinet/vagrant-libvirt-ubuntu-bionic-ansible-lab is an Ubuntu Bionic only Bash script that installs a lab with Vagrant as provisionner and Libvirt/KVM as provider (and also Packer and Terraform for KVM).
- goffinet/vagrant-ansible-lab is an Ansible playbook that installs a lab with Vagrant as provisionner and Virtualbox as provider.
- goffinet/ansible-install-gns3-server is an Ansible playbook to automate GNS3 servers installation on Packet or Scaleway (archived, here for reminder).
- goffinet/ansible-ccna-lab is an Ansible playbook to orchestrate CCNA labs.
- goffinet/docker-ansible-lab is a bash script that installs Docker and launch a lab for Ansible learning.