A passwordless a.k.a. "magic link" login strategy for Devise
- No special database migrations needed - magic links are stateless encrypted tokens
- Magic links are sent from your app - not a mounted Rails engine - so path and URL helpers work as expected
- Supports multiple user (resource) types
- All the goodness of Devise!
First, install and set up Devise.
Then add this gem to your application's Gemfile:
gem "devise-passwordless"
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Finally, run the install generator:
$ rails g devise:passwordless:install
See the customization section for details on what gets installed and how to configure and customize.
This gem adds a :magic_link_authenticatable
strategy that can be used in your Devise models for passwordless authentication. This strategy plays well with most other Devise strategies (see notes on other Devise strategies).
For example, if your Devise model is User, enable the strategy like this:
# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
devise :magic_link_authenticatable #, :registerable, :rememberable, ...
Then, you'll need to set up your Devise routes like so to use the passwordless controllers to modify Devise's default session create logic and to handle processing magic links:
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
devise_for :users,
controllers: { sessions: "devise/passwordless/sessions" }
devise_scope :user do
get "/users/magic_link",
to: "devise/passwordless/magic_links#show",
as: "users_magic_link"
Finally, you'll want to update Devise's generated views to remove references to passwords, since you don't need them any more!
These files/directories can be deleted entirely:
And these should be edited to remove password references:
- Delete fields
- Delete fields
- Delete fields
- Delete fields
- Delete field
- Delete field
You can very easily send a magic link at any point like so:
remember_me = true
Configuration options are stored in Devise's initializer at config/initializers/devise.rb
# ==> Configuration for :magic_link_authenticatable
# Need to use a custom Devise mailer in order to send magic links
require "devise/passwordless/mailer"
config.mailer = "Devise::Passwordless::Mailer"
# Time period after a magic login link is sent out that it will be valid for.
# config.passwordless_login_within = 20.minutes
# The secret key used to generate passwordless login tokens. The default value
# is nil, which means defer to Devise's `secret_key` config value. Changing this
# key will render invalid all existing passwordless login tokens. You can
# generate your own secret value with e.g. `rake secret`
# config.passwordless_secret_key = nil
# When using the :trackable module, set to true to consider magic link tokens
# generated before the user's current sign in time to be expired. In other words,
# each time you sign in, all existing magic links will be considered invalid.
# config.passwordless_expire_old_tokens_on_sign_in = false
To customize the magic link email subject line and other status and error messages, modify these values in config/locales/devise.en.yml
not_found_in_database: "Could not find a user for that email address"
magic_link_sent: "A login link has been sent to your email address. Please follow the link to log in to your account."
magic_link_invalid: "Invalid or expired login link."
subject: "Here's your magic login link ✨"
To customize the magic link email body, edit app/views/devise/mailer/magic_link.html.erb
Devise supports multiple resource types, so we do too.
For example, if you have a User and Admin model, enable the :magic_link_authenticatable
strategy for each:
# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
devise :magic_link_authenticatable # , :registerable, :rememberable, ...
# app/models/admin.rb
class Admin < ApplicationRecord
devise :magic_link_authenticatable # , :registerable, :rememberable, ...
Then just set up your routes like this:
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
devise_for :users,
controllers: { sessions: "devise/passwordless/sessions" }
devise_scope :user do
get "/users/magic_link",
to: "devise/passwordless/magic_links#show",
as: "users_magic_link"
devise_for :admins,
controllers: { sessions: "devise/passwordless/sessions" }
devise_scope :admin do
get "/admins/magic_link",
to: "devise/passwordless/magic_links#show",
as: "admins_magic_link"
And that's it!
Messaging can be customized per-resource using Devise's usual I18n support:
not_found_in_database: "Could not find a USER for that email address"
magic_link_sent: "A USER login link has been sent to your email address. Please follow the link to log in to your account."
not_found_in_database: "Could not find an ADMIN for that email address"
magic_link_sent: "An ADMIN login link has been sent to your email address. Please follow the link to log in to your account."
magic_link_invalid: "Invalid or expired USER login link."
magic_link_invalid: "Invalid or expired ADMIN login link."
user_subject: "Here's your USER magic login link ✨"
admin_subject: "Here's your ADMIN magic login link ✨"
If you have multiple Devise models, some that are passwordless and some that aren't, you will probably want to enable Devise's scoped_views
setting so that the models have different signup and login pages (since some models will need password fields and others won't).
If you need to generate fresh Devise views for your models, you can do so like so:
$ rails generate devise:views users
$ rails generate devise:views admins
Which will generate the whole set of Devise views under these paths:
If using the :rememberable
strategy for "remember me" functionality, you'll need to add a remember_token
column to your resource, as by default that strategy assumes you're using a password auth strategy and relies on comparing the password's salt to validate cookies:
change_table :users do |t|
t.string :remember_token, limit: 20
If using the :confirmable
strategy, you may want to override the default Devise behavior of requiring a fresh login after email confirmation (e.g. this or this approach). Otherwise, users will have to get a fresh login link after confirming their email, which makes little sense if they just confirmed they own the email address.
Other Ruby libraries that offer passwordless authentication:
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.