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Before starting

Github Organization

You need to create a Github Organization:

So far you need nothing but the organization name. Further steps while require additional data.

Github user

You need a master user, which is recommended not to be you main Github user, as you will need to provide an API Key with advanced permissions.

Create a new user on Github and then create an API Key with at least push, clone, including private repos, rights from:

Take not from that key, it will only show once.

Now, add this user to the organization you just created. That can be done from:, where "YOUR_ORG" is the name of the organization you created before.

Common steps

Create the user-password combinations for the rabbit queues

printf <user> | docker secret create rabbit-user
printf <pass> | docker secret create rabbit-pass

Running locally:

What you need

  • Python 3.x
  • Docker (for mongo)


Install required Python libraries

pip install -r servers/webhooks/requirements.txt
pip install -r servers/frontend/requirements.txt

Create docker networks for test execution

docker network create --driver bridge backend
docker network create --internal results

Fire up mongo on Docker (note change /tmp/data if you want permanent storage)

docker run --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -v /tmp/data:/data/db --rm --network backend -d mongo

Build now (and everytime you change agents), build the dockers (you might need sudo)


Start the webhooks/tests server with

python --github-api-key=<YOUR API KEY> --github-org=<YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME> --mongo-host=localhost

For example:

python --port 8080 --github-fake-id=123 --no-github-init --github-api-key=231af25d0 --github-org=TNUI-UB --mongo-host=localhost

Processing tests synchronously instead of in a processes pool can be achieved by setting the environment variable DISABLE_POOL to 1, for example:

DISABLE_POOL=1 python --github-api-key=231af25d0 --github-org=TNUI-UB --mongo-host=localhost

This proves to be useful when debugging Jobs or blocking for tests completion.

Running with docker

What you need

  • Docker
  • Docker-compose


First (and everytime you change something, ie. code), build the dockers (you might need sudo)


First time only, copy the file docker-compose.yml.template to docker-compose.yml and make sure to replace all <XXXX> values inside for its corresponding values.

Once it's ready, run it:


Creating tests

Each organization must have its own docker volume for the data. Suppose your organization name is "TNUI-UB" and your tests to be executed are "tests-assignment-2018". The following is to be done:

docker run -ti --rm --mount source=TNUI-UB-tests-assignment-2018,target=/tests alpine/git clone <TESTS_GIT_URL> /tests/_

Notice how the source argument is composed of <ORGANIZATION>-<TESTS>.