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This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 1, 2023. It is now read-only.

Releases: google/agera


27 Feb 18:43
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Agera core

  • Added resultAsList/itemAsList/resultAsList converters to Functions
  • Added asList to Result, returning a singleton list if present, or an empty list if not
  • Added nullBinder and nullReceiver singletons that does nothing to Binders/Receivers

Rvadapter sample extension

  • Added forItem to the RepositoryPresenterCompiler, creating a RepositoryPresenter for a Repository of a single item
  • Added LayoutPresenter, and a layout presenter builder, for the new RepositoryAdapter methods addItem and addLayout, allowing to add static items or layouts inside a RecyclerView controlled by a RepositoryAdapter
  • Added static stableId to the RepositoryPresenterCompiler
  • Added forCollection to the RepositoryPresenterCompiler, allowing to present a Repository of any type as a list of items, and bind to to the collection and list items individually
  • Added fine-grained events support to RepositoryPresenter

Rvdatabinding sample extension

  • Added forItem (from rvadapter)
  • Added recycle configuration to allow to send null to data binding variables when a view is recycled
  • Added static stableId to the DataBindingRepositoryPresenterCompiler
  • Added collectionId to the DataBindingRepositoryPresenterCompiler, allowing to present a Repository of any type as a list of items, and bind to to the collection and list items individually


24 Apr 15:05
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v1.4.0-alpha4 Pre-release

Rvadapter and Rvdatabinding sample extensions

  • Added fine-grained events support to RepositoryPresenter

alpha3 was DOA


23 Mar 08:15
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v1.4.0-alpha2 Pre-release

Rvadapter sample extension

  • Added static stableId to the RepositoryPresenterCompiler
  • Added forCollection to the RepositoryPresenterCompiler, allowing to present a Repository of any type as a list of items, and bind to to the collection and list items individually

Rvdatabinding sample extension

  • Added static stableId to the DataBindingRepositoryPresenterCompiler
  • Added collectionId to the DataBindingRepositoryPresenterCompiler, allowing to present a Repository of any type as a list of items, and bind to to the collection and list items individually


13 Mar 13:21
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v1.4.0-alpha1 Pre-release

Agera core

  • Updated support library to 25.2.0
  • Added resultAsList/itemAsList/resultAsList converters to Functions
  • Added asList to Result, returning a singleton list if present, or an empty list if not
  • Added nullBinder and nullReceiver singletons that does nothing to Binders/Receivers

Rvadapter sample extension

  • Added forItem to the RepositoryPresenterCompiler, creating a RepositoryPresenter for a Repository of a single item
  • Added LayoutPresenter, and a layout presenter builder, for the new RepositoryAdapter methods addItem and addLayout, allowing to add static items or layouts inside a RecyclerView controlled by a RepositoryAdapter

Rvdatabinding sample extension

  • Added forItem (from rvadapter)
  • Added recycle configuration to allow to send null to data binding variables when a view is recycled


01 Mar 11:17
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Agera core

  • Added contains(value) to Result that checks if it is present with the given value

Rvadapter sample extension

  • Added recycleWith(Receiver) to the RepositoryPresenterCompiler, and recycle to the RepositoryPresenter

Rvdatabinding sample extension

  • Removed incorrect layout annotation from data binding methods


01 Mar 11:14
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v1.3.0-alpha3 Pre-release

Documentation and support lib update only


22 Jan 18:33
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v1.3.0-alpha2 Pre-release

Rvdatabinding sample extension

  • Removed incorrect layout annotation from data binding methods


20 Dec 17:44
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v1.3.0-alpha1 Pre-release

Agera core

  • Added contains(value) to Result that checks if it is present with the given value

Rvadapter sample extension

  • Added recycleWith(Receiver) to the RepositoryPresenterCompiler, and recycle to the RepositoryPresenter


28 Nov 10:03
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Agera core

  • Added an orContinue directive to the repository compiler, allowing for the rest of the processing flow to only be used if the thenAttempt failed
  • Added a sendDiscardedValuesTo directive to the repository compiler, allowing to specify a disposer Receiver to handle any intermediate values discarded from the data processing flow

Database sample extension

  • Ability to use any column value type

Rvadapter sample extension

  • Support for stable IDs in the RepositoryPresenterCompiler


04 Nov 08:20
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1.2.0-beta3 Pre-release

Rvadapter sample extension

  • Support for stable IDs in the RepositoryPresenterCompiler