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Googler edited this page Jun 18, 2021 · 2 revisions



In addition to built-in scopes like Singleton and RequestScoped, Guice also supports custom scopes. Guice will throw a SCOPE_NOT_FOUND error when a custom scope is used without being registered in the injector.

Common Causes

Using the wrong annotation

Each custom scope is associated with a ScopeAnnotation so make sure that you've imported the correct annotation to use.


import; // Wrong RequestScoped annotation.

final class FooRequestModule extends AbstractModule {
  Foo provideFoo(FooRequest request) {
    return FooFactory.createFoo(request);
import // Correct RequestScoped annotation.

final class FooRequestModule extends AbstractModule {
  Foo provideFoo(FooRequest request) {
    return FooFactory.createFoo(request);

Using the scope without registering it

Custom scope implementations must be registered in the injector, so make sure that you've done so if you get a SCOPE_NOT_FOUND error.


final class ApplicationModule extends AbstractModule {
  Foo provideFoo() {
    return FooFactory.createFoo();
final class ApplicationModule extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {
    // BatchScoped is registered in BatchScopeModule and must be installed
    // to use @BatchScoped annotation.
    install(new BatchScopeModule());

  Foo provideFoo() {
    return FooFactory.createFoo();

This can often happen in tests that have not installed the module that defines the scope. In some cases, you can fix this by using NO_SCOPE.

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