These repositories are a part of a course led by Doron Feldman
- What is React and why do we need it?
- Intro to JSX
- React Components - Basics
- Examples - react-components
- Practice - react-practice-01
- React Components - State & Lifecycle
- Examples - react-state-lifecycle
- Practice - react-practice-02
- React Components - Class Components
- Examples - react-class-components
- React Components - Error Boundaries
- Examples - react-error-boundaries
- React Context
- Examples - react-context
- Practice - react-practice-03
- Styling in React
- Examples - react-styling ⬅ You are here
- Practice - react-practice-04
- React Routing
- Examples - react-routing
- Practice - react-practice-05
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
yarn start
npm install
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
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