Continuation of the abandoned Out Of Mana (OOM) add-on for World of Warcraft originally created by MrKingSanti
Original abandoned add-on:
Automatically send a chat message and say /oom (emote and voice, works everywhere) to warn your party members when reaching a certain mana percentage.
This now uses the instance/party/raid chat channel automatically instead of just saying it out-loud and party members missing it.
Useful for healers to warn tanks and even to yourself when you don't notice that you are running out of mana! :)
This addon is always active so if you are using a non-healer class in an instance you will need to disable it. I will be working on adding in a healer only spec loading option.
Type "/mana" in chat to see the current mana limit when the alert activates.
Type "/mana x" to change the current limit percentage, "x" is a number. (/mana 30 to send the alert when 30% mana and so on...).
Please report bugs and issues on the issues page. The use of BugGrabber and BugSack required when submitting bugs.
Donations accepted via PayPal.