Replication is a fancy feature of Harbor registry. With the adapter framework, Harbor has supported replicating artifacts(container images, Helm Charts) between Harbor<->Harbor or Harbor<->other 3rd registry services, including Dockerhub, AWS ECR, Google GCR, Azure ACR, GitLab Registry, Ali ACR and Quay etc. with both pull and push modes. This repository is created to keep and regularly run the related compatibility testing cases that are used to verify whether the related replication adapters are still working well in Harbor or not and check if the newly contributed adapter is implemented properly. Based on the compatibility testing, a daily well-organized report will be updated in time for the community to refer.
case \ version | master | 2.1.x | 2.0.x | 1.10.x |
Dockerhub | ||||
AwsECR | ||||
GoogleGCR | ||||
AzureACR | ||||
Gitlab | ||||
AliACR | ||||
Harbor(2.x) | ||||
Quay | ||||
TencentTCR | ||||
GithubGHCR |
NOTES: Each square represent an executing result of the relevant compatibility testing case. From left to right, they are:
- Registry endpoint creation case
- Pull-based replication case
- Push-based replication case
- Deletion replication case
Green color means case execution is successful and red color means case execution is failed.
Run daily at UTC time 22:00
cron: '0 22 * * *'
Issue HTTP request to run.
curl -u goharbor -XPOST -d '
"event_type": "testing"
Use local script to run. (Ubuntu 18.04 is tested.)
Clone this repository first:
Execute the script with proper parameters:
./ <case name> <harbor IP> <registry_id:xxx> <registry_key:xxx> [true to show browser]
If you're planning to contribute a new replication adapter, please follow the contributing guide to start.
Use the ways shown here to get contact with us if you encounter any issues related to replication adapter contributions.