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Visual Task Adaptation Benchmark (VTAB)

This repository contains code for evaluating visual models on a challenging set of downstream vision tasks, coming from diverse domains: natural images, artificial environments (structured) and images captured with non-standard cameras (specialized). These tasks, together with our evaluation protocol, constitute VTAB, short for Visual Task Adaptation Benchmark.

The VTAB benchmark contains the following 19 tasks that are derived from the public datasets:

Our benchmark expects a pretrained model as an input. The model should be provided as a Hub module. The given model is independently fine tuned for solving each of the above 20 tasks. Average accuracy across all tasks is used to measure the model's performance.

Detailed description of all tasks, evaluation protocol and other details can be found in the VTAB paper.


You can install the library and all necessary dependencies by running: pip install -e . from the task_adaptation/ folder.

Dataset preparation

VTAB uses the tensorflow datasets library (TFDS) that automatically downloads and preprocesses VTAB datasets. TFDS will download and preprocess a dataset when it is used for the first time. Subsequently, it will reuse already downloaded and preprocessed dataset.

We recommend triggering dataset downloading and preprocessing before running VTAB benchmark. Otherwise, if downloading of one of the datasets fails (because of an unstable internet connection or missing dependency) you will get an incomplete result.

Dataset downloading can be triggered in various ways. We recommend running dataset tests located in task_adaptation/data folder. Execution of each test will result in the corresponding dataset being downloaded and preprocessed. In order to download and preprocess datasets faster we recommend running all data tests in parallel:

# run inside task_adaptation/data
$ find . -name '*' | xargs -P14 -IX python X

Data preparation may take substantial amount of time: up to a day depending on your internet connection and CPU model.

Note, that Diabetic Retinopathy and Resisc45 datasets can not be downloaded automatically, so a user should download these dataset themself, see TFDS documentation for more details.

Install dataset specific dependencies

Data preprocessing step requires additional python dependencies to be installed:

$ pip install opencv-python scipy

Depending on your Linux Distribution, opencv-python library may be missing some binary dependencies. For instance, if you are using Debian 9 you may need to install extra packages using the following command:

$ apt-get install libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev

Running locally

After installing task_adaptation package you can adapt and evaluate Hub modules locally by running script. For instance, the following command adapts publicly available ResNet50 v2 model trained on ImageNet for the CIFAR-100 dataset: \
    --hub_module  \
    --hub_module_signature image_feature_vector \
    --finetune_layer resnet_v2_50/global_pool \
    --work_dir /tmp/cifar100 \
    --dataset 'cifar(num_classes=100)' \
    --batch_size 64 \
    --batch_size_eval 10 \
    --initial_learning_rate 0.01 \
    --decay_steps 300,600,900 \
    --max_steps 1000

Results are written into result_file.txt which is created in the directory specified by the --work_dir flag.

In the scripts/ directory we provide a script that runs our benchmark on all tasks from the VTAB benchmark.

Running on Google Cloud TPU

In order to run VTAB on Cloud TPU follow these steps:

Create Cloud TPU Instance

For the comprehensive documentation on how to set up Google Cloud TPU visit this link.

If you are familiar with Google Cloud infrastructure and already have an account there, you can skip the above step, go to the Google Cloud Console and run the following command:

$ ctpu up \
  --tpu-size v3-8 \
  --zone <ZONE> \

After running the above command you will be able to find a new VM instance in the Google Cloud UI with the instructions of how to log in the newly created machine.

Note, in this example we use a TPU machine with 8 TPU cores, which is a recommended setup.

Create a bucket in Google Cloud Storage

After logging to the VM instance, create a Cloud Storage bucket for storing data and checkpoints:

$ gsutil mb gs://$BUCKET

Note, that Cloud TPU does not support local file system, so the above step is absolutely necessary.

Setup tensorflow hub cache directory

Now we need to setup tensorflow hub to cache Hub modules in our bucket:

$ export TFHUB_CACHE_DIR=gs://$BUCKET/tfhub-cache/

Install VTAB

Install VTAB as described in the installation section above.

Install additional python dependencies

Install python packages required by Cloud TPU:

$ pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client oauth2client

Run command line utility

Now everything is ready for running adaptation and evaluation of your Hub model.

The following command provides an example that adapts publicly available ResNet-50 v2 model trained on the ImageNet dataset to the CIFAR-100 dataset. The resulting accuracy on CIFAR-100 test set should be around 83%.

$ \
    --hub_module  \
    --hub_module_signature image_feature_vector \
    --finetune_layer resnet_v2_50/global_pool \
    --work_dir gs://$BUCKET/cifar100 \
    --dataset 'cifar(num_classes=100)' \
    --batch_size 512 \
    --batch_size_eval 512 \
    --initial_learning_rate 0.01 \
    --decay_steps 750,1500,2250 \
    --max_steps 2500 \
    --data_dir gs://$BUCKET/tfds-data \
    --tpu_name <NAME OF A CLOUD TPU INSTANCE>  # The same name as used in the `ctpu` call

Results are written into result_file.txt which is created in the directory specified by the --work_dir flag.