This Godot project contains the class MaterialBody
, a helper class that bakes a special StaticBody
for detecting a specific material on surfaces.
Attach the script
to any Node3D you want to have a detectable surface e.g. level node/scene.
You can use any physics nodes for detecting collision objects, whether Area3D, RayCast3D, or ShapeCast3D with the collision_mask
bit corresponding to the constant variable MATBODY_PHYSICS_LAYER
value in
. The metadata mb_mat
inside detected CollisionShape3D
will tell the material.
In this project, I used Layer 2 (1 << 1
func _physics_process(delta : float) -> void :
# Get collided object
var body : CollisionObject3D = raycast3d.get_collider()
# Get the shape index
var shapeidx : int = raycast3d.get_collider_shape()
# Get CollisionShape3D object
var shape : CollisionShape3D = body.shape_owner_get_owner(shapeidx)
# Check if the CollisionShape3D node has information from MaterialBody
if shape.has_meta('mb_mat') :
# Detected a material
var mat : Material = shape.get_meta('mb_mat')
# something...