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Related Projects

Philip Helger edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 8 revisions

Projects related to Closure Compiler (feel free to suggest additions to this page).

Rhino - An implementation of JavaScript written in Java. Closure Compiler uses an fork of an old version of Rhino as our AST.

Build Tools that use Closure Compiler

google-closure-compiler - The official npm package for Closure Compiler, also includes build tool plugins for Grunt and Gulp.

ClosureCompiler.js - A package for running Closure Compiler under Node.js.

Closure Javascript Framework - A Maven plugin for running Closure Compiler on JavaScript code.

este - JavaScript Framework and Dev Stack build on Google Closure Tools with CoffeeScript support.

JSlim - Builds optimized versions of common library code.

Plovr - A server for recompiling JavaScript on the fly with Closure Compiler, for rapid development. Also tries to make it easy to get started with Closure Library and Templates.

Relief - A Rails-like Framework to help you set up a lot of the boilerplate of a Closure-based project and get coding quickly.

Web Resource Optimizer for Java - A Java API that makes it easier to serve and minimize resources. Supports many different tools, including Closure Compiler, UglifyJs, YUI, CoffeeScript, and more.

silksmith - A Gradle Plugin that manages dependencies via Maven, configures the compile task and comes with a buildin development server and a Mocha based test runner.

ph-jscompress-maven-plugin - A simple Apache Maven 3 plugin that compresses all JS files in a certain directory (or recursive). Useful for static JS files.

Other Languages that Compile to JavaScript

ClojureScript - An implementation of Lisp that compiles down to JavaScript compatible with Closure Compiler's advanced mode.

emscripten - A LLVM to JavaScript cross compiler that optionally uses Closure Compiler's advanced mode to reduce code size.

Google Web Toolkit - A Java to JavaScript tool set that optionally uses the Closure Compiler to further reduce code size.

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