Name : Gowriswarup Kailas Perumal Student Number: 20087165 Course Name: BSc (Hons) in Computer Forensics and Cyber Security
Brief description of the animation achieved: This is a Game titled "Space Collision". The basic instructions are as follows: (i) Use the Up/Down Arrows to Move the SpaceCraft Up or Down. (ii) Avoid the Red Obstacles to score points. Getting hit by one results in a life lost. Avoiding hits results in a point scored each time. (iii) Catch the Blue objects to score 10 points each time. Missing one would result in a life lost. The spaceship colours are changed every time the program is loaded. At the end of the game, the final score is displayed, along with the Score streaks, i.e the points scored in each life. Total number of lives is 10. (use of Arrays) The highest, lowest and average life streaks are also displayed. (array calculations) (IMP) Players please make sure that the Sound Library is installed in your version of Processing. This is an essential requirement to play this game. Wearing headphones improve audio playback quality.
Known bugs/problems:
In some cases, background only changes color after the messagebox is displayed during gameOver phase.
Any sources referred to during the development of the assignment (no need to reference lecture/lab materials):
(i)Audio Sourced from (Royalty-free, non-Copyrighted for commercial/Non-commercial Use)