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Gollum via docker compose

Dawa Ometto edited this page Dec 29, 2024 · 10 revisions

Docker compose

To use Gollum with Docker compose, create a file named docker-compose.yml and add the following contents:

    image: gollumwiki/gollum:6
    restart: always
      - "4567:4567/tcp" # change the first port number to expose Gollum on a different port on the host
      # - ${PWD}/config.rb:/etc/gollum/config.rb # if using config.rb in your current directory
      - ${PWD}/wikidata:/wiki # with your repository in the 'wiki' subdirectory of your current directory
      # - "--config=/etc/gollum/config.rb" # if using config.rb
      - "--math"
      # - ... # your additional options here

Note: the above examples assumes you have your wiki's repository in the wiki subdirectory of your current directory (the one containing docker-compose.yml)!

Run docker compose up.