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BC WildFire Viewer Full stack App Overview

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Frameworks Used


  • django<=3.2.4,<3.3
  • djangorestframework<=3.12.4,<3.13
  • flake8>=3.9.2,<=3.10
  • psycopg2>=2.8.6,<2.9
  • drf-spectacular>=0.21.1,<0.23
  • django-cors-headers
  • requests
  • python-decouple


  • vue2
  • Node
  • Axios: axios@1.4.0

Containerization Technologies Used

  • Docker version 20.10.22, build 3a2c30b
  • Docker Compose version v2.15.1
  • Make sure that Docker Desktop is installed on your local machine

Installation Instruction/Instruction for Use

  • Clone (BC_Wildfire) repo
  • Navigate to the project folder and open the folder in VSCode editor by executing the command:

code .
  • After open the project in VSCode editor, simulataneously launch the api, frontend and postgresql database through docker compose by executing the command:

docker-compose up
  • Alternatively, the application can be run in detached mode by executing the command:

docker-compose up -d
  • After running th application, its backend/api documentation (render in Swagga UI) can be accessed by opening your browswer and navigating to the link (This has all the endpoints, responses, payloads, etc):
  • The frontend application can be access by going to the link on your browswer: or http://localhost:8080/
  • At this point youc an make use of the application without being authorized
  • You can also view all the running containers (api, frontend, and postgresQL database) using the command:

docker ps
  • You can stop the containers by running the commands:

docker-compose down
  • You can restart it by running the command:

docker-compose up -d
  • You can have administrative access to the backend of the application by creating a superuser account (provide your email address and password):

docker-compose run --rm app sh -c "python createsuperuser"
  • Navigate to the link:
  • Provide your information and have access to the models created while developing the backend
  • Note: After stoppign the entire application using docker-compose, you can clean up your system and delete images by running the command:

docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
  • You can also delete container by doing:

docker rm -vf $(docker ps -aq)


  • Click on the Table Items themselves to carryout actions such as (Delete Product and Update Product)

Additional Information

Testing the api for errors:

  • I have implemented the API using a Test-Driven Approach (TDD). Hence the api can be tested by using GitHub action.
  • To test the api for error, upload this project to a GitHub repo and ensure that the rep is in sync with your local machine.
  • Create an account on DockerHub
  • Generate a token on Dockerhub
  • Copy the genetrated token to clipboard
  • Open the secrets tab on the settings of your project repository
  • Add the your docker username and token provided to your secrets
  • Make sure that the information: DOCKERHUB_USER and DOCKERHUB_TOKEN are used to tag the username and token of DOckerhub
  • Now, on your machine (from the project directory), run the testing and linting by executing the command:

git add . && git commit -am "commit name" && git push
  • After successfully pushing the to your repository, Navigate to Actions tab on your repository and click on the test to monitor it (at every testing stage)

Tracking the number of API calls:

I implemented this functionality by creating a middleware located at ./backend/ and registering it in the of ./backend/core. The number of calls will be displayed on the command window when you do:

docker-compose up