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1.4 Troubleshooting

Joshua Graham edited this page Dec 3, 2024 · 27 revisions

This is a collection of issues encountered by govCMS users, and the ways they either got around them or died trying. If you've hit a problem you don't see here, add it in!

Be sure to include any error messages, so users find this page when they google theirs!

On this page

I can't log into my new local govCMS site, the password reset doesn't work!

GovCMS installs with a single-use login for the admin user, but refuses to allow setting a new password when prompted. This is a known bug.

Running ahoy login or docker-compose exec -T test drush uli may fail with the error Password may only be changed in 24 hours from the last change.

To fix it, reset the admin user password via Drush:

Mac/Linux:  ahoy drush upwd admin --password='${your-new-password}'
Windows:    docker-compose exec -T test drush upwd admin --password='${your-new-password}'

Provided sql file my-local-database.sql does not exist

Sometimes when running ahoy mysql-import <my-local-database>, the ahoy command returns this error. No idea why.

The fix is to manually run the command inside the ahoy command:

ahoy drush sql-drop && ahoy drush sql-cli < my-local-database.sql

Command <my-command> needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment to run this command

If you see this error when attempting to run a drush command:

Command <command> needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you        [error]
will need to invoke drush from a more functional Drupal environment
to run this command.
The drush command <command> could not be executed.              [error]

yet running drush status shows the website is alive, and the database connected successfully, I don't know what the problem really is.

The 'fix' is to blow away your local repo, download a fresh copy and ahoy up.

Content images don't appear up on my local site

If you've imported a website, it's normal not to include the entire filebase as this won't be tracked in the website's Git repository (unless you're clinically insane).

Freshly imported sites will only include the database and tracked codebase, so images won't be there.

The fix for this is detailed in the SaaS Developer Guide.

Browser shows No input file specified error when visiting project's URL

This normally indicates that there is no website living inside your project, or if key files are missing from within it. So this could be resolved with composer install, which perhaps has failed to run properly on ahoy up.

In Drupal 7, when first running the govcms7-scaffold-paas project containers, and visiting, this error will appear in the browser as the /docroot/ folder doesn't contain a website, so the server doesn't know what to serve. To fix this, try:

  1. Add a copy of Drupal (new site or existing site) into /docroot; OR
  2. Run docker-compose down, then uncomment line 31 of .env file and run docker-compose up -d
  3. Check your local git repo for changes to files in the website folder (/docroot/ for Drupal 7 or /web/ for Drupal 8), such as missing/modified index.php or .htaccess files. Revert them and rebuild your containers with docker-compose down and docker-compose up -d

My custom theme doesn't appear in the Themes admin page

If you've added a sub theme into your website's theme directory, but it isn't show up under Admin > Appearance, it may be a permissions issue preventing Docker from accessing the new files.

The fix is to:

  1. Reset Docker Desktop to inherit and sharing permission changes:

    docker-compose stop
    docker-compose up -d
  2. Then flush all your website caches:

    docker-compose exec -T test drush cc all


    ahoy drush cc all

No theme is rendering at all, just plain text on a white screen and errors about files!

This is normally caused by a missing tmp directory.

To fix it, create a new directory called tmp under sites/default/files (or wherever you have Drupal set to store it's temporary files).

I get input device is not a TTY when running certain docker-compose commands

Issue on Mac OS and Windows.

docker-compose exec runs with TTY allocation by default. Sometimes, Docker complains that it doesn't want it when running certain commands, e.g:

docker-compose exec cli drush sql-cli < mydatabase.sql
the input device is not a TTY

To fix this, add a -T flag to the exec command:

docker-compose exec -T cli drush sql-cli < mydatabase.sql

On Windows, if the -T flag doesn't help, you may need to install winpty, which gives Unix-like powers to Windows console programs.

To use it, simply prefix your command with winpty <command>.

Installing Pygmy fails

Discovered on MacOS.

When attempting to install pygmy with gem install pygmy, it may fail with this error (the path may vary based on your version of Ruby):

ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
    You don't have write permissions into the /usr/local/

Installing the latest stable version of RVM (Ruby Version Manager) can help avoid this. Be sure to use the command that installs the stable version, not the dev version!

pygmy up failing

Discovered on MacOS.

Docker may be running on another user's profile. Try restarting your computer.

Site cannot be found in browser after updating Docker

If you just updated Docker and your local site suddenly cannot be accessed via a browser, try turning pygmy off and on again - rebooting Docker messes with it.

pygmy down && pygmy up

docker login failing with credentials error

Discovered on MacOS.

Error in command line

Error saving credentials: error storing credentials - err: exit status 1, out: 'The user name or passphrase you entered is not correct.'

To fix this, open Keychain and lock/unlock your login keychain. Right click on the padlock.

docker pull failing with 'Access Denied' error

Error shown in command line

Using default tag: latest
Error response from daemon: Get unauthorized: HTTP Basic: Access denied

This is normally caused by not being logged into the GitLab registry where the images live. To fix it, log in with:

docker login

Log in with your govCMS GitLab username (e.g. email address) and your Personal Access Token (PAT) as the password (setting up SSH access to GitLab will save you needing to do this repeatedly).

If you don't have a Personal Access Token (PAT), you may not have a GitLab account set up with GovCMS. GovCMS runs their own hosted instance of GitLab, which is separate from

docker-compose up failing when it reaches SOLR containers

Discovered on MacOS, while creating a govCMS8 site.

Issue - Instance 1

Creating network "gov8-site_default" with the default driver
Creating gov8-site_mariadb_1 ...
Creating gov8-site_solr_1    ... error
Creating gov8-site_redis_1   ... done
Creating gov8-site_mariadb_1 ... error
Creating gov8-site_php_1     ...
Creating gov8-site_nginx_1   ...
Creating gov8-site_test_1    ...

ERROR: for gov8-site_solr_1  Cannot start service solr: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint... ...input/output error

Issue - Instance 2

Starting gov8-sitename_mariadb_1 ... error
Starting gov8-sitename_redis_1   ...
Starting gov8-sitename_solr_1    ...
Starting gov8-sitename_cli_1     ...

Starting gov8-sitename_redis_1   ... done
Starting gov8-sitename_solr_1    ... error
ir /port/tcp: input/output error

ERROR: for gov8-sitename_solr_1  Cannot start service solr: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint... ...Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/Starting gov8-sitename_cli_1     ... done
Starting gov8-sitename_php_1     ... done
Starting gov8-sitename_test_1    ... done
Starting gov8-sitename_nginx_1   ... done
Starting gov8-sitename_chrome_1  ... done

ERROR: for mariadb  Cannot start service mariadb: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint gov8-sitename_mariadb_1... Error starting userland proxy: mkdir ...input/output error

ERROR: for solr  Cannot start service solr: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint gov8-sitename_solr_1 '(...: Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

Solution 1

Didn't work: Tried netstat -a -b but nothing was running on port 80.

Worked: Restarted docker

Solution 2

Didn't work: Restarting docker

Solution 3 (this worked)

CMD netstat -a -b to see what was running on port 80 and killed the process via Task Manager; it was httpd.exe, i.e Apache

Drupal status report complains of an inconsistent database schema and mismatched tables

Discovered on MacOS after importing a PaaS site locally.

After signing in and viewing the Status Report, the errors below appear:

Database 4 byte UTF-8 support   Enabled, but database tables need conversion
Please convert all database tables to utf8mb4 prior to enabling it in settings.php. See the documentation on adding 4 byte UTF-8 support for more information.

    Database schema Inconsistent

The Schema comparison report shows:

    XX modules with matching tables
    XX extra tables
    XX modules with mis-matching tables

The database schema comparison report provides more details.

Cause unknown, no fix yet available.

Composer throws Undefined index: extra error when updating or requiring dependencies

  Undefined index: extra

This stems from this issue, and can be solved by deleting the file ./vendor/vendor/zaporylie/composer-drupal-optimizations, then running composer update zaporylie/composer-drupal-optimizations

Cannot connect to MySQL from my local CLI container

me@mymachine /app $ mysql -u drupal -pdrupal -h localhost drupal
Warning: World-writable config file '/etc/my.cnf.d/mariadb-client.cnf' is ignored
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

This may stem from the credentials you use to access mysql. Anything referring to localhost or inside a container will refer to that container itself, regardless of connected services.

Docker (for Mac, unsure about on Windows) uses a special DNS name to talk to containers. Instead, use


Furthermore, you must also specify the port assigned to your mariadb container, which probably won't be 3306 like normal. To get a list of your container ports, run this locally:

$ docker ps

ac932c650ad9{my org}/{my project}/mariadb-drupal-data   "/sbin/tini -- /lago…"   19 hours ago   Up 19 hours   3306/tcp,>3307/tcp

The port you need is the local one mapped to 3307, which is 32797.

So to access MySQL, this should work instead when run inside your CLI container:

$ mysql -u drupal -pdrupal -h -P 32797 drupal

'InvalidArgumentException: Source path user has to start with a slash. in Drupal\Core\Path\AliasManager->getAliasByPath() (line 229 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Path/AliasManager.php).'

FIX: This was caused by the globalredirect module - just remove it.

Build fails with the message toomanyrequests: You have reached your pull rate limit. You may increase the limit by authenticating and upgrading:

In November(?) 2020, Docker started enforcing a pull limit on public images for anonymous users:

FIX: You need to be signed into Docker to avoid the pull limit. To do this on remote sites (i.e. lagoon), add this line to your project's gitlab-ci.yml file (check the spacing!):


In Connection.php line 416: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused

This will occur if Drupal attempts to connect to a database with incorrect credentials - this can be a secondary database too, like when migrating sites.

If you are running a migration from Drupal 7 to 8 or 9, be sure to check any migration files that refer to database credentials. If a migration attempts to use the wrong details, you will see this error.

Composer fails due to lack of memory when running $ composer install, $ composer update etc

FIX: Set an alias to remove the PHP memory limit when calling Composer:

$ alias composer=’php -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/local/bin/composer’ (use this path if Composer is installed globally. Otherswise, use whatever path points to your desired Composer installation).

By setting an alias, you don't need to reset this every time you open a terminal.

Re-Importing migration config files shows a pile of changes, despite no changes

Normally, when importing config changes using drush cim -y, Drupal will run a diff to check for changes between the config in the files vs the config in the database.

When importing Migration config changes however, no diff is run, and all re-imported files will appear to contain updates even if they are identical to the config in the database.

Content type cannot be edited, showing a WSOD error complaining of language code 'und'

The edit function may fail if govcms search (in particular search api) automatically enables the language module that allows content translation on the site. This has the detrimental result of breaking the edit interface because Drupal core locks ‘und’ langcode when language is enabled and throws an exception. You may also experience language-related errors during re-migration if migrating D7 - D8.

Notice: tempnam(): file created in the system's temporary directory in Drupal\Core\File\FileSystem->tempnam() (line 278 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/File/FileSystem.php).

This may appear if the private files directory is missing/misconfigured. Ensure your directory structure matches the filepath found under /admin/config/media/file-system and create the folders which might be missing. The default filepath for Drupal 8's private directory is /sites/default/files/private/tmp.

Permissions could be also be incorrect. Assuming the above directories exist, you can try /bin/fix-permissions /app/web/sites/default/files.

WARN[0000] The GOVCMS_IMAGE_VERSION variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.

This error may appear when running docker compose up -d --build, after updating Docker alog with this error stack:

WARN[0000] The GOVCMS_IMAGE_VERSION variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The VOLUME_FLAGS variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The VOLUME_FLAGS variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The VOLUME_FLAGS variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The GOVCMS_IMAGE_VERSION variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The DOCKERHOST variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The XDEBUG_ENABLE variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
services.php.environment.DEV_MODE must be a string, number or null

I tried pulling the latest database, pruning old images, restarting pygmy, plus ahoy up, ahoy build and docker-compose up -d --build (the command inside of ahoy build), and nothing worked.

No idea why it fails despite no code changes from the previous working build, but here's the commands that finally fixed it for me:

$ ahoy down
$ docker compose up -d --build
$ ahoy build

UPDATE (thanks to Joshua Graham) Looks like related to docker compose v2 in 3.5.0 release

Use docker-compose disable-v2 to revert back to v1 functionality (if using docker-compose (docker compose will continue to use v2 version in my testing)

Logging in locally after enabling TFA throws WSOD error

When logging into a local site with Two Factor Authentication (TFA) enabled and configured for your user profile (as is often the case with sites spun up from PROD backups), you may get this error after entering your password:

Drupal\encrypt\Exception\EncryptException: This encryption method requires a 32 byte key. in Drupal\encrypt\EncryptService->validate() (line 115 of modules/contrib/encrypt/src/EncryptService.php).

To log in, you must either simply disable TFA as User 1 at /admin/config/people/tfa, or configure TFA to run locally. Note that the latter is not the most reliable method. It involves editing docker-compose.yml, which is a locked file in SaaS, and rebuilding your containers, and the changes should not be committed.

You can unblock User 1 and reset the password with Drush:

ahoy drush uublk $(ahoy drush uinf --uid=1 --field=name)
ahoy drush ev '$u=\Drupal\user\Entity\User::load(1); $u->set("field_password_expiration", "0"); $u->set("field_last_password_reset", date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s")); $u->save();'
echo "User 1 unblocked. Please reset the password with $ drush upwd <username> 'password'"

D7 SaaS site loads with no theme, complaining of being unable to create files

If your D7 site loads with no CSS, and shows this error message:

'The file could not be created.'

If you see something like this inside the container when clearning the cache:

file_put_contents(temporary://fileFMchCd): failed to open stream: "DrupalTemporaryStreamWrapper::stream_open" call failed

it may be that the permissions of /sites/default/ is set to 555. Try changing it with chmod 755 /sites/default and reload the page.

Mailhog not receiving emails / sendmail: Cannot open mxout.lagoon.svc:465

Occasionally on MacOS, the port used to send mail within the Docker containers is blocked (or used by something else?).

To confirm if mail can be sent, run this:

$ ahoy run 'echo "Subject: sendmail test" | sendmail -v'

If the port is blocked, you will see this response:

$ sendmail: Cannot open mxout.lagoon.svc:465

Lagoon checks for a particular ip:port when setting up web mail:

if [ ${SSMTP_MAILHUB+x} ]; then
  echo -e "\nmailhub=${SSMTP_MAILHUB}" >> /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
# check if we find a mailhog on
elif nc -z -w 1 1025 &> /dev/null; then
  echo -e "\nmailhub=" >> /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
# Fallback: check if on Lagoon then assume mxout.lagoon.svc can do smtp TLS
elif [ ! -z ${LAGOON_PROJECT} ]; then
  echo -e "UseTLS=Yes\nmailhub=mxout.lagoon.svc:465" >> /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf

If the check for fails, the error will appear.

The current workaround is to explicitly assign the variable SSTMP_MAILHUB in either your docker-compose.yml or better yet a docker-compose.override.yml file:

x-environment: &default-environment
  # Override: Add mailhub port to fix pygmy mapping issue that prevents emails sending 
  SSMTP_MAILHUB: "host.docker.internal:1025"
  # On a MAC, you may need to use the IP address instead, if you get the error that it cannot connect to host.docker.internal.
  # So run `ahoy cli` => `ping -c1 host.docker.internal` => Note IP address e.g. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX,
  # then add instead:

Rebuild your containers, and test the mail again:

$ ahoy run 'echo "Subject: sendmail test" | sendmail -v'
[<-] 220 mailhog.example ESMTP MailHog
[->] HELO 6baea474dc3c
[<-] 250 Hello 6baea474dc3c
[->] MAIL FROM:<root@6baea474dc3c>
[<-] 250 Sender root@6baea474dc3c ok
[->] RCPT TO:<>
[<-] 250 Recipient ok
[->] DATA
[<-] 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
[->] Received: by 6baea474dc3c (sSMTP sendmail emulation); Thu, 28 Oct 2021 02:29:10 +0000
[->] From: "root" <root@6baea474dc3c>
[->] Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 02:29:10 +0000
[->] Subject: sendmail test
[->] .
[<-] 250 Ok: queued as dF8jrQyPA9xa9Cv-VD4xqV-St4RqCSprNpvzEcqcw2I=@mailhog.example
[->] QUIT
[<-] 221 Bye
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