Come-up with design for cricket website
- It can track tournaments
- Tournament can contain multiple fixtures
- Fixtures are to be played in multiple locations
- Matches will be played between teams (2)
- Matches are played in stadiums
- There are multiple stadiums but one stadium can host one match at the time of the day
- Multiple teams can participate in a tournament
- Each tournament has a start and end date
- Teams may represent a country or a club
- Tournaments can be played by clubs or countries
- Teams are chosen for a tournament
- A team contain up to 14 players
- Team may contain more than one coach
- Team may contain a doctor, physio and a manager
- Team has a captain and vice captain
- Team is composed of players and players are of the following types
C. WICKETKEEPER - A match contian minimum of two innings
- Match starts with a toss. Coin is tossed by one captain and asked by another
- Toss has an outcome on which a team may choose to bowl / bat
- Match will involve the following people
A. Teams
B. Umpires
C. Referee
D. Scorers
E. Commentators - Bowler bowls overs and Batsman scores runs
- Bowled balls and runs should be tracked on scorecard