history.pushState support;
window.addEventListener('popstate', func, false) support in Standard browser;
window.onpopstate support in All support browser(include IE6/7);
do NOT support history state object yet, pushState() first argument was ignored;
if you need multiple events bind in IE6/7, you should setting up the initialize method, see below.
use script:
<script src="http://html5-history.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/html5-history.js"></script>
Initializial it:
if you want use events binding in Internet Explorer, you need setting the fireEvent option to bind method arguments.
HTML5History.bind(window.history, {
fireEvent: function(element, type) {
After that, you can use jQuery(window).bind('popstate', function() {}) with IE6/7.
If you are in a Cross Domain environment(document.domain rewrited), you should place a 'blank.html' to you base domain server like : http://example.com/blank.html to support IE6/7.
history.pushState(state, title, url);
state/title argument is not worked, url argument is limited for only hash(#) string, example:
history.pushState(null, null, '#one'); //worked
history.pushState({}, 'my title', '#one'); // same as 1
history.pushState(null, null, 'http://www.renren.com/'); // throw an error
window.onpopstate event will fire while user click the back/forward button.
window.addEventListener('popstate', function() {
// you can do something in here
}, false);