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A hardware description language, simulator, and 32 bit CPU


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BIT, a Hardware Description Language

BIT is a hardware description language that I designed and wrote in 1992. Sadly, the original C++ source code has been lost forever. In 2011, I resurrected the project and re-wrote BIT in C#. The new version includes a context sensitive editor, real time language parser, optimizing compiler, and CPU simulator.

In addition to BIT (the hardware description language), I also designed a 32 bit CPU. You can read more about the hardware description language and CPU here

Architectural Overview


The Lexer breaks the text into the tokens of the language. Once tokenized, they can be enumerated and marked up by the Parser or displayed by the Editor. Each token carries enough information to display its color (i.e. token type) or give the user feedback from the parser and code generator. ReplaceText can be used to insert or delete text, and the tokens in the affected area will be regenerated.


The Editor control uses the Lexer to enumerate the tokens, draw them on the screen, and edit the text. User edits are sent to the lexer which then sends a TextChanged2 event back to the application so it can recompile the code. Text changes are recorded to implement undo/redo.

The application uses TokenColorOverrides to draw different color backgrounds as the user moves the mouse over the text. It also hooks MouseHoverTokenChanged to display information reported by the parser and code generator, such as error or type information.


The Parser is recursive descent, and generates a syntax tree composed of SyntaxBox, SyntaxDecl, and SyntaxExpr. As it parses, the tokens are marked with information such as error text and connecting parenthesis. I know it doesn't mean much in todays world, but the parser is pretty fast, taking just 7 milliseconds to parse 1370 lines of text on my laptop.

Syntax tree for boxes that contain the statement A=(B+C+d)*E*F

CodeBox and Code Generation

CodeBox has two distinct passes. The first pass walks the syntax tree, collects type information, generates intermediate code, and marks up tokens with more information for the user. The intermediate code includes only the logic gates of the box being compiled, but not any gates of the referenced boxes. It is stripped of higher level constructs such as set, dup, ==, and number constants. Arrays are expanded to individual bits. if is converted to sum of products.

The second pass, executed by LinkCode, recursively includes all of the referenced boxes and synthesizes all the gates necessary for simulating the circuit. The final un-optimized output, ready for simulation, is just a list of boolean expressions List<OpCodeExpr> stored in LinkedCode.

Honestly, this is the most messy part of the project, and a lot of it is because the class should be split into several pieces. There should be at least three classes: TypeAnalysis, intermediate CodeGeneration, and final GateSynthesis.


The Optimizer removes unnecessary wires and gates, thereby reducing the 32 bit CPU from 13510 to 11864 gates. The following rules are used:

Remove wires, embed expressions
Remove duplicate expressions
Remove constants: A*1=A, A+0=A, A#0=A, A#1=!A, A*0=0, A+1=1
Remove identities: a+a=a, a*a=a, a+!a=1, a*!a=0
Remove parenthesis: a+(b+c)=a+b+c, a*(b*c)=a*b*c, a#(b#c)=a#b#c, a#!(b#c)=!(a#b#c)
Demorgan's law: a+!(b*c)=a+!b+!c, a*!(b+c)=a*!b*!c

This optimizer isn't all that powerful compared to the 1992 version which implemented the Quine–McCluskey algorithm


The final output is a list of single bit Boolean expressions stored in a tree structure. Each node of the tree can represent a constant, parameter, math operation, terminal, or expression. Symbolic information is recorded so the simulator can show the inputs, output, and "local variable" names. During gate synthesis, many thousands of anonymous expressions are created and they are assigned names, such as X3999. You can view the final output from the main menu by clicking Simulate...View Code. Here is a sample of the output from the 32 bit CPU:

X3399 = !(clock * !(X3403 * X3399));
X3402 = !(X3403 * clock * X3399);
X3403 = !(((X1042 * dataInBus.1) + (!X1042 * pushPopFieldNext.1)) * X3402);
X3406 = !(X3399 * !(X3402 * X3406));
X3417 = !(clock * !(X3421 * X3417));
X3420 = !(X3421 * clock * X3417);
X3421 = !(((X1042 * dataInBus.2) + (!X1042 * pushPopFieldNext.2)) * X3420);
X15296 = ((X15338 * X15484) + (source1Reg.2 * X15485) + ((X16010 # X16042 # (X16167 + (X16166 * X16171) + (X16007 * X16170 * X16171))) * X15408) + (source1Reg.2 * X15338 * X15487) + ((source1Reg.2 + X15338) * X15488) + ((source1Reg.2 # X15338) * X15489) + (X15338 * X15335) + (((X15416 * source1Reg.2) + (!X15416 * X15338)) * X15411));
X15297 = ((X15339 * X15484) + (source1Reg.3 * X15485) + ((X16011 # X16043 # (X16168 + (X16167 * X16172) + (X16166 * X16171 * X16172) + (X16007 * X16170 * X16171 * X16172))) * X15408) + (source1Reg.3 * X15339 * X15487) + ((source1Reg.3 + X15339) * X15488) + ((source1Reg.3 # X15339) * X15489) + (X15339 * X15335) + (((X15416 * source1Reg.3) + (!X15416 * X15339)) * X15411));
X15298 = ((X15340 * X15484) + (source1Reg.4 * X15485) + ((X16012 # X16044 # X16174) * X15408) + (source1Reg.4 * X15340 * X15487) + ((source1Reg.4 + X15340) * X15488) + ((source1Reg.4 # X15340) * X15489) + (X15340 * X15335) + (((X15416 * source1Reg.4) + (!X15416 * X15340)) * X15411));

Simulating the Circuit

Simulating is straight forward, and that's all I'll say about the implementation. What's really needed now is an automated unit test system. Manually testing the CPU for each instruction is tedious, time consuming, and prone to error.

Bit, the Language

The BIT hardware description language is based on Boolean algebra, where logic signals can carry two values: TRUE or FALSE. All logic circuits are boiled down to the basic Boolean operators: NOT, AND, OR, and XOR (exclusive OR).

The basic building block in BIT is the BOX. A box is a re-usable circuit that performs a Boolean calculation. For instance:

// Single bit adder with carry in and out
box Add1(in a, in b, in c, out answer, out carry) is
    answer = a # b # c;        // Use XOR to calculate the result
    carry = a*b + a*c + b*c;   // Use AND and OR to calculate the carry

The circuit above takes three inputs (a, b, and c) and generates a two bit sum. This is called a full adder. For more information about full adders, visit Wikipedia's Full Adder Page. Boxes can be composed of other boxes, so a 4 bit adder RippleAdd4 could be created like this:

// A 4 bit ripple adder (very slow)
box RippleAdd4(in cin, in left[4], in right[4], out answer[4], out carryOut) is
    bit carrys[3];
    Add1(left[0], right[0], cin, answer[0], carrys[0]);
    Add1(left[1], right[1], carrys[0], answer[1], carrys[1]);
    Add1(left[2], right[2], carrys[1], answer[2], carrys[2]);
    Add1(left[3], right[3], carrys[2], answer[3], carryOut);

Obviously, we won't be using slow ripple adders in a high performance CPU. We'll use a Carry-lookahead adder instead. Here is an example of the if...elif...else...end statement, which uses the sum of products to calculate AlignBus32In.

// Align the bus input on an int/short/byte - BIG ENDIAN
//      byte: True if the reading a byte, false for short or int
//      word: True if reading a short, false if int
//      address: Last two bits of the address being read
//      dataIn: The 32 bit int read from the address (divisible by 4)
// RETURNS: The bus data re-aligned for the given type and address
// NOTE: Data must be aligned properly for the given type
// (int on 4 byte boundary, short on 2 byte boundary, byte anywhere)
box AlignBus32In[32](in byte, in word, in address[2], in dataIn[32]) is
    bit zWord[16] = 0[0:16];
    bit zByte[8] = 0[0:8];
    if (byte)
        // 8 bit value (byte)
        if (address == 0)
            AlignBus32In = set(zByte, zByte, zByte, dataIn[24:8]);
        elif (address == 1)
            AlignBus32In = set(zByte, zByte, zByte, dataIn[16:8]);
        elif (address == 2)
            AlignBus32In = set(zByte, zByte, zByte, dataIn[8:8]);
            AlignBus32In = set(zByte, zByte, zByte, dataIn[0:8]);
    elif (word)
        // 16 bit value (short)
        if (address[1] == 0)
            AlignBus32In = set(zWord, dataIn[16:16]);
            AlignBus32In = set(zWord, dataIn[0:16]);
        // 32 bit value (int)
        AlignBus32In = dataIn;


No hardware description language is complete without a CPU, so here it is. First, this is what an assembly language program would look like:

// CRC Example (in C)
uint Crc32(uint crc, uint *table, byte *buffer, int length)
    while(--length >= 0)
        crc = table[((crc >> 24) ^ *buffer++)] ^ (crc << 8);

// CRC Example (in Assembly Language)
#define crc     r0
#define table   r1
#define buffer  r2
#define length  r3

44030001    sub     length,1
0Cxxxxxx    bslt    crc_done            // Branch signed less than
50240018    usr     r4,crc,24           // r4 = ((uint)crc >> 24)
4C544202    xor.b   r4,[buffer++]       // r4 = r4 ^ *buffer++
4D000008    sl      crc,8		
4C601482    xor     crc,[table+r4*4]
44040001    sub     length,1
0Dxxxxxx    bsge    crc_loop            // Branch signed greater than or equal
404F4490    ld      pc,rlink            // Return to subroutine

And this the CPU assembly language quick reference card:

There are 16 general purpose 32 bit registers:
    0..13       General purpose registers (R0..R13)
    14 = S      Stack (mostly by convention, not because it's very special)
    15 = PC     Program counter

Extended registers (when X bit is set):
    0 = CC      Condition Codes
    1 = LR      Link register (used to return from subroutine)
    2..12       Reserved (will be used for interrupts)
    13..15      Map to general purpose registers (R13, S, PC)

0000001P ######## ######## ########
    02:Push   r0..r15,cc,link
    03:Pop    cc,link,r15..r0 **(Sorry, pop not yet implemented)**

Conditional Branches, Jumps, and Jump to Subroutine
001CCCCC ######## ######## ######## [optional immediate word]
    C = 20:BRN          21:BRA          22:BEQ          23:BNE
        24:BCS/BULT     25:BCC/BUGE     26:BVS          27:BVC
        28:BMI          29:BPL          2A:BULE         2B:BUGT
        2C:BSLT         2D:BSGE         2E:BSLE         2F:BSGT
        30:JSR #        Jump to subroutine (absolute)
        31:BSR #        Branch to subroutine (relative to PC)
    # = 24 bit signed value times 4, or 0x800000 for immediate value follows
    NOTE: ALU instruction 0x56 is also a jump to subroutine (e.g LD.J PC,[R0+R2*4])

ALU integer op-code chart:
        40:LD           41:ST           42:ADD          43:ADC
        44:SUB          45:SUBC         46:SUBR         47:SUBRC
        48:CMP          49:BIT          4A:AND          4B:OR
        4C:XOR          4D:SL           4E:SLC          4F:SR
        50:USR          51:SRC          52:MIN          53:UMIN
        54:MAX          55:UMAX         56:LD.J

CPU Instruction Modes (for ALU instructions listed above):
01CCCCCC    MMMMDDDD    [see below for next 16 bits]
    C: Alu operation (see ALU integer chart above)
    M: Mode, the next 16 bits are defined as follows:
        0: ######## ########    D = D op #16u
        1: ######## ########    D = D op #~16u
        2: SSSS#### ########    D = S op #12
        3: SSSS#### TTTx####    D = S op #8             [#32 follows when 0x80]
        4: SSSSRRRR TTTx0nnn    D = S op (R<<n)
        5: SSSSRRRR TTTx0iii    D = S op [R]            iii = [++R],[--R],[R++],[R--]
        6: SSSSRRRR TTTx0nnn    D = D op [S+(R<<n)]
        7: SSSSRRRR TTT#####    D = S op [R+#~5ux]      [#32 follows when 0]
        8: SSSSRRRR TTT#####    D = S op [R+#5ux]
        9: SSSSRRRR TTT#####    D = S op [R+#5ux+32x]
        A: SSSSRRRR TTT#####    D = S op [R+#5ux+64x]
        B: SSSSRRRR TTT#####    D = S op [R+#5ux+96x]
        C: ####RRRR TTT#####    D = D op [R+#9ux]
        D: ####RRRR TTT#####    D = D op [R+#9ux+512x]
        E: ####RRRR TTT#####    D = D op ->[R+#9ux]     [#32 follows when 0x1F]
        F: Reserved for future
    D: Destination register (and source register 1 for two register operations)
    S: Source register 1
    R: Source register 2
    n: Three bit number to shift left (unused if the ALU operation is a shift)
    i: Pre/post inc/dec, i = (0:[++R], 1:[--R], 2:[R++], 3:[R--], 4:[R])
    x: Use extended registers (r0, r1, cc, link, ... s, pc)
    T: Type - sbyte,byte,short,ushort,int,(reserved for future: float,long,double)
              NOTE: The right hand operand is sign extended (or zero filled) before
              the ALU operation.  The ALU operation is always performed as a 32
              bit integer operation.  The ALU output can be sign extended (or
              zero filled) by setting the E bit.    #16u = unsigned 16 bit number
    #~16u = unsigned 16 bit number | 0xFFFF0000 - always negative
    #12 (and #7) = signed 12 bit (or 7 bit) number
    #~5ux = (5 bit unsigned number | 0xFFFFFFe0) * sizeof(type) - always negative
    #5ux = 5 bit unsigned number * sizeof(type)
        NOTE: +32x, +64x, +96x = the number * sizeof(type)
    #9ux = 9 bit unsigned number * sizeof(type)


A hardware description language, simulator, and 32 bit CPU







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