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Prediction framework


This solutions simplifies deployment of prediction solutions. It is designed to provide a basic scaffolding suitable for most predictive solutions, allowing for customization depending on the specific project.

Despite being initially designed for LTV prediction, it could be used for any kind of prediction by just removing some of the parts.


The framework will fit almost all use cases under the following conditions:

  • Data source is stored in BQ
  • Data output is stored in BQ
  • Prepare, filter and post-process: < 540 seconds time-limit (Cloud Function limit)
  • Vertex AutoML model is used (if BQML or Tensorflow small changes need to be done)
  • You are familiar with Python
  • The service account from the default Google project is used. That service account must be granted access to external resources. (If different SAs for different projects are needed, small changes will be required on the deployment process)

What is this framework?

This framework is an effort to generalise all the steps involved in a prediction project: extract, prepare (aka feature eng.), filter, predict and post-process plus some operational functionality like backfilling, throttling (for API limits), synchronisation, storage and reporting so it could be reused, saving 80% of the development time.

The idea behind the framework is that with just a few particularizations/modifications (some of them important) the framework would fit any similar use case, with a high level or reliability.

What does this framework do?


Note: different projects are defined in the picture to represent a typical use case, but everything could be under the very same project for other use cases. The framework is flexible enough to address that scenario.

Understanding the different steps

  • Extract: this step will on a timely basis, query the transactions from the data source, corresponding to the run date (scheduler or backfill run date) and will store them in a new table into the local project BigQuery.
  • Prepare: immediately after the transactions extract for one specific date is available, the data will be picked up from the local BigQuery and processed according to the specs of the model. Once the data is processed, it will be stored in a new table into the local project BigQuery.
  • Filter: this step will query the data stored by the prepare process and will filter the required data and store it into the local project BigQuery. (i.e only taking into consideration new customers transactionsWhat a new customer is up to the instantiation of the framework for the specific use case. Will be covered later).
  • Predict: once the new customers are stored, this step will read them from BigQuery and call the prediction using Vertex API. A formula based on the result of the prediction could be applied to tune the value or to apply thresholds. Once the data is ready, it will be stored into the BigQuery within the target project.
  • Post_process: A formula could be applied to the AutoML batch results to tune the value or to apply thresholds. Once the data is ready, it will be stored into the BigQuery within the target project.

Understanding the BQ tables

All tables are sharded tables by date:


Stores all the transactions corresponding to the execution date. Since data is lagged the date of the data with the table will not correspond with the date of the table name. The schema will depend on the particular use case query.


Stores transactions for one single day, the transactions from all_periodic_transactions_YYYYMMDD are aggregated and should include those metrics required by your model to perform the prediction. The schema will depend on the particular use case. The idea is to get the same table structure and data that you will pass when calling AutoML.


This table is intended to store those transactions from new customers only. If your use case requires to predict only on new customers, include them into this table filtering old onee using the corresponding SQL. Otherwise just select \* from prepared_periodic_transactions_YYYYMMDD. The schema will depend on the particular use case query.


This table contains the LTV predictions for the transactions in prepared_new_customers_periodic_transactions_YYYYMMDD. Since the ultimate purpose of this table is to feed Google Ads, Campaign Manager 360, SA360 or any other system interested into the conversion value, the schema will look similar to the following one (it could be customised using the hook functions):

Field name Type Mode
conversionValue FLOAT REQUIRED
conversionValue2 FLOAT REQUIRED
conversionValue3 FLOAT REQUIRED
conversionValue4 FLOAT REQUIRED
conversionValue5 FLOAT REQUIRED


Stores the information regarding the model to use, which will be used to correlate with the features table date suffix. This table is generated automatically by the deployment script. The schema is fixed:

Field name Type Mode


  • export_date indicates the latest full data export for training happened. It will be used for automatic model training in the future.
  • model_date : indicates the data used to train the model. This correlates with the features table.
  • model_id: the ID of the AutoML model


Row export_date model_date model_id
1 20200605 null null
6 null 20200605 7662206262901211136


This table stores all the features used by the model. They are needed for the prediction phase. The suffix YYYYMMDD must match the model data set in the metadata. The suggested schema is as follows, but it could be customised:

Field name Type Mode


Row value type
1 cat20093 category
2 nestle brand

Additional custom tables

Additional tables can be added if required by the custom algorithms. This can be achieved via customization scripts. In order to run these scripts when the solution is deployed, you may add them to deploy/customization/scripts. Then, add a call to them on deploy/customization/scripts/

Why this table choice?

Because it is very easy to report on:

  • The increase on the number of conversions and new customer conversions
  • The increase of AOV in overall and new customer conversions
  • The evolution of advanced indicators to understand if LTV bidding is working
  • The relationship between different types of conversions
  • Any kind of historical query is easier and cheaper than performing them over massive data sources (i.e TB of data from Google Analytics)

If extra tables are needed it is possible to create and use them from the customization code.

Understanding the Firestore collections

Firestore is used for throttling, wait & notify and synchronize patterns.

There are 4 different collections used:


Logs the activities which are still in prepare data. It is used to not trigger the extraction of new customer transactions until all “prepare” activities are completed. To decide if a customer is new or not, usually a time window is considered, therefore the past data must be stored before looking to query such time window.


This collection is used to track if any prediction task is still running, so the stop model process does not stop the AutoML model while prediction is happening.


This collection is used to store the messages which have been throttled or pending on a long running operation like AutoML model deploy.


This is just for traceability purposes, in case something would fail. Only for AutoML Live scenario.

Collection names examples:





What can I do with the predictions?

As mentioned before, the ultimate purpose of this setup is to feed GAds, Campaign Manager, SA360 or any other system interested in conversion values, with the system predicted conversion values.

All predicted data will be available in the BQ predictions_YYYYMMDD tables, so depending on the case there will be various ways to feed the data to the target system (APIs, file transfers….), but when using Google products one of the easiest and most flexible ways of uploading conversions will be by using the open source tool: Tentacles.

How to instantiate the framework for your use case

Directory structure

There’re 2 main directories: cfs containing the cloud functions code (not to be altered unless extending the framework) and deploy directory, containing all the scripts required to make the deployment plus any customizations needed for the particular use case.

Note: it's recommended to make a copy of the deploy folder for each deployment you make. That way, the original deploy folder is left unchanged for your reference (see here).


Training phase

Note: Automatic training and metadata update is in the roadmap

Prediction phase

At this point you must have:

  • An AutoML model.
  • The set of features used by the model (AutoML dataset?).
  • Any extra calculated data required by the model during training (price averages etc…)

Environment Variables Setting

Set the deployment name and solution prefix. This will be used to name all the GCP resources to be created:

    # General settings
    SOLUTION_PREFIX: 'pltv_example’

Set the service account to be used in all CFs. If it does not exist yet, do not include the domain, but just the name you want for the service account. If different accounts needed for different projects, changes must be made in the code.


Set the GCP project and region where all the main processing will take place (cloud functions, task poller, writer and firestore).

DEFAULT_GCP_PROJECT: ‘my-google-project’
DEFAULT_GCP_REGION: 'europe-west1'

Set data source GCP project, dataset and tables: BQ_DATA_SOURCE_GCP_PROJECT: the project where the data source is. BQ_DATA_SOURCE_DATA_SET: the dataset where the data source is. BQ_DATA_SOURCE_TABLES: the tables template to use as a data source.

Sample values:

# BQ Data source settings
BQ_DATA_SOURCE_GCP_PROJECT: ‘myclient-123456'
BQ_DATA_SOURCE_TABLES: 'ga_sessions'

Set whether or not to use in-memory processing. This may be useful to some implementations, but does not support array values. See googleapis/python-bigquery#19 for this limitation. If this feature is turned off, each stage will only do a SQL transformation into the next stage table:

  Whether or not to pull data into cloud function memory
  so it can be manipulated as Pandas dataframes.

Sample values:


Set the GCP dataset and region (used for data transfer) where all the intermediate processing is going to happen (it could be different from data source project):

BQ_LTV_GCP_PROJECT: the project used to store the data and the scheduled query.
BQ_LTV_GCP_BROAD_REGION: region used to create the datasets.
BQ_LTV_DATASET: dataset name to be used for all the generated tables.

Sample Values:

BQ_LTV_GCP_PROJECT: 'my_ltv_project'

Set model configuration:

MODEL_GCP_PROJECT: The project where the model exists
MODEL_LOCATION: The location of the project where the model resides.
MODEL_AUTOML_API_ENDPOINT: the endpoint according to the region.
MODEL_DATE: Date where the model was trained in YYYYMMDD format. It will be used
to label metadata.

Sample values:

MODEL_GCP_PROJECT: 'my_model_project'
MODEL_LOCATION: 'europe-west4'
MODEL_DATE: '20210601'

Set scheduler settings:

TIMEZONE: the timezone used to create the schedulers.
DATA_SOURCE_PERIODIC_TX_POLLER_CONFIG: cron syntax for model data source extractor scheduler.
LONG_RUNNING_TASKS_POLLER_CONFIG: cron syntax for polling waiting tasks.
DISCARD_TASKS_OLDER_THAN_HOURS: expiration time in hours for the waiting tasks

Sample values:


Set the amount of minutes the stopper has to consider as inactivity, after the latest prediction task activity:

Tuning parameters

In order to avoid quota problems (max. concurrent requests, max. connections open …) throttling needed to be in place.

Polling & throttling settings

DATA_SOURCE_PERIODIC_TX_POLLER_CONFIG**: '0 \*/1 \* \* \*' → the poller that triggers the periodic export. Default every hour.

LONG_RUNNING_TASKS_POLLER_CONFIG: '\*/2 \* \* \* \*' → the poller to check the enqueued tasks (either intentionally delayed or long running ones). Default 2 minutes.

DISCARD_TASKS_OLDER_THAN_HOURS: '24' → how long a task will be waiting in the “queue” (if running daily reports, more than 24 hours does not make sense)

MAX_TASKS_PER_POLL: '10' → the number of “enqueued” tasks to retrieve on every poll. Default: 10. Increase it wisely.

DELAY_PREPARE_IN_SECONDS: '60' → minimum delay to be introduced on the prepare task. The execution time will depend on max(DELAY_PREPARE_IN_SECONDS, LONG_RUNNING_TASKS_POLLER_CONFIG) and the position of the task into the “queue”, affected by MAX_TASKS_PER_POLL

DELAY_FILTER_IN_SECONDS: '60' → minimum delay to be introduced on the filter task. The execution time will depend on max(DELAY_PREPARE_IN_SECONDS, LONG_RUNNING_TASKS_POLLER_CONFIG) and the position of the task into the queue, affected by MAX_TASKS_PER_POLL.

DELAY_PREDICT_TRANSACTIONS_IN_SECONDS: '60' → minimum delay to be introduced on the predict transactions task. The execution time will depend on max(DELAY_PREPARE_IN_SECONDS, LONG_RUNNING_TASKS_POLLER_CONFIG) and the position of the task into the queue, affected by MAX_TASKS_PER_POLL.

Custom variables

This section is specific for those variables to be used in the code customization and

extra data sections.

Code Customisation

  • In in deploy/customization/queries/extract_all_transactions.sql:

    • Replace data transfer SQL query which extracts the data.
  • In deploy/customization/filter_transactions/

    • If required, replace/modify the function: hook_get_load_data_query
  • In deploy/customization/prepare_transactions/

    • Modify/Replace the functions hook_get_load_tx_data_query and hook_prepare
    • This is a key part, a strong dependency is set between this step and the features and extra data loaded into BQ.
  • In deploy/customization/predict_transactions/

    • If required, replace/modify the function hook_get_load_batch_query
  • In deploy/customization/predict_transaction/

    • Modify/Replace the functions hook_apply_formulas and hook_get_bq_schema

Features Settings

Inside deployment/customization/data directory, fill training_data_features.csv with the features list used to train your model, without any header row. The structure is as follows:

*   First column: feature name
*   Second column: feature type


    cat200043, category

    fruits, category

    nestle, brand

    bmw, brand

Extra Data Settings

  • Create a .csv file inside deployment/customization/data, with the data you will require. I.e: training_data_price_averages.csv

  • Create a “.sh” file inside deployment/customization/scripts (e.g.:, which loads the data into the BQ table.

    • Use the variables defined in custom variables

    • Make sure the code in code customization, is able to read the data properly

    • Example:

      #it's executed from deploy path
      source ./
      bq --project_id=$BQ_LTV_GCP_PROJECT load  --replace=true $BQ_LTV_DATASET"."$BQ_LTV_TRAINING_DATA_PRICE_AVGS_TABLE"_"$MODEL_DATE \
       ./customization/data/training_data_price_avgs.csv \
      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "Error populating features BQ table. Exiting!"
        exit -1
  • Add a call to the new .sh file in the script, as follows:

    # custom scripts calls

Post Model Stop Actions

If any task needs to be done after the model is stopped (i.e copy one table to a different project), just modify/replace the function hook_post_stop_action in file deploy/customization/stop_model/



The framework allows for flexibility in terms of how resources are distributed across different GCP projects. For this guide, we'll consider the following projects for simplicity:

  • model: This is where the AutoML model has been trained. Previously existing.
  • input: This is where the customer data resides. Previously existing.
  • processing: This is where our Cloud Functions, Firestore DB and Pub/Sub reside. It is also where we'll store the output. We'll create it in the following steps.

First, create a service account on processing project. Grant this service account the following permissions:

  • BigQuery User role on the processing project. This is required to run jobs in Bigquery.

  • BigQuery Data Owner role on the processing project. This is required to create and delete tables and datasets.

  • Cloud Datastore User role on the processing project. This is required to use Datastore to write job coordination information.

  • Pub/Sub Publisher role on the processing project. This is required to send notifications between the different cloud functions.

  • BigQuery Data Viewer role on the source dataset on the input project. This is required to read the input data.

  • Vertex AI User role on the AutoML model on the model project. This is required to trigger batch predictions.

Note that this first step can be done automatically by the setup script if the user has sufficient permissions to create service accounts and assign permissions. For more information about how to do this automatically, see the FAQ below.

Second, go to the model project, find the AI Platform Service Agent service account on IAM (you may need to activate the Include Google-provided role grants checkbox in top-right corner). Copy its address and then grant it BigQuery Data Editor role on the destination dataset on the processing project.

NOTE: The destination dataset on the processing project must exist before proceeding. Create it if it doesn't exist yet.

Running the deployment script

In Firestore screen, make sure you have enabled Firestore in Native Mode


Once the configuration is set, get into “deploy” directory (cd deploy) and execute: sh

You will need to have GCP CLI tools installed.

A successful deployment will output the following results in the console:

Now deploying _pLTV_scaffolding_ ...

Updated property [core/project].

Updated property [compute/region].

Operation "operations/acf.98066e2d-4543-42dd-ac33-8d3e0d5cf7d0" finished


\* Services Enabled. Waiting for changes to be applied... \*



\* Service Account Created. \*


Updated IAM policy for project [test-ltv-deploy].

Updated IAM policy for project [test-ltv-deploy].


\* Account Permissions Set. \*



\* Cloud Functions Successfully Deployed. \*



\* Schedulers Successfully Deployed. \*



\* BQ Dataset Successfully Deployed. Waiting to be available.\*



\* BQ Elements Successfully Deployed. \*



IMPORTANT: run the post deployment tasks explained in the doc!

IMPORTANT: Grant permissions on external


The following resources must be created into the GCP Project:

  • IAM account


  • Data Transfer


  • Topics


  • Cloud Functions


  • Schedulers


Post-deployment tasks

After deployment, you must assign pub sub notification to extract_all_transactions scheduled query. In order to do so, follow these steps:

  • Go to Pub/Sub > Topics
  • Copy the name of the topic that ends with data_extract_ready


  • Go to BigQuery > Scheduled queries.
  • Click on extract_all_transactions scheduled query.
  • Click on the “Edit” button on the upper-right corner.


  • In the new displayed page, click on “update scheduled query”


  • Paste the name of the pub/sub notification topic previously copied and click the update button


Running your customized framework

Processing requests

There’re two main ways of triggering a request:

  • Trigger the periodic transaction scheduler (time triggered or manual)
  • Trigger backfilling (see backfilling section)


Just use BigQuery scheduled queries backfilling on the BQ scheduled query extract_all_transactions.

  • Go to BigQuery scheduled queries and click on the extract_all_transactions


  • Click on “More > Schedule backfill”


  • Select the timeframe (remember: start date included, end date excluded) and click OK.


  • Soon messages will appear on the topic <DEPLOYMENT_NAME>.<SOLUTION_PREFIX>.periodic_extract_ready

Note: not tested on batches of more than 1 month

How does a successful run look like?

Let’s say we either backfill the process for the date 20200710 or is triggered by the scheduler, the following will happen:

  1. all_transactions_20200710 table is created in the BQ_LTV_GCP_PROJECT project under BQ_LTV_DATASET.
  2. After the minutes in LONG_RUNNING_TASKS_POLLER_CONFIG, prepared_transactions_20200710 table is created in the BQ_LTV_GCP_PROJECT project under BQ_LTV_DATASET.
  3. Again, after LONG_RUNNING_TASKS_POLLER_CONFIG minutes, prepared_new_customers\transactions_20200710 is created in the BQ_LTV_GCP_PROJECT project under BQ_LTV_DATASET.
  4. A request for model deployment will happen.
  5. After a few minutes from the model starts, predictions_20200710 is created and started to be populated in BQ_LTV_GCP_PROJECT under BQ_LTV_DATASET.
  6. Around STOP_MODEL_WAITING_MINUTES after the last prediction request action, the model is stopped.

Let’s say we run a backfill process of 30 days:

  • Steps 1 and 2 stay the same.
  • 3 will not be triggered until the 30 tasks for step 2 are completed (do not get stressed if the process does not seem to progress )
  • 4, 5 and 6 stay the same.

Tracing requests


Every cloud function leaves a trace based on the date belonging to the data which is being processed. So the best way to check the status of a particular date data processing is just to filter based on the date string.


Firestore tables could be helpful to trace request stages (particularly for predictions completion).


"How can I deploy multiple instances at the same time?"

Multiple concurrent deployments are possible:

Each deployment must at least have a different value for the following parameters in config.yaml:

  • Solution prefix and/or deployment name
  • Output dataset

Keeping multiple deployment configurations in your local copy is also possible. In order to do so, you can make as many copies of the deploy directory a necessary. Place the copies in the same directory as the original deploy directory. Just rename each copy to something descriptive of that particular deployment. You can run each deployment by cding into that deployment's directory and executing its script.


├── cfs
├── deploy
│   └── ...
├── deploy_20210601
│   └── ...
├── deploy_20210702
│   └── ...
├── design
├── docs
└── utils

In the summarize directory structure above, deploy_20210601 and deploy_20210702 hold different deployment configurations. Each directory has its own copy of config.yaml, custom_scripts, etc. At any point in time a deployment can be reproduced by cding into it and running the deployment script. For example:

cd deploy_20210601

“I execute a backfill but I do not see the tables populated”

  1. Check there’re no old tasks logged into firestore prepare_tx_tracking
    1. If there are tasks which do not belong to your current run
      1. If the dates are in the future of your current run, delete them and start the backfilling from that data
      2. If the dates are in the past of your current run
        • Clean all the firestore tables (you can use the scripts in the util directory)
        • Run the backfill from the oldest date that was in firestore. The process is idempotent so no need to delete tables. In case, for clarity purposes, you’d like to delete the tables for a date range there’re some scripts under “utils” directory which will help.
    2. If there’re no tasks:
      1. Check the logs for one of the dates and identify the process it stops at
      2. If BQ tables are not created, check the projects configuration in the config.yaml file
      3. Check the topics for incoming traffic
      4. Check if the model has been started correctly

“There are tables with no schema on extract\transactions_YYYYMMDD

When executing the data transfer in BQ it will create/overwrite the target table with the resulting data from the query, even if empty. As per today, there’s no way to avoid blank table creation. This behaviour is not affecting the further steps, since checks have been included and there’s no query on extract_periodic_transactions_*`

“There are less tables in prepared_transactions_YYYYMMDD than in extract_transactions_YYYYMMDD

That’s because of the empty tables in extact_periodic_transactions:YYYYMMDD, which are ignored.

“There are less tables in prepared_new_customers_transactions_YYYYMMDD than in prepared_transactions_YYYYMMDD

That’s caused by no new customers on some dates.

“Why not using AutoML batch prediction”

Batch prediction has a very low concurrent API quota, which made backfilling exceed that quota.

Also, in the scenario where predictions have to be written on clients BQ projects, usually the access is granted to one dataset. AutoML batch prediction creates one dataset per request, which overcomplicates the whole solution.

“I want to use AutoML batch prediction anyway”

You will need to modify or create a separate predict_transaction/ (predict_transaction without “s”) which will call AutoML batch prediction (there's a sample file included With batch prediction you might want to connect the “extract new customers transactions” step directly to “predict transaction” (skipping predict_transactions). This can be achieved just by changing the topic values in the config file. Also, make sure to:

  • Throttle requests when backfilling (only 5 requests per minute). You can use the enqueue operation used in other steps.

  • Pass the necessary information to reconstruct the AutoML output dataset and table name.

  • Disable the food_pltv_model_stopper Cloud Scheduler

“I want to use BQML prediction”

See “I want to use AutoML batch prediction anyway”

“I want to use my Tensorflow model for prediction”

This has not been tested yet, but the steps would be similar to the ones in the following list:

  • Change start_model and get_model_status functions in cfs/predict_transactions/
  • Change stop_model function in cfs/stop_model/
  • Modify or create a separate predict_transaction/ to call the Tensorflow deployed model API.

“Why post-deployment tasks are needed”

CLI BQ scheduled query creation does not allow to pass pub/sub notification topics.

“I receive the following error: The Cloud Firestore API is not available for Datastore Mode projects.”

Have you enabled the Native mode of Firestore?

“The process has not triggered or failed due to temporary Cloud Function unavailability.”

We only saw this error twice in 8 months, but you it could be circumvented by setting an alarm on logging/user/cloudfunction_errors [RATE] with the following policy "Any stream increases by 1% for greater than 5 minutes". When the alarm triggers, you could use the backfill process to reprocess the missing data.

How can I adjust the permissions the script sets on the primary service account?

This is being done in the deploy/ script in the set_service_account_permissions function. This function first sets permissions on the processing project, then on the model project and finally on the dataset project.