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DeepMind Hamiltonian Dynamics Suite

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The repository contains the code used for generating the DM Hamiltonian Dynamics Suite.

The code for the models and experiments in our paper can be found here, together with the code used for our concurrent publication on how to measure the quality of the learnt dynamics in models using the Hamiltonian prior when learning from pixels.


The suite contains 17 datasets ranging from simple physics problems (Toy Physics) datasets, to more realistic datasets of molecular dynamics (Molecular Dynamics), learning dynamics in non-transitive zero-sum games (Multi Agent), and motion in 3D simulated environments (Mujoco Room). The datasets vary in terms of the complexity of simulated dynamics and visual richness.

For each dataset we created 50k training trajectories, and 20k test trajectories , with each trajectory including image observations, ground truth phase state used to generate the data, the first time derivative of the ground truth state, and any hyper-parameters of individual trajectories. For a few of the datasets we generate a small number of long trajectories which are used purely for evaluation.

Toy Physics

For all simulated systems we take the trajectories samples at every Δt = 0.05 intervals. For any of the non-conservative variants of each dataset we set the friction coefficient to 0.05. All hyper-parameters which can be randomized are always sampled and kept fixed throughout each trajectory. The colors of the particles, when being randomized, are always sampled uniformly from some fixed number of options. The exact configurations used for generating the datasets in the suite can be found in the file. All systems were simulated using scipy.integrate.solve_ivp .

Mass Spring

This dataset describes a simple harmonic motion of a particle attached to a spring. The system has two hyper-parameters - the spring force coefficient k and the mass of the particle m. The initial positions and momenta are sampled jointly from an annulus, where the radius is in the interval [rlow, rhigh]. One can choose whether the distribution to sample from is uniform in the annulus, or otherwise to sample uniformly the length of the radius. To render the system on an image we visualize just the particle as a circle, with a radius proportional to the square root of its mass. When rendering, there are also a three additional hyper-parameters - whether to randomize the horizontal position of the particle, since its motion is only vertical, whether to also shift around in any direction the anchor point of the spring, and how many possible colors can the circle representing the particle can take. Finally, we one can in addition simulate a non-conservative system by setting the friction coefficient to non-zero.


This dataset describes the evolution of a particle attached to a pivot, such that it can move freely. The system is simulated in angle space, such that it is one dimensional. It has three hyper-parameters - the mass of the particle m, the gravitational constant g and the pivot length l. The initial positions and momenta are sampled jointly from an annulus, where the radius is in the interval [rlow, rhigh]. One can choose whether the distribution to sample from is uniform in the annulus, or otherwise to sample uniformly the length of the radius. To render the system on an image we visualize just the particle as a circle, with radius proportioned to the square root of its mass. When rendering, there are also a two additional hyper-parameters - whether to also shift around in any direction the anchor point of the pivot and how many possible colors can the circle representing the particle can take. Finally, we one can in addition simulate a non-conservative system by setting the friction coefficient to non-zero.

Double Pendulum

This dataset describes the evolution of two coupled pendulums, where the second one's anchor point of its pivot is the center of the particle of the first one. This leads to significantly more complicated dynamics [2]. All the hyper-parameters are equivalent to those in the Pendulum dataset and follow the exact same protocol.

Two Body

This dataset describes the gravitational motion of two particles in the plane. The system has three hyper-parameters - the masses of the two particles m_1 and m_2 and the gravitational constant g. The positions and momenta of each particle are sampled jointly from an annulus, where the radius is in the interval [rlow, rhigh]. To render the system on an image we visualize just each particle as a circle, with radius proportioned to the square root of its mass. When rendering, there are also a two additional hyper-parameters - whether to also shift around in any direction the center of mass of the system and how many possible colors can the circles representing the particles can take.

Multi Agent

These datasets describe the dynamics of non-transitive zero-sum games. Here we consider two prominent examples of such games: matching pennies and rock-paper-scissors. We use the well-known continuous-time multi-population replicator dynamics to drive the learning process. The ground-truth trajectories are generated by integrating the coupled set of ODEs using an improved Euler scheme or RK45. In both cases the ground-truth state, i.e., joint strategy profile (joint policy), and its first order time derivative, is recorded at regular time intervals Δt = 0.1. Trajectories start from uniformly sampled points on the product of the policy simplexes. No noise is added to the trajectories.

As all other datasets use images as inputs, we define the observation as the outer product of the strategy profiles of the two players. The resulting matrix captures the probability mass that falls on each pure joint strategy profile (joint action). In this dataset, the observations are a loss-less representation of the ground-truth state and are upsampled to 32 x 32 x 3 images through tiling.

Mujoco Room

These datasets are composed of multiple scenes each consisting of a camera moving around a room with 5 randomly placed objects. The objects were sampled from four shape types: a sphere, a capsule, a cylinder and a box. Each room was different due to the randomly sampled colors of the wall, floor and objects. The dynamics were created by motion and rotation of the camera. The cirlce dataset is generated by rotating the camera around a single randomly sampled parallel of the unit hemisphere centered around the middle of the room. The spiral dataset is generated by rotating the camera on a spiral moving down the unit hemisphere. For each trajectory an initial radius and angle are sampled and then converted into the Cartesian coordinates of the camera. The dynamics are discretised by moving the camera using step size of 0.1 degrees in a way that keeps the camera on the unit hemisphere while facing the center of the room. For the spiral dataset, the camera path traces out a golden spiral starting at the height corresponding to the originally sampled radius on the unit hemisphere. The rendered scenes are used as observations, and the Cartesian coordinates of the camera and its velocities estimated through finite differences as the state. Each trajectory was generated using MuJoCo.

Molecular Dynamics

These datasets comprise a type of interaction potential commonly studied using computer simulation techniques, such as molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, we generated two datasets employing a Lennard-Jones potential of increasing complexity: one comprising only 4 particles at a very low density and another one for a 16-particle liquid at a higher density. For rendering these datasets we used the same scheme as for the Toy Physics datasets. All masses are set to unity and we represent particles by circles of equal size with a radius value adjusted to fit the canvas well. The illustrations are therefore not representative of the density of the system. In addition, we assigned different colors to the particles to facilitate tracking their trajectories.

We created the datasets in two steps: we first generated the raw molecular dynamics data using the simulation software LAMMPS, and then converted the resulting trajectories into a trainable format. For the final datasets available for download, we combined simulation data from 100 different molecular dynamics trajectories, each corresponding to a different random initialization (see Appendix 1.3 of the paper for details). Here we provide a LAMMPS input script lj_16.lmp to generate data for a single seed and a script to turn the text-based simulation output into a trainable format. By default, the simulation is set up for the 16-particle system, but we provide inline comments on which lines need changing for the 4-particle dataset.


All package requirements are listed in requirements.txt. To install the code run in your shell the following commands:

git clone
pip install -r ./dm_hamiltonian_dynamics_suite/requirements.txt
pip install ./dm_hamiltonian_dynamics_suite
pip install --upgrade "jax[XXX]"

where XXX is the correct type of accelerator that you have on your machine. Note that if you are using a GPU you might need XXX to also include the correct version of CUDA and cuDNN installed on your machine. For more details please read here.


You can find an example of how to generate a dataset and the load and visualize them in the Colab notebook provided.


Which priors matter? Benchmarking models for learning latent dynamics

Aleksandar Botev, Drew Jaegle, Peter Wirnsberger, Daniel Hennes and Irina Higgins


SyMetric: Measuring the Quality of Learnt Hamiltonian Dynamics Inferred from Vision

Irina Higgins, Peter Wirnsberger, Andrew Jaegle, Aleksandar Botev



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