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Terraform Module: Azure Identity Provider (IdP) Integration

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This Terraform module automates the configuration of Azure as an Identity Provider (IdP) for seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with your applications and services.


  • Configures Azure AD as an Identity Provider for authentication.
  • Assigns users directly to the Azure AD enterprise application.
  • Manages Azure application and user group assignments for enhanced access control.


Before using this module, ensure that you have the following:

  • Azure Active Directory (AAD): An active Azure AD tenant with administrative privileges.
  • Terraform: Version 1.0 or higher.
  • Random Terraform Provider

Example Usage

Create Application and Assign Users Directly

module "demo-sso-firefly" {
  source = ""
  providers = {
    azuread = azuread
    random  = random
  domain               = "demo"
  tenant_id            = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  app_name             = "demo-firefly"
  firefly_users_emails = ["", ""]

Create Application, and Viewers & Admins Groups

module "demo-sso-firefly" {
  source = ""
  providers = {
    azuread = azuread
    random  = random

  domain               = "demo"
  tenant_id            = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  create_admins_group  = true
  create_viewers_group = true

Create Application and Use Existing Groups

module "demo-sso-firefly" {
  source = ""
  providers = {
    azuread = azuread
    random  = random

  domain                        = "demo"
  tenant_id                     = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  existing_admins_group_name    = "Firefly-Demo-Admins"


The following table outlines the variables available for this module:

Variable Type Required Description Example Value
domain string ✅ Yes The domain name of the organization. Must match the domain in Azure AD. "demo"
tenant_id string ✅ Yes The Azure AD tenant ID required for authentication. "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
firefly_users_emails list(string) ❌ No List of user email addresses to assign directly to the application. ["", ""]
app_name string ❌ No The display name of the Azure AD enterprise application. Default: "Firefly". "demo-Firefly"
create_admins_group bool ❌ No Creates an administrators group if set to true. true
new_admins_group_name string ❌ No Name of the newly created admin group. Default: "Firefly-Admins". "Demo-Admins"
create_viewers_group bool ❌ No Creates a viewers group if set to true. true
new_viewers_group_name string ❌ No Name of the newly created viewers group. Default: "Firefly-Viewers". "Demo-Viewers"
existing_admins_group_name string ❌ No Name of a pre-existing admins group to use instead of creating a new one. "Existing-Demo-Admins"
existing_viewers_group_name string ❌ No Name of a pre-existing viewers group to use instead of creating a new one. "Existing-Demo-Viewers"


  • Ensure that the domain matches your organization's Azure AD domain to enable proper authentication.
  • The tenant_id is required for establishing a connection with Azure AD.
  • Users specified in firefly_users_emails must already exist in Azure AD before running the Terraform configuration.
  • If create_admins_group or create_viewers_group is set to true, the module will create new groups unless existing_admins_group_name or existing_viewers_group_name is provided.
  • To configure SCIM provisioning, please contact the Firefly team for further instructions.
  • If you are managing assignments via groups and have customized group names, please provide the exact names to the Firefly team to ensure proper configuration.


output "metadata_url" {
  value = module.demo-sso-firefly.metadata_url

Output Explanation

  • metadata_url: This URL provides the SAML metadata required for the configured Azure IdP.
    • Action Required: Share this URL with the Firefly team to complete the integration process.