Simple swift project prepared for recruitment process.
Clone this clean repository into your workspace, do some work and create pull request.
Please name your branch (or commit) as 'name_surname' for easily identification
- Swift 5.x
- Alamofire
- Moya
- RxSwift
- CocoaPods
Part 1: Please clone this repository and run existing app
Main goal is to create separate screen with detailed information of selected hero
- follow MVVM architecture guidelines
- create CharacterDetailsViewController (try to do it without storyboard)
- follow designs from directory '/designs' (You should be able to run it using free Adobe XD)
- make a call to the correct API endpoint to get proper data (don't rely on data from the list view)
- hint: not all of the required fields are available in Character model at the moment
Part 2:
Table view from CharactersListViewController currently shows only first page of results from API response. Update this view to use pagination - show next page of results using infinity scroll.
Part 3: Configure and add unit tests that will cover the view models
Within an app we're using The Rick And Morty API
Please follow the official documentation: