An overlay aiming to improve the quality of life when running leveling in Path of Exile. Entirely written in C# and customizable by modifying the configuration file (configuration.json).
If for some reason, you have to resume your leveling process and you are in the part 2, just double click the layout, it will swap to P2.
- Compass: The overlay will display a list of the possible zone layout you are in and short information about the layout.
- Zone laytout updating: The compass will automatically update the displayed layout once entering a new zone.
- Timer: Will be added soon.
See the release section.
Q: How does it work ?
A: Every time you enter a new area, the client logs "You have entered XXXXXX." to Client.txt, which is used by PoeCompass to determine your current location.
Q: The application can't find the client.log, where can I specify it ?
A: The file configuration.json contains a path that you can adjust to your need. Do not forget to write double backslash.
Q: How can I edit the notes ?
A: The file configuration.json contains all the information. You can freely edit it.