xHacking is a hacking oriented library. It provides useful functions for cracking, reverse engineering and hacking.
A brief schematic of the library is:
Some useful functions to be used on target processes
Easily loads or waits for a DLL to be loaded. Asynchronous callbacks fire up when the DLL is available.
Allows to create detours, codecaves and memory exceptions (PAGE_GUARD breakpoints/codecaves) in the target memory.
+Wait (Depends on Loader)
+Load (Depends on Loader)
+operator()(Args...), operator()(), operator()()
Allows to indirectly call APIs. Can also fake calls return addresses.
+AutoFakeRange (Depends on Utilities)
+AutoFakeWithinModule (Depends on Utilities)
+AutoFake (Depends on Utilities, Loader)
+AutoLoad (Depends on Utilities, Loader)
NOTE: Only x86 support yet!