The kkci2pron converts a Japanese yomi, precisely Kana-Kanji conversion input, to a pronunciation.
With this program, you can generate a speaking-style corpus from a writing-style corpus annotated with word boundaries and Japanese yomis, then can construct a speaking-stype language model. You can improve an accurary of a speech recogniton system by combining this language model and the domain-independent large corpus, i.e. CSJ. This is proven [1].
This program is developed by Yohei Yamaguchi when he was a graduate student. If you have an any question, please contact him.
$ git clone git://
You must install Kyfd (the Kyoto Fst Decoder) before running kkci2pron.
Edit config.xml to setup kyfd before running the kkci2pron.
$ cat sample.txt 私/ワタシ は/ハ 太郎/タロウ です/デス 気温/キオン 変動/ヘンドウ $ perl bin/ < sample.txt 私/ワタシ は/ワ 太郎/タロー です/デス 気温/キオン 変動/ヘンドー
An input text must follow the following format.
text := sentence + '\n'(newline character) + sentence + … + sentence
sentence := unit + ' '(space) + unit + … + unit
unit := word + '/'(slash) + yomi
word := (Japanese Full-width Character)+
yomi := (Japanese Full-width Katakana Character)+
Next, an input text must be encoded in UTF8.
MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for details.
[1]山口 洋平、森 信介、河原 達也
言語処理学会第18回年次大会(NLP2012)、広島、March 2012