Releases: gogo/protobuf
Releases · gogo/protobuf
Release v.1.3.2
Tested versions:
go 1.15.6
protoc 3.14.0
Bug fixes:
skippy peanut butter
Release v1.3.1
Tested versions:
go 1.12.10
protoc 3.9.1
Bug fixes:
- proto/buffer: fix proto.Buffer marshaling.
- plugin/gostring: generate values instead of pointers when a field is repeated and non-nullable.
- protoc-gen-gogo/generator: Generate json and custom tags for oneof
- plugin/marshalto: Use ProtoSize() in MarshalTo when enabled for oneof fields.
Upstream commits:
- 4c88cc3f1a34ffade77b79abc53335d1e511f25b - all: fix reflect.Value.Interface races.
- 6c65a5562fc06764971b7c5d05c76c75e84bdbf7 - jsonpb: fix marshaling of Duration
- b285ee9cfc6c881bb20c0d8dc73370ea9b9ec90f - Log parsing errors using log pkg
- add github workflow config
- protoc update - Updated to protoc 3.9.1
Release v1.3.0
Tested versions:
go 1.12.9
protoc 3.7.1
- plugin/stringer - Handle repeated and/or nullable types a bit better now.
- plugin/size - Remove the loop in sovXXX by using bit twiddling.
- plugin/marshalto - Implemented a reverse marshal strategy which allows for faster marshalling. This now avoids a recursive (and repeated) call to Size().
- plugin/compare - Added support for for oneof types.
Bug fixes:
- protoc-gen-gogo/generator - Fix assignment to entry in nil map.
- protoc-gen-gogo/generator - Allows plugins to call RecordTypeUse without panicking.
- proto/extensions - Fixed set extension regression. We did not clear the extensions before setting.
- io/uint32 - fix uint32reader bug that causes ReadMsg to recreate buffer when lengths are the same.
- proto/table_merge: Fix merge of non-nullable slices.
Upstream commits:
- merged in golang/protobuf commit 318d17de72747ed1c16502681db4b2bb709a92d0 - Add UnimplementedServer for server interface
- merged in golang/protobuf commit b85cd75de734650db18a99a943fe351d41387800 - protoc-gen-go/grpc: inline errUnimplemented function
- merged in golang/protobuf commit d3c38a4eb4970272b87a425ae00ccc4548e2f9bb - protoc-gen-go/grpc: use status and code packages only if needed
- merged in golang/protobuf commit e91709a02e0e8ff8b86b7aa913fdc9ae9498e825 - fix indentation in jsonpb with Any messages
- merged in golang/protobuf commit 8d0c54c1246661d9a51ca0ba455d22116d485eaa - protoc-gen-go: generate XXX_OneofWrappers instead of XXX_OneofFuncs
- - Markdown update.
- - Added user.
- go/protoc update - Updated to go1.12.x and protoc 3.7.1
- Makefile update - fix go vet shadow tool reference
- test/mixbench - Update mixbench tool. Expose runnable benchmarks via flags.
Some bug fixes and synced with golang/protobuf
Some bug fixes and synced with the latest golang/protobuf commit.
Synced with golang/protobuf
This includes all the changes from golang/protobuf
Fix for grpc imports
v1.1.1 fix #427 consistent import naming between the import declaration and …
Big changes synced with golang/protobuf
This includes all the changes from golang/protobuf
synced with golang/protobuf
This is the first tag of golang/protobuf and gogo/protobuf is syncing with this process.
This release also includes:
- minor fixes
- compatibility with go 1.10 beta
- compatibility with protoc 3.5.1
Even more waiting for well known types
This is quite a stable point for gogoprotobuf.
proto 3 support is limited, since it does not include support for well known types.
Compatibility with go 1.7 up to 1.8 is tested.