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=== Pinterest Importer ===
Donate link:
Tags: importer,Pinterest,pins,backup
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 5.2.1
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later

Backup your account by importing pins in Wordpress.  Supports regular boards, secret boards and followed boards. Downloads HD images & pins metadatas.

== Description ==

Pinterest Importer allows you to connect to your account; to grab all your pins (including from secret and optionnally followed boards); and to import them in Wordpress.

The difference with other plugins is that it is not based on the (very limited) official Pinterest API; which also requires SSL.
This means that you can make a full backup (instead of getting only the last x pins); but it also means the plugin may broke one day or another.
Better use it quick !

* Nice GUI
* Uses a custom post type, which makes it easy to use specific theme templates or capabilities, etc.
* Get pins from regular boards, secret boards and followed boards (optional).
* Assign a Wordpress category to each of your board (or let us handle it automatically)
* Supports both image & video pins; and sets automatically the corresponding post format
* Downloads original HD images from pins.
* Can be used on an ongoing basis : pins will not be imported several times
* Backup & display the pin metadatas in a metabox
* Set pin creation date as post date
* Handles hashtags, which are converted to post tags
* Cache pins in a JSON file for every board

= Donate! =
It truly took me a LOT of time to code this plugin.
If it saved you the time to backup manually a few hundred (or more!) pins, please consider converting this time into [a donation](
This would be very appreciated — Thanks !

= Instruction =

1. Go to Pins -> Pinterest Account
2. Follow the steps
3. Enjoy !

= Contributors =
* [seregazhuk]( for the (nice!) [php-pinterest-bot library](
* Other contributors are listed [here](

= Notes =

For feature request and bug reports, [please use the forums](

If you are a plugin developer, [we would like to hear from you]( Any contribution would be very welcome.

== Installation ==

This plugin requires at least php 5.3.6 with the [exif extension enabled](

1. Upload the plugin to your blog and Activate it.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How could I change how pins are saved ? =

If you want to change how a pin is saved (for example to change its post type), you can hook actions on the filter 'pinim_before_save_pin'.

For example :


//change post content (have a look at the [codex]( for the list of available variables)

function pin_custom_content($post,$pin,$is_update){   
    $post['post_content'] = 'MY CONTENT';
    return $post;

== Screenshots ==

1. Pinterest Account page
2. Pinterest Boards page
3. Pending Importation page
4. (Processed) Pins list
5. Plugin settings

== Changelog ==

= 0.7.1 =
* Updated php-pinterest-bot
* Minor fixes

= 0.7.0 =
* Lots of code cleanup
* Clearer interface
* Much faster than before
* Store raw pins in a cached JSON file for every board, and updates it only when the board's 'pin_count' exceed the total of cached pins.
* Option to enable followed boards

= 0.6.0 =
* Finally resurrected !
* Now uses [php-pinterest-bot library]( by [seregazhuk](
* Settings for boards followed

= 0.5.3 =
* fixed plugin broken due to Pinterest website's changes
* Removed support for likes as it as been removed from Pinterest

= 0.5.2 =
* fixed plugin broken due to Pinterest website's changes
* removed unused function get_board_id

= 0.5.1 =
* Fixed logout

= 0.5.0 =
* Now able to get private boards again
* Improved HTTP requests
* Fixed submenu capabilities
* A lot of code cleanup
* And more, and more !

= 0.4.8 =
* Now uses a 'pin' post type instead of the 'post' default post types.  This makes it easier to handle pins, use specific theme templates or capabilities, etc. + Upgrade routine for previous versions.
* New 'Pins' menu in the backend with a 'Pinterest Account', 'Pinterest Boards', 'Pending Importation' and 'Settings' pages; which replaces the page tabs from the previous versions.
* Code improved (a lot !)

= 0.4.7 =
* Less API calls
* !!! Secret boards are currently unsupported.  TO FIX.

= 0.4.6 =
* Pinim_Bridge::get_user_datas() : return data from module>tree>data instead of resourceDataCache>0>data
* improved Pinim_Bridge::api_response()
* store AppVersion in session cache
* new function Pinim_Bridge::email_exists() - not used for the moment

= 0.4.5 =
* Improved errors & responses from pinim-class-bridge; plugin was crashing
* Removed the ‘me’ stuff, so force user to login with username (so we got it) instead of username or email.
= 0.4.3 =
* new function Pinim_Pin_Item::get_post_content()
* renamed Pinim_Pin_Item::build_post_content() to Pinim_Pin_Item::append_medias()
* ignore pin source if does not exists (pin uploaded by user on Pinterest)
= 0.4.2 =
* two new options about post stati when importing pins.
* removed functions get_blank_post() and get_post_status(), which have been merged with Pinim_Pin_Item::save()
* renamed the filter 'pinim_before_pin_insert' to 'pinim_before_save_pin'.
= 0.4.1 =
* New filter 'pinim_attachment_before_insert'
* Added the pin instance as argument to the 'pinim_post_before_insert' filter
* Some fixes
= 0.4.0 =
* Major release !
* Supports importing boards from other users
* Store plugin's db version with each pin
* Improved storing/getting datas
* New function Pinim_Bridge::get_board_id()
* Option to delete board preferences
* Lots of fixes
= 0.3.1 =
* Fixed bad code which was slowing down the plugin when displaying the processed pins
* better handling of the pins caching stuff
* new auto-cache option
* New 'pinim_post_before_insert' filter
* new boards views + last choice stored in session
* 'queue pins' checkbox for boards (stored in the session)
* progress bar improvements
* autoselect bulk checkbox when settings of a board are changed (jQuery)
= 0.3.0 =
* Major release !
* Improved GUI
* Lots of bug fixes
* Options page
= 0.2.8 =
* Fixed "Error getting App Version"
= 0.2.7 =
* Fixed "Error getting App Version", thanks to markamp.
= 0.2.6 =
* Fixed "Error getting App Version"
= 0.2.5 =
* fixed anonymous functions (closures) that were broken with old php versions : inherit variables from the parent scope with 'use' (
= 0.2.4 =
* Improved remote image download + merged pinim_fetch_remote_image() and pinim_process_post_image() into pinim_attach_remote_image() 
* Added "updated" sortable column for pins (when have been processed)
* Fixed boards / pins sortable columns
= 0.2.3 =
* Added support for likes
* Warning for users who don't have sessions enabled
= 0.2.2 =
* Small bugs fixes
= 0.2.1 =
* Small bugs fixes
= 0.2.0 =
* Fully rewritten !  No more needs to save / upload an HTML file.  SO COOL !
= 0.1.2 =
* Updated plugin's readme.txt
* quoted_printable_decode() to decode MHTML
* Uploaded file needs to be MHTML to allow parsing
* Improved feedback
* Updated "a.creditItem" selector to ".creditItem a" in get_pin_board() and get_pin_source()
= 0.1.1 =
* Improved code (splitted into classes)
* Hashtags are now saved as post tags
= 0.1 ==
* First release

== TO DO ==
* use wp_update_term_count() ? seems posts count for categories is not updated.
* add source in post content should be optional
* a trashed pin should not be considered existing ?
* use some ajax functions (Pinterest queries, etc.)
* bug when creating 'pinim_boards_settings' : last board settings are not saved, so it is detected as new board when the page refreshes.

== Upgrade Notice ==

== Localization ==


Backup all your pins from Pinterest into Wordpress ! Own your data !






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